Character variations
Text style Emoji style 🅿︎ 🅿️ Text style isforced with ⟨︎⟩ and emoji style with ⟨️⟩.
From theEtruscan letter𐌐 ( p ,“ pe ” ) , from theAncient Greek letterΠ ( P ,“ pi ” ) , derived from thePhoenician letter𐤐 ( p ,“ pe ” ) , from theEgyptian hieroglyph𓂋 .
P (lower case p )
The sixteenth letter of thebasic modern Latin alphabet .1988 , Mary Steele,Mallyroot's Pub at Misery Ponds , Ringwood: Puffin Books, page73 :"That doesn't look too flash either," frowned Henry. "Let's put theP back.""
( chemistry ) Chemical symbol forphosphorus . ( metrology ) symbol forpeta- ( biochemistry ) IUPAC 1-letter abbreviation forproline ( mathematics ) probability P (A) is the probability of A occurring( physics ) power ( physics ) The symbol for poise .( computer science ) class ofproblems solvable inpolynomial time ( linguistics ) Awildcard for aplosive synonyms:S for a 'stop' pula (currency ofBotswana )( cartography ) Repersents aparking area on a map, synonyms:🅿️ The templateTemplate:Letter does not use the parameter(s):Character=P Please seeModule:checkparams for help with this warning. Other representations of P:
P (upper case ,lower case p ,plural Ps or P's )
The sixteenthletter of the Englishalphabet , calledpee and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z P (upper case ,lower case p )
Theordinal numbersixteenth , derived from thisletter of the Englishalphabet , calledpee and written in theLatin script . Abbreviations.
P (countable anduncountable ,plural Ps )
Abbreviation ofpark .Abbreviation ofphone .Abbreviation ofpager .Abbreviation ofpassenger .Abbreviation ofpocket .5P garment
Alternative form of₱ ( Philippine peso ) ( chess ) Abbreviation ofpawn .( medicine ) AP wave on anelectrocardiogram .( slang , chiefly US ) Abbreviation ofpure ( A "pure " form of an illegal drug, especiallyheroin ) .2009 , Dr Kerry Spackman,The Winner's Bible :P directly targets the dopamine pathways in your brain and as a result goes straight to your pleasure/reward module, which makes it an incredibly hard drug to break free from.
( slang , New Zealand ) Abbreviation ofpure ( A "pure " form of an illegal drug, especiallymethamphetamine ) .2011 May 6,New Zealand Herald :Almost 70kg of pre-cursor drugs that could be used to manufacture $20 million ofP have been seized by police and customs officers.
( UK , television ) Initialism ofproduct placement .( displayed on screen as an indicator to viewers ) An academic grade issued by certain educational institutions to indicate that a studentpasses a class. ( US , military , aviation ) Initialism ofpatrol .Apatrol aircraft , apatroller . Coordinate terms: PB ,PT ,PF ( MLE , slang ) Apound ( currency unit ) .Poundz,Life I Live They don't know 'bout the life that I live, / Man madebare Ps and buy new sticks P (notcomparable )
( UK ) Abbreviation ofprobationary (used on a vehicle'sP-plate )( Australia ) Abbreviation ofprovisional (used on a vehicle'sP-plate )( anatomy , medicine ) Abbreviation ofpulmonary .P (notcomparable )
( chiefly US ) Alternative spelling ofP.M. ( “ post meridiem ” ) or PM P
( computing theory ) Theset of allproblems that are solvable inpolynomial time by adeterministic Turing machine ( law ) Initialism ofpatient .( the subject of proceedings in the Court of Protection ) ( biblical , history ) Abbreviation ofPriestly source .P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Afrikaansalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z P (plural P's ,diminutive P'tjie )
The twenty-ninthletter of the Angamialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) Ü ü ,Üi üi ,A a ,Ai ai ,I i ,Ie ie ,U u ,Uo uo ,E e ,Ei ei ,O o ,Ou ou ,K k ,Kh kh ,G g ,Ng ng ,C c ,Ch ch ,J j ,Jh jh ,Ny ny ,T t ,Th th ,D d ,N n ,Ts ts ,Tsh tsh ,Dz dz ,P p ,Ph ph ,B b ,M m ,Pf pf ,Bv bv ,Y y ,Yh yh ,R r ,Rh rh ,L l ,Lh lh ,F f ,V v ,W w ,Wh wh ,S s ,Sh sh ,Z z ,Zh zh ,H h P upper case (lower case p )
The twenty-thirdletter of the Azerbaijanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) hərf ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,Ə ə ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,X x ,I ı ,İ i ,J j ,K k ,Q q ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u ,Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z P (upper case ,lower case p )
The seventeenthletter of the Basquealphabet , calledpe and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Catalanalphabet , calledpe and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lletres ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l (L·L l·l ),M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z /p/ is from West Germanic stem-initial or geminated*p ; from*p insp, mp , in Ripuarian alsolp, rp ; in most of Moselle Franconian from*bb .P
A letter in the German-based alphabet of Central Franconian. A letter in the Dutch-based alphabet of Central Franconian. Doubling of P
In the German-based spelling,p is doubled after short vowels except in certain function words and when the letter is followed by another consonant within the word stem. In the Dutch-based spelling,p is doubled after short vowels if the syllable were otherwise open. P (lower case p )
A letter of theMazahua alphabet. Derived fromEnglish photoshop .
