For the purpose of topographical description,Malaysia may be divided into six groups of islands, namely — 1.Sumatra, and the smaller islands adjacent ; 2. The long chain of islands which extends east and west from the Strait of Sunda to New Guinea, includingJava,Madura,Bali,Lombok,Sumbawa,Comobo,Flares,Jindana orSandelwood,Adenar,Solor,Lomblem,Pantar,Ombay,Timor,Semao,Rotte,Savu,Cambi,Wetter,Serwatty,Babba,Timorlaut, &c. ; 3. TheBanda andMolucca Islands ; 4.Celebes and the smaller adjacent islands; 5.Borneo and adjacent islands; 6. ThePhilippine Islands.