According to the 2010 United States Census,Arne is the 36585th most common surname in the United States, belonging to 611 individuals.Arne is most common among White (77.58%) and Black/African American (14.24%) individuals.
[1] Danskernes Navne, based on CPR data: 36 874 males with the given name Arne have been registered in Denmark between about 1890 (=the population alive in 1967) and January 2005, with the frequency peak in the 1920s. Accessed on 19 June 2011.
Kristoffer Kruken, Ola Stemshaug (1995)Norsk personnamnleksikon, Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget,→ISBN
Statistisk sentralbyrå, Namnestatistikk: 21 101 males with the given name Arne living in Norway on January 1st 20122, with the frequency peak in the 1920s. Accessed on 8th December, 20122.
Roland Otterbjörk: Svenska förnamn, Almqvist & Wiksell 1996,→ISBN
[3] Statistiska centralbyrån and Sture Allén, Staffan Wåhlin,Förnamnsboken, Norstedts 1995,→ISBN: 66 800 males with the given name Arne living in Sweden on 31 December 2010, with the frequency peak in the 1920s. Accessed on 19 June 2011.