( chiefly Internet slang ) tophotoshop 2023 August 17,汤皓 ,牟馨仪 ,温淑蛉 , “社交平台荷官“安娜”头像过千 ”, in法制文萃报 ,page 5 :随后 ,有 不少 网友 发挥 起 了 创意 ,将 “安娜 ”与 东坡肉 P 在一起 ,配文 :“上菜 了 。”还有 “安娜 ”与 各类 教材 P 在一起 ,祈祷 “保证 上岸 ”等等 。[MSC ,simp. ] 隨後 ,有 不少 網友 發揮 起 了 創意 ,將 “安娜 ”與 東坡肉 P 在一起 ,配文 :“上菜 了 。”還有 “安娜 ”與 各類 教材 P 在一起 ,祈禱 “保證 上岸 ”等等 。[MSC ,trad. ] Suíhòu, yǒu bùshǎo wǎngyǒu fāhuī qǐ le chuàngyì, jiāng “Ānnà” yǔ dōngpōròupī zàiyīqǐ, pèiwén: “Shàngcài le.” Háiyǒu “Ānnà” yǔ gèlèi jiàocáipī zàiyīqǐ, qídǎo “bǎozhèng shàng'àn” děngděng. [Pinyin] (please add an English translation of this quotation) (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( LGBTQ ) femme ,lipstick lesbian FromEnglish party .Doublet ofparty ,派對 / 派对 ( pàiduì ) , and 趴體 / 趴体 ( pātǐ ) .
( Hong Kong Cantonese ) party P
The sixteenth letter of the Latin alphabet. P
The sixteenth letter used inPinyin . 《汉语拼音方案》 defines a standard pronunciation for each letter. However, these pronunciations are rarely used in education; another pronunciation is commonly used instead. The pronunciation above are only used while referring to letters in Pinyin. They are not used in other context (such as English). P (capital ,lowercase p )
the sixteenth letter of the Dutch alphabet Previous letter:O Next letter:Q P (upper case P , lower case p )
The nineteenthletter of the Elfdalianalphabet , written in theLatin script . P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twentiethletter of the Esperantoalphabet , calledpo and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ĉ ĉ ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ĝ ĝ ,H h ,Ĥ ĥ ,I i ,J j ,Ĵ ĵ ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ŝ ŝ ,T t ,U u ,Ŭ ŭ ,V v ,Z z P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Estonianalphabet , calledpee and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) täht ;A a ,B b (C c ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Š š ,Z z ,Ž ž ,T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),Õ õ ,Ä ä ,Ö ö ,Ü ü (X x ,Y y )The Finnish orthography using the Latin script was based on those of Swedish, German and Latin, and was first used in the mid-16th century. No earlier script is known. Seethe Wikipedia article on Finnish for more information , andP for information on the development of the glyph itself.
