(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium. Particularly: “Is the halal snack pack sense an initialism or other form of shortening?”)
- Abbreviation ofAlberta, a province ofCanada.
- Coordinate terms:BC,MB,NB,NL,NS,NT,NU,ON,PE,QC,SK,YT
- Initialism ofArtium baccalaureus.
- Initialism ofAryan Brotherhood, aUSwhite supremacist,neo-Nazi prison gang and crimesyndicate.
AB (countable anduncountable,pluralABs)
- Initialism ofable seaman;able-bodied seaman.
- Initialism ofafterburner.
- Initialism ofaid to theblind.
- (military, aviation)Initialism ofairbase.
- (organic chemistry)Abbreviation ofalkylbenzene.
- Hyponym:LAB
- (medicine)Initialism ofantibody.
- Initialism ofartificialbreeding.
- (law, politics)Initialism ofassemblybill.
- Ablood type of theABOsystem that has both bloodantigens and may receive all blood types, and donate to AB.
- Coordinate terms:A,B,O,A+,B+,AB+,O+,A-,B-,AB-,O-
- (countable) A person with this blood type.
- (ABDL)Initialism ofadult baby.
- Initialism ofasymmetric bars.
- (Australia, Adelaide, countable) A kind ofhalal snack pack.
AB (notcomparable)
- Initialism ofairborne.
- Initialism ofantiballistic.
- (baseball)Initialism ofat bat.
- “AB”, inThe American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th edition, Boston, Mass.:Houghton Mifflin,2000,→ISBN.
- “AB”, inDictionary.com Unabridged,Dictionary.com, LLC, 1995–present.
From the first two letters of theEnglish alphabetA andB.
- (Hong Kong Cantonese)twoseparate (instances)
- 分AB team返工[Cantonese] ― fan1ei1 bi1 tim1 faan1 gung1[Jyutping] ― to go to work separated into two teams (i.e. each team goes to work on alternative days)
- 行AB team[Cantonese] ― haang4ei1 bi1 tim1[Jyutping] ― to install an "AB team" system
- 分AB組/分AB组[Cantonese] ― fan1ei1 bi1 zou2[Jyutping] ― to separate into two groups
AB m
- Abbreviation ofAnrufbeantworter.
- (apartment listing)Abbreviation ofAltbau.
AB (pluralAB-AB)
- (finance, government, management)Initialism ofanggaran belanja.
- Initialism ofarah benar.
- (military)Initialism ofangkatan bersenjata.
- (business, management)Initialism ofadministrasi bisnis.
- (hematology)AB: A blood type of the ABO system that has both blood antigens and may receive all blood types, and donate to AB
AB f
- Initialism ofakcinė bendrovė
AB (pluralAB-AB)
- (biology) TheAB blood type.
- Initialism ofanggaran belanja(“expense estimate”).
- Abbreviation ofAlba, acounty inRomania.
- Ab(Finland Swedish, only in the sense "aktiebolag" below)
- the blood typeAB
- Abbreviation ofaktiebolag. (corporation; stockcompany; public limited company)
- the blood typeAB
- (politics)Initialism ofAvrupa Birliği(European Union)