Some less reliable sources (AHD3,Webster 1913) list Old Englishméc (mék) andmeoc. As neither m-w nor the new version of AHD list them, I've left them out of the etymology here. —Muke Tever 06:24, 25 Feb 2004 (UTC)
The following discussion has been moved fromWiktionary:Requests for verification.
This discussion is no longer live and is left here as an archive. Please do not modify this conversation, but feel free to discuss its conclusions.
This is an rfv-sense for the noun sense, listed as "the meek", with the biblical quote "Blessed are the meek"...etc.
My contention is that this use is adjectival, and is not used as a distinct noun entity enough to deserve a seperate noun entry. --Jeffqyzt23:54, 28 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
I should clarify; the full definition listed is "People who are meek.", with the biblical quote as example. However, people who are meek are merely meek people, and collectively may be referred to as "the meek", just as people who are weak may be collectively referred to as "the weak". In this, I am suggesting that it's not a case likehomeless, where the collective entity has additional shades of meaning. Just so discussion doesn't revolve around the cite :-) --Jeffqyzt00:38, 29 October 2006 (UTC)Reply
I agree its an adjective. Changed header.Andrew massyn18:23, 4 December 2006 (UTC)Reply
In the use of meek in the biblical passage, as it is translated from Hebrew texts it doesn't convey the full meaning of the word.It means humble - but not weak (instead more of the opposite) as far as I can remember.— Thisunsigned comment was added by202.7.183.132 (talk) at 13:19, 13 September 2008.
A wise woman once told me,"meek is not weak, it is strength under control". it was used in the west when they would brake a wild horse. they would "meek" it— This comment wasunsigned.