P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Finnishalphabet , calledpee and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) kirjain ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s (Š š ),T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),X x ,Y y ,Z z (Ž ž ),Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Frenchalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lettre ;A a (À à , â ,Æ æ ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n (Ñ ñ ),O o (Ô ô ,Œ œ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y (Ÿ ÿ ),Z z P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenth letter of the German alphabet. P (lower case p )
Aletter of the Heiltsukalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Á á ,A̓ a̓ ,B b ,C c ,C̓ c̓ ,D d , ,G g ,Gv gv ,Ǧ ǧ ,Ǧv ǧv ,H h ,H̓ h̓ ,Ħ ħ ,I i ,Í í ,I̓ i̓ ,K k ,Kv kv ,K̓ k̓ ,K̓v k̓v ,L l ,ʼL l̓ ,Ḷ ḷ ,Ḷ́ ḷ́ ,ʼḶ ḷ̓ ,Ɫ ɫ ,M m ,ʼM m̓ ,Ṃ ṃ ,Ṃ́ ṃ́ ,ʼṂ ṃ̓ ,N n ,ʼN n̓ ,Ṇ ṇ ,Ṇ́ ṇ́ ,ʼṆ ṇ̓ ,P p ,P̓ p̓ ,Q q ,Qv qv ,Q̓ q̓ ,Q̓v q̓v ,S s ,T t ,T̓ t̓ , ƛ ,̓ ƛ̓ ,U u ,Ú ú ,U̓ u̓ ,W w ,ʼW w̓ ,X x ,Xv xv ,X̌ x̌ ,X̌v x̌v ,Y y ,ʼY y̓ ,Z z ,ʔ P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twenty-eighthletter of the Hungarianalphabet , calledpé and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) betű ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,C c ,Cs cs ,D d ,Dz dz ,Dzs dzs ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,Gy gy ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ly ly ,M m ,N n ,Ny ny ,O o ,Ó ó ,Ö ö ,Ő ő ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sz sz ,T t ,Ty ty ,U u ,Ú ú ,Ü ü ,Ű ű ,V v ,Z z ,Zs zs .Only in the extended alphabet: Q q W w X x Y y .Commonly used: ch .Also defined: à ë .In surnames (selection): ä aa cz ds eé eö ew oe oó th ts ÿ .P (lower case p )
The twentiethletter of the Icelandicalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bókstafur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Þ þ ,Æ æ ,Ö ö P (lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Idoalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z P (upper case ,lower case p )
The fourteenthletter of the Irishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (Á á ),B b (Bh bh ,bhF bhf ,bP bp ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ,dT dt ),E e (É é ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (gC gc ,Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Í í ),L l ,M m (mB mb ,Mh mh ),N n (nD nd ,nG ng ),O o (Ó ó ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ,tS ts ),U u (Ú ú ),V v ( diacritics ) ◌́ ◌̇ ( dotted letters used chiefly inGaelic type ) Ḃ ḃ ,Ċ ċ ,Ḋ ḋ ,Ḟ ḟ ,Ġ ġ ,Ṁ ṁ ,Ṗ ṗ ,Ṡ ẛ ṡ ,Ṫ ṫ P f or m (invariable ,upper case ,lower case p )
The fourteenthletter of the Italianalphabet , calledpi and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lettera ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,J j ,K k ),L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v (W w ,X x ,Y y ),Z z Italian alphabet on Wikipedia.Wikipedia FromEnglish producer . The VOCALOID sense may have arisen from an extension of the concept of producers inTHE IDOLM@STER ; bothTHE IDOLM@STER and VOCALOID were/are popular topics on theNiconico video sharing website.
P( ピー ) • (-pī )
( entertainment, music ) Initialism ofプロデューサー ( purodyūsā ,“ producer ” ) .( more specifically ) Used in the names of musicians who produce music featuringVOCALOID or adjacent software. ささくれP( ピー ) sasakure-pī sasakureP ( VOCALOID ) The practice of bestowing or creating new "P-names" is largely extinct.P( ピー ) • (pī- )
( typography , especially in typeface names) Initialism ofプロポーショナル ( puropōshonaru ,“ proportional ” ) .M( エム ) S( エス ) P( ピー ) ゴシックEmuesuPī -goshikku MS PGothic P( ピー ) • (pī )
( video games , only in compounds) Initialism ofプレイヤー ( pureiyā ,“ player ” ) .2( ツー ) P( ピー ) カラーtsū-pī karā "player two" colors; alternate colors Usage with the English-derived reading of numbers (2P( ツーピー ) ) is more common than usage with the Sino-Japanese reading of numbers (2P( にピー ) ). Borrowed fromTagalog P . Letter pronunciation is influenced byEnglish P .
P (upper case ,lower case p )
The eighteenthletter of the Kankanaeyalphabet , calledpi and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (2016 )Ortograpiya di Kankanaëy [Kankanaey Orthography ][1] (in Kankanaey and Tagalog),→ISBN , pages10-11 The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theKashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, andP for development of the glyph itself.
P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twenty-fourthletter of the Kashubianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,É é ,Ë ë ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ò ò ,Ó ó ,Ô ô ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ù ù ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ż ż P (plural PP )
Abbreviation ofpater ,father .Abbreviation ofpatris .Abbreviation ofpatri .Abbreviation ofpatrem .Abbreviation ofpatre .Abbreviation ofpapa ,pope .Synonym: PP Abbreviation ofpapae .Abbreviation ofpapam .Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed byK. Mīlenbahs , which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in GermanFraktur , and sporadically inCyrillic .
