- Contraction ofnga
- Appended to a name or noun to create adiminutive oraffectionate term or name
Juana (feminine form ofJuan) +ng = Juaning- little Johanna / dearJohanna (feminine form of LittleJohn)
First attested in the after 1416.-n(of debated origin) +-g(frequentative verb-forming suffix)[1]
- (frequentative suffix) Added to averb or less frequently to anoun to form a verb denoting a repetitive action. Linking vowels are usually used between the stem and the suffix.
- (frequentative suffix) Variants:
- -ong is added to back-vowel words
- hajol(“to bend”) + -ng → hajlong(“to bow repetitively”)
- -eng is added to unrounded front-vowel words
- derül(“to clear up”) + -ng → dereng(“to dawn; to appear vaguely”)
- -öng is added to rounded front-vowel words
- őrül(“to go insane”) + -ng → őrjöng(“to be wild, furious, raging”)
- düh(“fury, rage”) + -ng → dühöng(“to be in a raging temper”)
- -ang is added to back-vowel words (rare)
- lappang(“to lurk”)
- -ing is added to front-vowel words (rare)
- kering(“to circulate, orbit”)
- A suffix denoting thelocative form of a noun
- A suffix denoting the indefinite actor form of an animate intransitive verb (vai)
- A suffix denoting thethird-person singular conjunct form of a Type 4 transitive inanimate verb (vti4)
-ng (Baybayin spellingᜅ᜔)
- Encliticsuffix, connectingadjectives tonouns and vice versa, after words ending invowels, exceptcompound words where the nextstem starts with the letter (b) or (p).
- Synonyms:na,-g,-ng-,-m-,-n-,-g-
Magandang bulaklak- Pretty flower
- Encliticsuffix, connectingadverbs toverbs and vice versa, after words ending invowels, exceptcompound words where the nextstem starts with the letter (b) or (p).
- Synonyms:na,-g
Bigla siyang nagsalita.- S/he suddenly spoke.
Possibly fromSpanish-ín. See-ing.
- -ing —for roots ending in consonants
-ng (proper noun-forming suffix,Baybayin spellingᜅ᜔)
- Diminutivesuffix, used to formdiminutives ofgiven names ending invowels, often one already shortened or with a diminutive suffix.
- Pepeng ―little Joseph
- Isang ―little Isabel
-ng (Cyrillic-нг)
- Form of-ing after a noun ending in a vowel.
- Bu ruchkang.
- "This isyour ballpen."
From western dialectalJapaneseん(-n,“negative form of verbs”).
- Irrealis negation suffix.
- -nay(“realis negation suffix”)
- Chien Yuehchen, Shinji Sanada (2011) “台湾の宜蘭クレオールにおける否定辞―「ナイ」と「ン」の変容をめぐって―[Negation in Taiwan’s Yilan Creole: Focusing on -nay and -ng]”, in言語研究[Gengo Kenkyu][1], number140, pages73-87