- A transliteration of theRussian orUkrainian female given nameА́лла(Álla)
- Obsolete form ofAllah.
1819, Henry Tudor Farmer,Imagination; the Maniac's Dream: And Other Poems, page157:[…] look at these Christians closely, and you will abhor them. They are the worshippers of gold, not the followers ofAlla. The poorest Mussulman has more hospitality than their Cadi; more charity than their Imans; more honesty than their Viziers.
Alla m
- asurname
- According to the 2011 Albanian census,Alla is the 35th most common surname in Albania, belonging to 5178 individuals.
- God
- Pronunciation spelling ofAlter.
First recorded as a given name of Latvians in 1888. Partly fromRussianАлла(Alla), a name of uncertain origin, or shortened fromAleksandra.
Alla f
- a femalegiven name of Latvian speakers
- A transliteration of the Russian female given nameА́лла(Álla)
- A transliteration of the Ukrainian female given nameА́лла(Álla)
- Klāvs Siliņš: Latviešu personvārdu vārdnīca. Riga "Zinātne" 1990,→ISBN
- [1] Population Register of Latvia: Alla was the only given name of 5718 persons in Latvia on May 21st 2010, including Russian speakers.
FromArabicاَللّٰه(allāh,“God”) through the common dialectal formalla with loss of the final-h. The Arabic word is a general term for “God” used also by Arabic-speaking Jews and Christians.
Alla m
- (religion, monotheism)God
1966,Anton Buttigieg, “Il-Qanpiena”, inEjjew Nidħku Ftit Ieħor:Il-qanpiena ħarġet tħabbar
mill-kampnar: Sar ħin it-talb;
ejjew nies, il-kelma t’Alla
sa niżirgħu, ħejju l-qalb!”- (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)