P P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twenty-fourthletter of the Latvianalphabet , calledpē and written in theLatin script . Letters of the Latvian alphabet: burti :A a ,Ā ā ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,D d ,E e ,Ē ē ,F f ,G g ,Ģ ģ ,H h ,I i ,Ī ī ,J j ,K k ,Ķ ķ ,L l ,Ļ ļ ,M m ,N n ,Ņ ņ ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,Ū ū ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž ( Name of letter ) IPA (key ) : [pi] ( Phoneme, Syllable initial ) IPA (key ) : [p] ( Phoneme, Syllable final ) IPA (key ) : [p̚] P
The sixteenthletter of the Malayalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z P (upper case P , lower case p )
the sixteenth letter of the Norwegian alphabet In neo-runic inscriptions and texts (from period after the Reformation) may be replaced byᛔ or a similar character usually derived fromᛒ -rune.
P (upper case ,lower case p )
The nineteenthletter of the Nupealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) banki ;A a (Á á ,À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,Dz dz ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ),J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,Ts ts ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Zh zh The Polish orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See thehistory of Polish orthography article on Wikipedia for more, andP for development of the glyph itself.
P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twenty-secondletter of the Polishalphabet , calledpe and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,Ę ę ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u (V v ),W w (X x ),Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Portuguesealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,à ã ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,Ê ê ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z P (upper case ,lower case p )
( International Standard ) The twentiethletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Pan-Vlax ) The twenty-firstletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,X x ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kh kh ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u ,V v ,Z z International Standard: (À à ,Ä ä ,Ǎ ǎ ),Ć ć ,Ćh ćh , (È è ,Ë ë ,Ě ě ), (Ì ì ,Ï ï ,Ǐ ǐ ), (Ò ò ,Ö ö ,Ǒ ǒ ),Rr rr ,Ś ś , (Ù ù ,Ü ü ,Ǔ ǔ ),Ź ź ,Ʒ ʒ ,Q q ,Ç ç ,ϴ θ .Pan-Vlax: Č č ,Čh čh ,Dž dž , (Dź dź ),Ř ř ,Š š , (Ś ś ),Ž ž , (Ź ź ) .P (upper case ,lower case p )
The nineteenthletter of the Romanianalphabet , calledpe orpî and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ă ă , â ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Î î ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,Ș ș ,T t ,Ț ț ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z P
The twenty-fourthletter of the Saanichalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A ,Á ,Ⱥ ,B ,C ,Ć ,Ȼ ,D ,E ,H ,I ,Í ,J ,K ,Ꝁ ,Ꝃ ,₭ ,Ḵ ,Ḱ ,L ,Ƚ ,M ,N ,Ṉ ,O ,P ,Q ,S ,Ś ,T ,Ⱦ ,Ṯ ,Ŧ ,U ,W ,W̱ ,X ,X̱ ,Y ,Z ,s ,¸ P (upper case ,lower case p )
The fourteenthletter of the Scottish Gaelicalphabet , written in theLatin script . It is preceded byo and followed byr . Its traditional name isbeith bhog ( “ soft birch ” ) . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (À à ),B b (Bh bh ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ),E e (È è ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Ì ì ),L l ,M m (Mh mh ),N n ,O o (Ò ò ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ),U u (Ù ù )( diacritics ) ◌̀ ( obsolete vowels ) Á á É é Ó ó The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theSilesian language article on Wikipedia for more, andP for development of the glyph itself.
