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Latest comment:2 years ago by Thomas Norren in topicVietnamese example

English'bi- is a prefix'Bi, alone, is not a word, but an implied prefix. Therefore, it can be implied to mean two of anything depending on the context.

Not really.Bi used as adjective and noun forbisexual can be easily attested from published writings. I doubt you'd findany usage for e.g.biennials orbirefringent., 27 January 2010 (UTC)Reply
Fine, but at least reference the prefix and include other definitions of the word. ~~ I would sign, but I don't know what the code is.
~~~~, for future reference.​—msh21020:28, 27 January 2010 (UTC)Reply



The Navajo language entry here seems to be a mistake. For one, this entry heading is for standalonebi, whereas the prefix is located at the page forbi-. TheNavajo entry on thebi- page appears to be correct. For two, the standalone third person possessive pronoun in Navajo is with a high tone, notbi with a low tone.

I'm tempted to remove thebi#Navajo entry altogether, moving this definition to the page. Before I do so, does anyone know if low-tonebi might be a dialectical variation among Navajo speakers? If so, we should keep thebi#Navajo entry, but if no, it needs to go. -- Curious,Eiríkr Útlendi |Tala við mig07:18, 9 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Removed. There is onlybi- and.—Stephen(Talk)17:29, 9 January 2011 (UTC)Reply

Scottish Gaelic etymology


Hello! Should Scottish Gaelicbi 'to be' be derived from PIE*bʰuH- or PIE*gʷeih₃w- (along with Bretonbeva, Cornishbewa, and Welshbyw)? I've seen it associated with both on Wiktionary (and inMacBain, but MacBain is from 1896). Associated with*bʰuH-/*bʰew- (among others): "", "bʰuH-" (the Irish form given only). Associated with*gʷeih₃w- (among others): "bevañ" and in this very article.

Also, could someone, please, shed some light on why SG hasbi if Old Irish has a long vowel? Lots of thanks in advance!Ryba g (talk)20:21, 1 November 2015 (UTC)Reply

Vietnamese example


For the example for the Vietnamese one it says "Á! Dập bi tao rồi! Ow! My bawlls popped!", is "bawlls" a typo and is "balls" whats meant to be typed?Thomas Norren (talk)11:03, 26 November 2022 (UTC)Reply

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