II (upper caseRoman numeral,lower caseii)
- two (2)
- Second, especially in the names ofmonarchs orpopes thesecond.
- (inorganic chemistry)Specifying an oxidation state of 2
- (spectroscopy)Describing an atom that has lost one electron
- HeII ―singly ionized helium
II (pluralIIs)
- (Hong Kong)Initialism ofillegal immigrant.
1987 April 11, Jim Mann, “Border Net Porous : Hong Kong: Old Magnet for Chinese”, inLos Angeles Times[1]:“When I came here eight years ago, it was easy to spot anII (illegal immigrant),” one British official here said. “They came across in dark navy clothes. Now, they come in designer T-shirts and Levis, and it’s hard to tell them from residents of Hong Kong.”
1995 February 22,parliamentary debates (Hong Kong Legislative Council)[2], page2228:Hong Kong can also follow the international trend of phasing out the rule that a child born by anII will automatically be granted citizenship of the place where he or she is born, in order to eradicate the problems of stowaways andII children.
1999 March 2, “Truck Driver Arrested for Arranging IIs to Hong Kong”, in(Please provide the book title or journal name)[3]:The spokesman urged the Mainlanders not to put their lives at risk because hiding underneath a goods vehicle is very dangerous. He also reiterated that allIIs caught will be repatriated immediately, and their aidors and abettors prosecuted accordingly.
2000 January 18,parliamentary debates (Hong Kong Legislative Council)[4], page 5:Conveying a wrong message that anII could not be repatriated once he succeeded in seeking legal aid for court proceedings on his ROA claim might result in a massive influx ofIIs and large number of overstayers.
2002 December, David Poon, “Ting Kok: a conservation issue”, inPorcupine[5], page19:When there is sudden rustling of grasses and the weather is calm, you may guess that there must be something moving in the grass patch but ...What is it? A bird? A dog? AnII (Illegal Immigrant)? Or a porcupine?
Initialism ofEnglishillegal immigrant.
- (Hong Kong Cantonese)illegal immigrant
2004 June 13, “「I I」「中華龍」「架勢鱷」盡顯心思 市民爭賜鱷女芳名”, in《太陽報》[6]: 他的一番話,即時吸引市民回應,致電電台提供意見,一名區先生便提議,小鱷是「非法入境者,叫牠「II」最貼切不過」[Literary Cantonese,trad.]
他的一番话,即时吸引市民回应,致电电台提供意见,一名区先生便提议,小鳄是「非法入境者,叫它「II」最贴切不过」[Literary Cantonese,simp.]- taa1 dik1 jat1 faan1 waa6, zik1 si4 kap1 jan5 si5 man4 wui4 jing3, zi3 din6 din6 toi4 tai4 gung1 ji3 gin3, jat1 ming4 au1 sin1 saang1 bin6 tai4 ji5, siu2 ngok6 si6 “fei1 faat3 jap6 ging2 ze2, giu3 taa1 “aai1 aai1” zeoi3 tip3 cit3 bat1 gwo3”[Jyutping]
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2016 September 12, “與人蛇錄口供 出動「三色雪糕」”, in《大公報》[7]: 「大Q」與非法入境者交手(illegalimmigrant,俗稱II)經驗豐富,眾人不約而同認為,錄取警誡口供的過程最困難。[Literary Cantonese,trad.]
「大Q」与非法入境者交手(illegalimmigrant,俗称II)经验丰富,众人不约而同认为,录取警诫口供的过程最困难。[Literary Cantonese,simp.]- “daai6 kiu1” jyu5 fei1 faat3 jap6 ging2 ze2 gaau1 sau2 (illegal immigrant, zuk6 cing1aai1 aai1) ging1 jim6 fung1 fu3, zung3 jan4 bat1 joek3 ji4 tung4 jing3 wai4, luk6 ceoi2 ging2 gaai3 hau2 gung1 dik1 gwo3 cing4 zeoi3 kwan3 naan4.[Jyutping]
- (please add an English translation of this usage example)
2018 February 24, “網民熱話:東龍洲露營遇山賊 牛腩鍋冰鮮鴨齊失蹤”, in《東網》[8]: 去得玩露營,理應帶夠食物,何故要偷?唔通有ii?[Cantonese,trad.]
去得玩露营,理应带够食物,何故要偷?唔通有ii?[Cantonese,simp.]- heoi3 dak1 waan2 lou6 jing4, lei5 jing1 daai3 gau3 sik6 mat6, ho4 gu3 jiu3 tau1? m4 tung1 jau5aai1 aai1?[Jyutping]
- (please add an English translation of this usage example)
2019 April 6, “【啹喀的後裔2】啹喀爸爸的退休生活 任家教會長、辦跑山慈善賽”, in香港01[9]: 港英政府於1980年因人口急增,對中國非法入境者採取「即捕即解」,以控制本地人口。每天晚上,高山少年都會守在沙頭角、文錦渡等的山野間「捉II」。[Literary Cantonese,trad.]
港英政府于1980年因人口急增,对中国非法入境者采取「即捕即解」,以控制本地人口。每天晚上,高山少年都会守在沙头角、文锦渡等的山野间「捉II」。[Literary Cantonese,simp.]- gong2 jing1 zing3 fu2 jyu1 1980 nin4 jan1 jan4 hau2 gap1 zang1, deoi3 zung1 gwok3 fei1 faat3 jap6 ging2 ze2 coi2 ceoi2 “zik1 bou6 zik1 gaai2”, ji5 hung3 zai3 bun2 dei6 jan4 hau2. mui5 tin1 maan5 soeng6, gou1 saan1 siu3 nin4 dou1 wui5 sau2 zoi6 saa1 tau4 gok3, man4 gam2 dou6 dang2 dik1 saan1 je5 gaan1 “zuk1aai1 aai1”.[Jyutping]
- (please add an English translation of this usage example)