Inherited fromProto-Slavic *-ťi .
( archaic ) the infinitive ending Fromci ( “ here ” ) , older form ofici . Similar toLatin -ce , but not a direct continuation of it.
Used with the demonstrativece and all its forms in order to specify the meaning “this ,these ”. Antonym: -là ( “ that, those ” ) Cette chambre-ci est plus grande que l’autre. This room is bigger than the other one. L’autre chambre était plus petite que celle-ci . The other room was smaller than this one. Cet homme-ci n’est pas mon mari. This man is not my husband. Ces valises-ci ne sont pas les miennes. These suitcases are not mine. From-c ( diminutive suffix ) +-i ( diminutive suffix ) .[ 1]
( diminutive suffix ) Used mostly in given names, but also in other words.László + -ci → Laci futball ( “ football, soccer ” ) + -ci → foci -ci
enclitic form ofci ;appended to present active infinitive verb forms to derive reflexive, accusative and dative forms when the object is first plural person dare ( “ to give ” ) →darci ( “ to give ourselves; to give us; to give for us ” ) vendere ( “ to sell ” ) →venderci ( “ to sell ourselves; to sell us; to sell to us ” ) servire ( “ to serve ” ) →servirci ( “ to serve ourselves; to serve us; to serve to us ” ) The final -e of the original infinitive is removed :
-are →-arci -ere →-erci -ire →-irci Where the verb ends in-rre , the finalre is removed, leaving behind just an-r :
introdurre ( “ to introduce ” ) →introdurci ( “ to introduce ourselves; to introduce us; to insert in us ” ) In any case, after the suffixation, there is only a singler and no vowels immediately before-ci .
Declined forms of-cus ( adjectival suffix ) .
inflection of-cus : nominative / vocative masculine plural genitive masculine / neuter singular A declined form of-cum ( nominal suffix ) .
-cī n
genitive singular of-cum -ci
( added to nouns ) Used to form anagent noun ebasan ( “ divination ” ) + -ci → ebasanci ( “ diviner ” ) nuwangbin ( “ swimming ” ) + -ci → nuwangbinci ( “ swimmer ” ) dòkò ( “ horse ” ) + -ci → dòkòci ( “ horse-rider ” ) enunù ( “ hoeing ” ) + -ci → enunùci ( “ farmer ” ) ( added to a proper noun ) Suffix denoting aresident orinhabitant of (the place denoted by the proper noun);used to form ademonym Nupe ( “ Nupe ” ) + -ci → Nupeci ( “ Nupe person ” ) Pátígi ( “ Patigi ” ) + -ci → Pátígici ( “ Patigi person ” ) latí ( “ farm ” ) + -ci → latíci ( “ rural person ” ) ( added to nouns ) Used to form plant names from the name of the fruit ègbà ( “ deleb palm fruit ” ) + -ci → gbàci ( “ deleb palm tree ” ) ekò ( “ shea nut kernel ” ) + -ci → kòci ( “ shea tree ” ) yìkunnu ( “ palm fruit ” ) + -ci → yìkunnuci ( “ oil palm tree ” ) ( agent suffix ) :
( demonymic suffix ) :
Used to formordinal numerals Twabàci ( “ Seventh ” ) Alhaji, Gabra IbrahimA Morphological Analysis of Nouns and Adjectives In The Nupe Language , 2012 -ci
Alternative form of-ć -ci
( Middle Polish , not productive ) Alternative form of-ć FromProto-Turkic *-ti .
( Xunhua, Qinghai ) IPA (key ) : [d͡ʑi] -ci
-ed (past tense participle)Men zide yumuda ,samsaq ,soğanlarnı al gel ci . ―Ibought ( lit. bought and came) eggs, garlic, scallions, etc. at the market. Men aña gala ci . ―I liked him/her. [ 1] İşgi gün vol cı . ―It'sbeen two days. [ 2] ^ 林莲云 [Lin Lianyun ] (1985 ) “-ci ”, in撒拉语简志 [A Brief History of Salar ][1] , Beijing:民族出版社: 琴書店 ,→OCLC , pages35, 103 ^ 马伟 [Ma Wei ],朝克 [Chao Ke ] (2014 ) “-ci ”, in撒拉语366条会话读本 [Salar 366 Conversation Reader ][2] , 1st edition,社会科学文献出版社 [Social Science Literature Press ],→ISBN , page73 Ma, Chengjun, Han, Lianye, Ma, Weisheng (December 2010) “-ci ”, in 米娜瓦尔 艾比布拉 (Minavar Abibra), editor,撒维汉词典 (Sāwéihàncídiǎn) [Salar-Uyghur-Chinese dictionary ] (in Chinese), 1st edition, Beijing,→ISBN , page363 Dwyer, Arienne M. (2007 ) “-ci ”, inSalar: A Study in Inner Asian Language Contact Processes: Part I: Phonology [3] , 1st edition, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag,→ISBN , page48 Inherited fromOttoman Turkish ـجی , fromProto-Turkic *-či .
Suffix appended to words to create a noun, denoting a profession, occupation or inclination. Stress is carried onto the suffix when appended to a word with stress on the last syllable:büyü /byˈjy/ becomesbüyücü /by.jyˈd͡ʒy/ Stress doesn't shift when appended to a word that is stressed elsewhere:voleybol /voˈlej.boɫ/ becomesvoleybolcu /voˈlej.boɫ.d͡ʒu/