FromLatinsenēscere(“to growold”).
- IPA(key): /sɪˈnɛsəns/,/səˈnɛsəns/
senescence (usuallyuncountable,pluralsenescences)
- (biology) Thestate orprocess ofageing, especially inhumans; old age.
- Synonyms:oldhood,senectitude,vetustity;see alsoThesaurus:old age
1997,David Foster Wallace, “A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again”, inA Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again, Kindle edition, Little, Brown Book Group:Organized shuffleboard has always filled me with dread. Everything about it suggests infirmsenescence and death: it’s like it’s a game played on the skin of a void and the rasp of the sliding puck is the sound of that skin getting abraded away bit by bit.
2012, Lydia Pyne, Stephen J. Pyne, chapter 6, inThe Last Lost World, Penguin,→ISBN:Over the next 150 years the known age of the Earth expanded a millionfold and lost worlds of the past were found to have overflowed with species now gone. The chain stretched, aged, and eventually succumbed tosenescence.
- (cytology) Ceasing to divide bymitosis because of shortening oftelomeres or excessiveDNA damage.
- 2018, University of Edinburgh, "Liver Study Offers Insights into Hard-to-treat Diseases" (9 March 2018),Drug Discovery & Development.
- Tests in mice found that inducingsenescence in bile duct cells - mimicking the process seen in human bile duct disease - led to liver scarring and damage of liver function.
- (gerontology) Old age; accumulated damage tomacromolecules,cells,tissues andorgans with the passage of time.
- (botany) Fruit senescence, leading to ripening of fruit.
- (cytology, of a cell) Condition when thecell ceases todivide.
biology: the state or process of aging
cell biology: ceasing to divide by mitosis
botany: fruit senescence, leading to ripening of fruit