The hyphen-minus (-) has multiple uses as a compromise introduced in the early days of fixed-width typewriters and computer displays. However, proper typesetting may require the use of more specific characters rather than the hyphen-minus. Nonetheless, the usage persists since the hyphen-minus is easy to enter on keyboards, well known, and at the same place in all common character sets.
is a proper noun in the nominative case (unless it has been assimilated to the point it is no longer capitalized), chiefly in words that are not themselves proper nouns.
(optional)is a proper noun in the genitive case (unless it has been assimilated to the point it is no longer capitalized), for clarity and to avoid ambiguity.
Saksan +matka →Saksan-matka(“trip to Germany”)(compareSaksanmatka(“trip to Germany, Germany's trip”))
is an abbreviation, acronym or initialism (optional if it is the final component and spelled in lowercase).
(Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium. Particularly: “probably from japanese. was it ever actually pronounced as a long vowel?”)
2018 October 1, Anna Ekström, “Khan (S): "Politiker har fått gå för mindre saker" [Khan (S): "Politicians have had to go for less"]”, inGöteborgs-Posten[4]:
Shahbaz Khan (S), ordförande i trafiknämnden, säger att Henrik Muncks(-) agerande på trafiknämndens presidiemöte saknar motstycke i Göteborgspolitiken.
Shahbaz Khan (S), chairman of the traffic committee, says that Henrik Munck's(-) actions at the traffic committee's presidium meeting are unprecedented in Gothenburg politics.
Den tidigare landsbygdspolitikern Kent Helgesson(-) bryter tystnaden och meddelar att han och partikamraten Frida Sundqvist Hall(-), som också valde att lämna Landsbygdspartiet oberoende i Uppvidinge i samband med årsmötet, nu valt att ansluta sig till Kristdemokraterna.
The former rural politician Kent Helgesson(-) breaks the silence and announces that he and party mate Frida Sundqvist Hall(-), who also chose to leave the Rural Party independent in Uppvidinge in connection with the annual meeting, have now chosen to join the Christian Democrats.