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Alternative forms




Variant ofcord, with spelling alteration due toLatinchorda(cord), ultimately fromAncient Greekχορδή(khordḗ,string of gut, the string of a lyre). No relation toFrenchaccord(chord) and its derivations.





chord (pluralchords)

Example of a chord in sense 1:

  1. (music) Aharmonic set of three or morenotes that is heard as if sounding simultaneously.
    • 1956,Delano Ames, chapter 14, inCrime out of Mind[1]:
      He struck the openingchords of the passage; but this time Irene's voice was silent. Victor stopped in the middle of an arpeggio.
  2. (geometry) Aline segment between two points of a curve.
    • 1941 September, “The Why and the Wherefore: Curves”, inRailway Magazine, page430:
      The simplest method of calculating the radius of a curvein situ is to measure the versine; in railway practice this is done by extending a tape 66 ft. (1 ch.) long in a straight line orchord between two points on the periphery of a curve, and then measuring the maximum distance of the rail from thechord at the centre of the 66 ft. The radius in chains is found by dividing the versine in inches into 99. Thus if a versine measures 3 in., the radius will be 33 ch.
  3. (engineering) A horizontalmember of atruss.
    1. (rail transport) A section of subsidiaryrailway track thatinterconnects two primary tracks that cross at differentlevels, to permit traffic to flow between them.
  4. (aeronautics) The distance between theleading andtrailing edge of a wing, measured in the direction of the normal airflow.
  5. (nautical) Animaginary line from theluff of a sail to itsleech.
  6. (computing) Akeyboard shortcut that involves two or more distinctkeypresses, such as Ctrl+M followed by P.
    • 2005, James Avery,Visual Studio hacks, page99:
      Ctrl-K is the default first key forchords, but you can create chords using any keys that you want.
  7. Thestring of amusical instrument.
    • 1667,John Milton, “(please specify the page number)”, inParadise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], and are to be sold by Peter Parker [];[a]nd by Robert Boulter [];[a]nd Matthias Walker, [],→OCLC; republished asParadise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [],1873,→OCLC:
      Instruments that made melodious Chime
      Was heard, of Harp and Organ; and who mov'd
      Their Stops and Chords was seen
  8. (anatomy) Acord.
  9. (graph theory) Anedge that is not part of acycle but connects twovertices of the cycle.

Derived terms



combination of three or more notes
straight line
horizontal member of a truss
distance of a wing's leading and trailing edges
keyboard shortcut

See also




chord (third-person singular simple presentchords,present participlechording,simple past and past participlechorded)

  1. (transitive) To write chords for.
    • 2003, Dan Levenson,Clawhammer Banjo from Scratch:
      Thischording technique works well for learning any tune, but this is the only tune of the set that I will write out completely as achorded version.
  2. (music) Toaccord; toharmonize together.
    This notechords with that one.
  3. (transitive) To provide with musical chords or strings; tostring; totune.
    • 1687,John Dryden,A Song for Cecilia's Day:
      When Jubal struck thechorded shell.
    • 1862,Henry Ward Beecher,Eyes and Ears:
      Even the solitary old pine treechords his harp.


to write chords for

See also

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