P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twenty-fourthletter of the Silesianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ŏ ŏ ,Ō ō ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż P (lower case p )
The twenty-sixthletter of the Skolt Samialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bukva ;A a , â ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,Ʒ ʒ ,Ǯ ǯ ,D d ,Đ đ ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ǧ ǧ ,Ǥ ǥ ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Ǩ ǩ ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ŋ ŋ ,O o ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž ,Å å ,Ä ä ,ʹ P (capital ,lowercase p )
The seventeenthletter of the Slovenealphabet , written in theLatin script . The twenty-fourthletter of the Slovenealphabet (Resian), written in theLatin script . The eighteenthletter of the Slovenealphabet (Natisone Valley dialect), written in theLatin script . P (upper case ,lower case p )
the 17th letter of the Spanish alphabet P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Swedishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bokstav ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z ,Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö Borrowed fromSpanish P . Each pronunciation has a different source:
Filipino alphabet pronunciation is influenced byEnglish P . Abakada alphabet pronunciation is influenced by Baybayin characterᜉ ( pa ) . Abecedario pronunciation is fromSpanish P . P (upper case ,lower case p ,Baybayin spelling ᜉᜒ )
The eighteenthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theFilipino alphabet ), calledpi and written in theLatin script . ( historical ) The nineteenthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbecedario ), calledpe and written in theLatin script . P (upper case ,lower case p ,Baybayin spelling ᜉ )
The fourteenthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbakada alphabet ), calledpa and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) titik ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z “P ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twentiethletter of the Turkishalphabet , calledpe and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) harf ;A a (Â â ),B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,I ı ,İ i (Î î ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u (Û û ),Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z
( Hà Nội ) IPA (key ) : [pe˧˧] ,[ʔɓe˧˧ fəː˧˩] ,[pəː˨˩] ( Huế ) IPA (key ) : [pej˧˧] ,[ʔɓej˧˧ fəː˧˨] ,[pəː˦˩] ( Saigon ) IPA (key ) : [pej˧˧] ,[ʔɓej˧˧ fəː˨˩˦] ,[pəː˨˩] Phonetic spelling : pê, bê phở, pờP (upper case ,lower case p )
The twentiethletter of the Vietnamesealphabet , calledpê ,bê phở , orpờ and written in theLatin script . ( Quốc ngữ letters) chữ cái ;A a (À à ,Ả ả ,à ã ,Á á ,Ạ ạ ),Ă ă (Ằ ằ ,Ẳ ẳ ,Ẵ ẵ ,Ắ ắ ,Ặ ặ ), â (Ầ ầ ,Ẩ ẩ ,Ẫ ẫ ,Ấ ấ ,Ậ ậ ),B b ,C c (Ch ch ),D d ,Đ đ ,E e (È è ,Ẻ ẻ ,Ẽ ẽ ,É é ,Ẹ ẹ ),Ê ê (Ề ề ,Ể ể ,Ễ ễ ,Ế ế ,Ệ ệ ),G g (Gh gh ,Gi gi ),H h ,I i (Ì ì ,Ỉ ỉ ,Ĩ ĩ ,Í í ,Ị ị ),K k (Kh kh ),L l ,M m ,N n (Ng ng ,Ngh ngh ,Nh nh ),O o (Ò ò ,Ỏ ỏ ,Õ õ ,Ó ó ,Ọ ọ ),Ô ô (Ồ ồ ,Ổ ổ ,Ỗ ỗ ,Ố ố ,Ộ ộ ),Ơ ơ (Ờ ờ ,Ở ở ,Ỡ ỡ ,Ớ ớ ,Ợ ợ ),P p (Ph ph ),Q q (Qu qu ),R r ,S s ,T t (Th th ,Tr tr ),U u (Ù ù ,Ủ ủ ,Ũ ũ ,Ú ú ,Ụ ụ ),Ư ư (Ừ ừ ,Ử ử ,Ữ ữ ,Ứ ứ ,Ự ự ),V v ,X x ,Y y (Ỳ ỳ ,Ỷ ỷ ,Ỹ ỹ ,Ý ý ,Ỵ ỵ )P (upper case ,lower case p )
The twentiethletter of the Welshalphabet , calledpi and written in theLatin script . It is preceded byO and followed byPh . Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
( Latin-script letters) llythyren ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,Ä ä ),B b ,C c ,Ch ch ,D d ,Dd dd ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,Ff ff ,G g ,Ng ng ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,L l ,Ll ll ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ô ô ,Ö ö ),P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,Rh rh ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),W w (Ẃ ẃ ,Ẁ ẁ ,Ŵ ŵ ,Ẅ ẅ ),Y y (Ý ý ,Ỳ ỳ ,Ŷ ŷ ,Ÿ ÿ )R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “P ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies P (upper case ,lower case p )
The eighteenthletter of the Yorubaalphabet , calledpí and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lẹ́tà ;A a (Á á ,À à ,Ā ā ),B b ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ē ē ),Ẹ ẹ (Ẹ́ ẹ́ ,Ẹ̀ ẹ̀ ,Ẹ̄ ẹ̄ ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Ī ī ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ō ō ),Ọ ọ (Ọ́ ọ́ ,Ọ̀ ọ̀ ,Ọ̄ ọ̄ ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Ṣ ṣ ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Ū ū ),W w ,Y y ( Benin ) ( Latin-script letters) lɛ́tà ;A a ,B b ,D d ,E e ,Ɛ ɛ ,F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ɔ ɔ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y P (upper case ,lower case p )
The sixteenthletter of the Zulualphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z