The following information has failedWiktionary's verification process.
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I just checked 4. out in the Merriam-Webster, I can check the Oxford if you want. However, this definition is not listed in the M-W, nor is it consistent with the other definitions. I think it should be removed. --, 11 November 2009 (UTC)Reply
RFV failed, sense removed. (BTW, it's not in the OED Online, either.) —RuakhTALK01:33, 13 April 2010 (UTC)Reply
Usage example for the first definition of piety meaning reverence and devotion to God - "Connie's intense piety made her brother and her friends view her as robotic and submissive." - seems highly inappropriate and combative. Note I am not making any judgement as to the grammatical correctness of the usage example, only the topic selected to display usage.
It feels as if the author went with the first usage that came to mind and felt it was good enough, but I believe a better usage example can give all visitors the definition they seek without running the risk of insulting/offending a portion of them.
I figured I'd comment in the talk page before changing it to see if others agree/disagree. If you agree and have a better usage then feel free to replace the existing one, if you disagree then please post why. Ill check back in a few days, if no one responds ill think of something and change it., 11 August 2010 (UTC)Reply
The following information has failedWiktionary's verification process (permalink).
Failure to be verified means that insufficient eligible citations of this usage have been found, and the entry therefore does not meet Wiktionary inclusion criteria at the present time. We have archived here the disputed information, the verification discussion, and any documentation gathered so far, pending further evidence.
Do not re-add this information to the article without also submitting proof that it meetsWiktionary's criteria for inclusion.
Rfv-sense "A belief that is accepted unthinkingly and with undue reverence".Removed by IP. —SURJECTION/ T/ C/ L/07:07, 10 June 2024 (UTC)Reply