She was lying in the lee of a fowlhouse in a crumpled posture, as if cohesion had been detached from her joints, which lobbed her in an untidy heap, like a lot of old bones, tied together with string. Her skull was hitched under her humped shoulders and her fallen jaw made a liplessO of her mouth, giving it an expression of imbecile astonishment.
(uncountable) A blood type that lacksA orB antigens and may only receive transfusions of similar type O blood, but may donate to all (neglectingRh factor). Synonym:universal donor.
Therfore arte thou inexcuſable o man whoſoever thou be that iudgeſt. For in that ſame where in thou iudgeſt another / thou cõdemneſt thy ſilfe. For thou that iudgeſt doest evẽ the ſame ſilfe thynges.[…] Thynkeſt thouO man that iudgeſt them which do ſoche thyngꝭ and yet doſt evẽ the very ſame / that thou ſhalt eſcape the iudgemẽt of God?
1998 October 17,M6968, “STORY: The Violation of Sunny a wrestling story, by Wonder Mike”,[1] (Usenet), retrievedNovember 22, 2014:
Sunny felt some cold and wet press against her pussy, it startled her, then it's[sic] tongue went deep inside of her, she had been eaten out before, but never this could, who ever was doing it was a real pro, and had to have the longest tongue in the world it was buried at least three inches inside of her and was taking long, hard strokes, it was trying to get even deeper, it was only seconds before she started shaking from her firstO.
1999 March 31, JT aka GF, “Re: mary p., hex and going "downtown"”, inalt.psst.hoy[2] (Usenet), retrievedNovember 22, 2014:
Further on, when she's about to reach her firstO, the taste turns from no taste to champagne-like.
2010, Lonnie Hicks,Einstein, Religion, Politics and Literature,page308:
She thought you could get pregnant from tonguing when kissing; about her firstO and how it scared her; how she looked in the mirror afterwards to see if she had changed; about how scared she was when it came time to deliver the baby.
[1906, Frederick D. Cloud,Hangchow, the "City of Heaven"[4],Shanghai: Presbyterian Mission Press,→OCLC,→OL,page53:
ACCORDING to various inscriptions about this famous temple we are told that it was erected to the memory of Ya Fei, "An Unswerving Guardian to the Heir-Apparent," of the Sung dynasty; "A Loyal-to-the-end Minister," who came from the ancient state ofO-Kuo, the present Wu Ch'ang-fu of Hupei; and that it was erected by the Emperor Hsiao Tsung as an atonement for the weakness and follies of his father, Kao Tsung, toward a faithful servant of the empire who came to his untimely death through the diabolical schemes of men in high estate. Moreover, that after his death and burial, when the empire came to appreciate his great services to the people, the posthumous title of " Prince ofO-Kuo" was bestowed upon his sacred memory.]
1944, Harold Burgoyne Rattenbury,China, My China[5],→OCLC, page51:
In ancient times Wuchang was the capital city of the Kingdom ofO. In Manchu times it was the residence of the Viceroy of the two provinces of Hupeh and Hunan. Since then its fortunes have changed with changing politics.
1976, Noel Barnard,The Proceedings of a Symposium on Scientific Methods of Research in the Study of Ancient Chinese Bronzes and Southeast Asian Metal and Other Archaeological Artifacts, October 6-10, 1975, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne[6],→ISBN,→OCLC,→OL, page107:
⁶There are actually several geographical identifications proposed for the State ofO: Wu-ch'ang in Hupei, Huai-ch'ing in Honan, and Fu-fang, Shensi (in the south-east thereof). As two inscriptions connected with the State ofO refer to invasions....
[…]Yang-yüeh楊粵,⁴⁰ reaching as far asO鄂.⁴¹[…]He then enthroned his elder son K'ang康⁴³ as King of Kou Tan句亶,⁴⁴ his middle song Hung紅 as King ofO鄂,⁴⁵ and his younger son Chih-tz'u執疵 as King of Yüeh-chang越章.⁴⁶
For more quotations using this term, seeCitations:O.
/ɔ/ is from Middle High Germano in most closed syllables, in some dialects also in open syllables.
/o/ is fromu in most closed syllables.
/ɔː/ is fromā; fromo before certain consonants; in eastern Moselle Franconian fromou.
/oː/ is fromuo in Ripuarian and northern Moselle Franconian; fromou in Ripuarian and northwestern Moselle Franconian; fromō in southern Moselle Franconian; in some Moselle Franconian dialects fromo in open syllables.
In the Dutch-based spelling, short closed/o/ is represented byó, long open/ɔː/ byao.
Doubling of long O
In the German-based spelling, longo is doubled tooo when the German cognate word hasoo as well. Longo may or may not be doubled in the following cases:
when it is followed by two or more consonants:PloochorPloch;
when the German cognate has two vowel letters:BoomorBom (GermanBaum);
when the German cognate has a consonant lost or not present in Central Franconian:ZooteorZote (GermanSorten);
when the German cognate has a short vowel:MooderorModer (GermanMutter).
In the Dutch-based spelling, longo is always doubled in closed syllables, always written simple in open syllables.
1904, certificate of marriage number 9 of 1904 of Sint-Pieters-Leeuw (reproduced in:Patrick Trio ((Can wedate this quote?))Nakomelingen van Arnoldus O[11])
Op 10/02/1904 om 11:00 uur zijn voor ons Zacharias De Ro, schepen gehuwd: TheophiliusO[…] enerzijds en anderzijds Maria Elisabetha Troucheau[…]
On February 10, 1904 at 11 am in the presence of ourselves, Zacharias De Ro, alderman, did marry: TheophiliusO[…] on the one hand and on the other hand Maria Elisabetha Troucheau[…]
The Finnish orthography using the Latin script was based on those of Swedish, German and Latin, and was first used in the mid-16th century. No earlier script is known. Seethe Wikipedia article on Finnish for more information, andO for information on the development of the glyph itself.
Used in linguistic descriptions in Finnish. For example, a Finnish grammar could use-tOn to refer to the suffix-ton (in e.g.mauton) or-tön (in e.g.ääretön).
The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theKashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, andO for development of the glyph itself.
Historical Latin texts did not generally distinguish short and long vowels orthographically. In modern texts and editions of older texts, the vowels are typically written ⟨O⟩ and ⟨Ō⟩ to mark the length distinction.
Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed byK. Mīlenbahs, which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in GermanFraktur, and sporadically inCyrillic.
In native Latvian words (and in some older borrowings),o represents the sound of IPA [uə̯] (e.g.,otrs [uə̯tɾs]). In more recent borrowings, it represents the original sound of the word, i.e. [o] or [oː] (e.g.,opera [oːpeɾa]).
The Polish orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See thehistory of Polish orthography article on Wikipedia for more, andO for development of the glyph itself.
The thirteenthletter of the Scottish Gaelicalphabet, written in theLatin script.It is preceded byn and followed byp. Its traditional name isonn oroir(“gorse”).
The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theSilesian language article on Wikipedia for more, andO for development of the glyph itself.
R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “O”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies