Sitamarhi is a city in the northern part ofBihar inIndia. A part of Gangetic Plains of north India, Sitamarhi is located around 50 km fromNepal. The city and places around are very active culturally and politically but one of the poorest in India based on almost all social indicators.
Sitamarhi is connected to other parts of India and Bihar via railway and roads.
The nearest civilian airports is inPatna, 120 km away. Patna Airport is serviced by Indian and Air Deccan, as of 2025, with direct flights from Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Bangalore.
There are direct trains fromDarbhanga andNarkatiaganj, which connects further to Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore, Pune, Patna and many other cities in the country and one train (Lichhvi) operating from Delhi to Sitamarhi via Kanpur, Varanasi, Balia, Samastipur, and Darbhanga.
There are buses every 15 minutes forPatna (3.5-4 hours) andMuzaffarpur (2.5-3 hours).
Most reliable and easily available local transport is cycle rickshaw. You can also get shared three-wheelers and buses from the railway and bus terminal. Sitamarhi is a small city and you can easily walk around and see attractions.
Apart from the local markets and shops, the two complexes "JANKI COMPLEX", "SHANKAR COMPLEX" are very famous.Sitamarhi is very famous for designer jewellery available at SONA PATTI.
There are many fast food corners all across the city, Some famous hangouts for food:
Surly visit someISTOO HOUSE for some ultimate chicken and other nonveg items nearNUTAN CINEMA
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