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Latest comment:2 years ago by Kai Burghardt in topicRFV discussion: March 2022

RFV discussion: March 2022


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I could not find the sense,bakery: baked goods, in OED/OAD, MW, MacMillan or otherbilingual dictionaries.The only sourceI found so far isLexico.Personally, I’d consider it a transference mistake made by speakers from languages coalescing the meaningsbusiness/place baked goods are produced at andbaked goods itself.What do you think?
‑‑Kai Burghardt (talk)13:58, 16 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

This is a very common sense in American English. —Fytcha T| L| C14:10, 16 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
That's news to me. One can certainly find lots of usage with "bakery" attributively modifying nouns, as in "bakery bread", but not (in this sense) as a noun on its own. Of course, I can't say categorically that such usage doesn't exist, but I've never encountered it.Chuck Entz (talk)14:36, 16 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
@Chuck Entz: Isn't this the sense that's used in "fresh bakery"? Because that catchphrase is common, also in California ([1]). While this could perhaps also be a hypallage, I think I've heard it in other contexts too.This book seems to support my claim apart from the fact that it (cites something that) qualifies it withchiefly Ger settlement areas. —Fytcha T| L| C15:01, 16 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
"a colleague said she was going out to get somebakery and asked if I would like some; that was initially a puzzle, because to me, thebakery was where you bought sweet things, it wasn’t the pastries themselves"Fytcha T| L| C15:19, 16 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
Cited. —Fytcha T| L| C15:39, 16 March 2022 (UTC)Reply
Verified quotes.RFV passed. @Chuck Entz,Fytcha: Thank you. ‑‑Kai Burghardt (talk)11:32, 23 March 2022 (UTC)Reply

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