(Internet,initialism)Initialism ofnotsafeforwork.; i.e., containing inappropriate or adult content (e.g. pornography or profanity) that might be offensive to employees and co-workers.
2005 November, Tom Whalen, “Doll With Chili Pepper.”, inFiction International., volume38,→ISSN, page140:
Molinier dolls, wrapped in their haimet stockings, on the other hand, always welcome—no matter which way their buttocks are turned, whether to the front or the back,NSFW, no matter, as long as their vaginas know what's behind them—the big fight
Whose utopia is this? Smart phone applications for porn, Grindr, sex available unbound by time or space—except for the dictates ofNSFW [Not Safe For Work].
2025 January 5, Hladik, Matt,thespun.com, Former Cowboys Star Reacts To Accusation Against Skip Bayless.:
Over the years, Bryant has made it clear he does not care for Skip Bayless, most recently sending aNSFW tweet at the longtime media personality in 2020 in response to Bayless' criticism...