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See also:apollonian





FromLatinApollō(Apollōn-) +‎-ian andApollonius/Apollonia +‎-an.





Apollonian (comparativemoreApollonian,superlativemostApollonian)

  1. (Greekmythology) Of or relating to theancientOlympianGreekGodApollo.
    • 1877,Henry Kendall, “Ode to a Black Gin”, inThe Australian Town and Country Journal, page24:
      You have your lovers - dusky beaus / Not made of the poetic stuff / That sports anApollonian nose, / And wears a sleek Byronic cuff.
    • 1979 August 4, Linda Stein, “Stopping Short of Self-Awareness”, inGay Community News, page18:
      The forces of nature is a major theme embodied in the two main goddess characters. The "northern woman" isAppollonian[sic] in her nature — cold, reserved, quiet, identified with the moon; the "southern woman" is Dionysian — passionate, a sun goddess.
    • 2021,Lisa Miller,The Awakened Brain, Ch.2, at p.37:
      Marty and I often discussed the choice we all have in controlling our cognition. We referred to harnessing this power as "theApollonian state", afterApollo, the Greek god of the sun and light and truth. In the Apollonian state you could use reason to move away from despairing beliefs―it's never going to change, it's all my fault, there must be something wrong with me―and towards more empowered thinking.
  2. Of or relating to theAncient GreekmathematicianApollonius of Perga.
  3. Pertaining toApollonia.
    • 2011,Power and State Formation in West Africa: Appolonia from the Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century,→ISBN:
      They speak Aowin [Anyi] but their blood isApollonian blood.
  4. Alternative form ofapollonian
  5. (physics) The physical property of material that can resume its shape after beingstretched ordeformed;elasticity.



Apollonian (pluralApollonians)

  1. One who isapollonian.
  2. One who follows/worshipsApollo.
    • 2008, Herbert Spiegel, David Spiegel,Trance and Treatment: Clinical Uses of Hypnosis,→ISBN, page120:
      By contrast,Apollonians value reason more than feeling.
    • 2011, Yuri Slezkine,The Jewish Century,→ISBN, page24:
      Apollonians and Dionysians are usually the same people: now sober and serene, now drunk and frenzied.
    • 2013, Raphael Massarelli, Lloyd A. Horrocks, Julian N. Kanfer,Phospholipids and Signal Transmission,→ISBN:
      Those of us who wereApollonians had thus a chance to organize a programme. The Dionysians knew what was going to happen to them, but, of course, did not know yet how to cope with it.
    • 2016, Ellen Goldberg, Dorian Bergen,The Art and Science of Hand Reading,→ISBN:
      Apollonians are creative artists, but while allApollonians love the arts, there are both creative and business types ofApollonians.
  3. Anative ofApollonia.
    • 1824, Isaac Littlebury, transl.,The History of Herodotus:
      But theApollonians being soon informed of the thing, caused him to appear without delay before the court of justice; and sentenced him to lose his eyes, for sleeping when he ought to have watched.
    • 1978, Paul Mmegha Mbaeyi,British Military and Naval Forces in West African History, 1807-1874:
      Another clause in the rules of conduct drawn up for defeated Appolonia virtually transferred jurisdiction to Maclean: by it, he invited 'everyAppolonian who may be oppressed or injured wither [i.e. whether] by Quacoe Accah [Kwaku Akkah, the King] or any other chief ... to make his complaint to the governor of Cape Coast
    • 2015, Joel D. Irish, G. Richard Scott,A Companion to Dental Anthropology,→ISBN, page261:
      McIlvaine and colleagues (2014) examined a cemetery at the Greek colony of Apollonia, Albania to assess to what degree interbreeding may have occurred between indigenous Illyrians and colonialApollonians.
  4. (science fiction) A native of theplanetApollo.
    • 2008, C. G. Stevenson,The Apollonian Appearance: The Being from the Planet Apollo,→ISBN:
    • 2013, Jim Henry,Universal Life Force Series Featuring Antiquity Calais Vol. 1-3,→ISBN:
      At first, when theApollonians converged on her, Mary Theresa thought she had made a major mistake by going to the battle.
    • 2013, James Bartholomeusz,The Grey Star,→ISBN, page17:
      The last person who tried this kind of appeal was actually the new vessel -- anApollonian, one I knew briefly.

Derived terms



of or relating to the Greek god Apollo

See also

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