- IPA(key): /ˈhuːstən/
- Hyphenation:Hus‧ten
- Hyphenation:Hu‧sten(pre-1996)
FromMiddle High Germanhuoste, fromOld High Germanhuosto, fromProto-West Germanic*hwōstō, fromProto-Germanic*hwōstô.
Husten m (strong,genitiveHustens,pluralHusten,diminutiveHüsterchen n)
- cough
- The plural is extremely rare. It could only be used in the sense of “different kinds of cough” and (doubtfully) “different periods of illness involving cough”.
- The diminutive is perhaps originally that ofHuster(“an instance of coughing”), but it also substitutes the diminutive ofHusten, e.g. in the sense of “a slight affection by cough”.
Declension ofHusten [masculine, strong]
Nominalization of the verbhusten
Husten n (strong,genitiveHustens,no plural)
- gerund ofhusten: the act ofcoughing, a certain way of it
Declension ofHusten [sg-only, neuter, strong]
- “Husten” inDigitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache
- “Husten” in Uni Leipzig:Wortschatz-Lexikon
- “Husten” inDuden online