Ô (lower caseô)
- The twenty-seventhletter of the Jaraialphabet, written in theLatin script.
The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theKashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, andÔ for development of the glyph itself.
Ô (upper case,lower caseô)
- The twenty-thirdletter of the Kashubianalphabet, written in theLatin script.
- (Latin-script letters)A a,Ą ą,Ã ã,B b,C c,D d,E e,É é,Ë ë,F f,G g,H h,I i,J j,K k,L l,Ł ł,M m,N n,O o,Ò ò,Ó ó,Ô ô,P p,R r,S s,T t,U u,Ù ù,W w,Y y,Z z,Ż ż
The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theSilesian language article on Wikipedia for more, andÔ for development of the glyph itself.
Ô (upper case,lower caseô)
- The twenty-secondletter of the Silesianalphabet, written in theLatin script.
- (Latin-script letters)A a,Ã ã,B b,C c,Ć ć,D d,E e,F f,G g,H h,I i,J j,K k,L l,Ł ł,M m,N n,Ń ń,O o,Ŏ ŏ,Ō ō,Ô ô,Õ õ,P p,R r,S s,Ś ś,T t,U u,W w,Y y,Z z,Ź ź,Ż ż
Ô (lower caseô)
- The twenty-ninthletter of the Slovakalphabet, written in theLatin script.
- (Latin-script letters)písmeno;A a,Á á,Ä ä,B b,C c,Č č,D d,Ď ď,Dz dz,Dž dž,E e,É é,F f,G g,H h,Ch ch,I i,Í í,J j,K k,L l,Ĺ ĺ,Ľ ľ,M m,N n,Ň ň,O o,Ó ó,Ô ô,P p,Q q,R r,Ŕ ŕ,S s,Š š,T t,Ť ť,U u,Ú ú,V v,W w,X x,Y y,Ý ý,Z z,Ž ž
Ô (upper case,lower caseô)
- The eighteenthletter of the Vietnamesealphabet, calledô and written in theLatin script.
- (Quốc ngữ letters)chữ cái;A a (À à,Ả ả,à ã,Á á,Ạ ạ),Ă ă (Ằ ằ,Ẳ ẳ,Ẵ ẵ,Ắ ắ,Ặ ặ), â (Ầ ầ,Ẩ ẩ,Ẫ ẫ,Ấ ấ,Ậ ậ),B b,C c (Ch ch),D d,Đ đ,E e (È è,Ẻ ẻ,Ẽ ẽ,É é,Ẹ ẹ),Ê ê (Ề ề,Ể ể,Ễ ễ,Ế ế,Ệ ệ),G g (Gh gh,Gi gi),H h,I i (Ì ì,Ỉ ỉ,Ĩ ĩ,Í í,Ị ị),K k (Kh kh),L l,M m,N n (Ng ng,Ngh ngh,Nh nh),O o (Ò ò,Ỏ ỏ,Õ õ,Ó ó,Ọ ọ),Ô ô (Ồ ồ,Ổ ổ,Ỗ ỗ,Ố ố,Ộ ộ),Ơ ơ (Ờ ờ,Ở ở,Ỡ ỡ,Ớ ớ,Ợ ợ),P p (Ph ph),Q q (Qu qu),R r,S s,T t (Th th,Tr tr),U u (Ù ù,Ủ ủ,Ũ ũ,Ú ú,Ụ ụ),Ư ư (Ừ ừ,Ử ử,Ữ ữ,Ứ ứ,Ự ự),V v,X x,Y y (Ỳ ỳ,Ỷ ỷ,Ỹ ỹ,Ý ý,Ỵ ỵ)
Ô (lower caseô)
- Aletter of the Walloonalphabet, written in theLatin script..
Ô (lower caseô)
- The letter O, marked for its long pronunciation, either in a monosyllabic word or in the final syllable of a polysyllabic word.