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See also:balticandBàltic


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Alternative forms




FromLatinBalticus, fromLatinBalthae(dwellers near the Baltic sea), equivalent toBalt +‎-ic. The ultimate origin is uncertain, but possibilities include:





Baltic (comparativemoreBaltic,superlativemostBaltic)

  1. Of or pertaining to theBaltic region or theBaltic Sea.
    • 1994, S. C. Rowell,Lithuania Ascending, page 9:
      The Teutonic Knights were newly established in theBaltic region, where they owed their first possessions to Mazovian policy.
  2. Of or pertaining to any of theBaltic languages.
    • 1918, Charles E. Bennett,New Latin Grammar:
      TheBaltic division of the group embraces the Lithuanian and Lettic.
  3. Of or pertaining to theBalts (the Balticpeoples).
  4. (UK, colloquial) Extremelycold.
    • 2010, Craig Moffat,Standing in the Dark,→ISBN, page134:
      It's twenty-three degrees outside, freezing is thirty two and with the wind chill factor it'sBaltic out there.
    • 2012, Richard Moore,Slaying the Badger,→ISBN:
      Apart from anything else, it's absolutelyBaltic outside. In the past 24 hours, a freeze has abruptly descended on the whole of Europe, and here in the northwest corner of France, the cold claws of the Atlantic are particularly sharp.

Derived terms



of the Baltic region or sea
pertaining to the Baltic languages
pertaining to the Balts

Proper noun



  1. TheBaltic Sea.
  2. A region ofNorthern Europe, surrounding the Baltic Sea.
    • 1906, Robert Barr,A Rock in the Baltic:
      Well, you see, I was temporarily in command of the cruiser coming down theBaltic, and passing an island rock a few miles away, I thought it would be a good opportunity to test a new gun that had been put aboard when we left England.
  3. The areas on the southeastern coast of the Baltic Sea; theBaltic states
    • 1815,Thomas Malthus,Importation of Foreign Corn:
      It appears from the evidence, that the corn from theBaltic is often very heavily taxed, and that this tax is generally raised in proportion to our necessities.
  4. The Balticlanguagefamily; theBaltic languages
  5. TheBaltic Exchange, a membership organisation for the maritime industry.
  6. Anunincorporated area ofKings County, in easternPrince Edward Island,Canada.
  7. A village andcensus-designated place in the center of the town ofSprague,Connecticut.
  8. A village inCoshocton County,Holmes County andTuscarawas County,Ohio.
  9. A city inMinnehaha County,South Dakota.

Derived terms

terms derived from Baltic (proper noun)


Baltic SeaseeBaltic Sea
Baltic region, Baltic states
Baltic language family

See also

other terms associated with Baltic (proper noun)

Further reading

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