Sikhism is a monotheistic, dharmic religion that had its origins in the historical area ofPunjab (today split betweenIndia andPakistan), where its followers are still largely concentrated. However, with the advent ofBritish rule in India in the 18th century, Sikh communities have also been established in many other parts of the world, particularly where there are large Indian diasporas, withCanada, theUnited Kingdom,Australia, theUnited States andMalaysia having notable Sikh diaspora communities. With around 25 million adherents, it is the world's fifth largest religion.
“ | One creator, name is truth, agentive being, without fear, without hatred, timeless form, unbegotten, self-existent, known by the Guru's grace. | ” |
—Mul Mantar, Guru Granth Sahib, attributed to Guru Nanak |
Sikhism was founded in 15th-century Punjab byGuru Nanak. Sikhs believe that there is only one god, and the gods of all other religions are simply different manifestations of this single god. Sikhs generally believe that they are required to follow the teachings of the ten gurus, the last one beingGuru Gobind Singh. Guru Gobind Singh named Sikhism's holy book, theGuru Granth Sahib, as his successor before his death, thus ending the line of human gurus, and making the scripture the eternal authority on the religion.
Sikhs reject the traditionalHindu caste system in theory (though not necessarily in practice). As part of this philosophy of rejecting social classes, all male Sikhs are required to have the surnameSingh (meaning "lion"), while all female Sikhs are required to have the surnameKaur (meaning "princess"), as differing surnames have traditionally been seen by Sikhs as an indication of social class. Sikhs are forbidden from cutting their hair, and are also required to cover their hair in public. Male Sikhs traditionally wear a turban (orDastaar in Punjabi) for this purpose, while female Sikhs traditionally wear a headscarf known as aChunni (similar but not identical to theMuslim hijab), though an increasing number of Sikh women are opting for the male turban instead.
All Sikhs are required to wear five items at all times as articles of their faith, which are also known asThe Five Ks:Kesh (uncut hair),Kangha (wooden comb),Kara (iron bracelet),Kachera (tieable cotton underwear), andKirpan (iron dagger). The use of the Kirpan is strictly limited to self-defence and the protection of others. Sikhs are mandated by their religion to provide assistance to the victims, and not turn a blind eye whenever they encounter crimes being committed.
The Sikh place of worship is known as aGurdwara, also known colloquially as a Sikh temple. Unlike in many other religions, there is no priesthood in Sikhism, and prayers in a Gurdwara may be led by any Sikh regardless of gender. However, in practice, religious services are usually led by a specially trained person known as aGranthi.
Sikhs have a reputation of being fierce warriors, and contributed significantly to the Allied war efforts in both world wars as part of the British Indian Army's Sikh Regiment. Today, the Sikh Regiment remains the most decorated regiment in the Indian Army.
Sikhism's principal religious text, the Guru Granth Sahib, is written in a number of languages and dialects, includingPunjabi,Sanskrit,Persian,Khadi Boli Hindi, Braj Bhasha,Arabic,Sindhi,Rajasthani and Awadhi. This vast combination of tongues was commonly used among all religious figures in Northern India at the time and is collectively known asSant Bhasha ("saint language"). Because the vast majority of Sikhs are either from Punjab, or of Punjabi descent, the Punjabi language is widely spoken among Sikh communities. Depending on where they are established, Sikhs usually also speak the local languages. For instance, it is common for Sikhs living in India to also speakHindi, or those living inMalaysia to also speakMalay, with the better educated ones usually able to speak English as well.
With many Punjabis having migrated to distant corners of the globe, there are now Sikh diasporas in numerous far-flung places. Here we have a listing of some of the more prominent Gurudwaras outside South Asia.
There are no strict dietary restrictions for Sikhs per se, but they are forbidden from eating meat from animals that have been subject to ritual slaughter or slaughter methods resulting in a slow death. This effectively means that Sikhs are not allowed to consume halal or kosher meat. As Sikh temples are required to be welcoming to people of all faiths when serving community meals, only vegetarian food is served at such events.
Sikhs are forbidden from consuming non-medicinal drugs or alcohol, and are also forbidden from smoking. In practice, drinking alcohol is tolerated among much of the Sikh community but smoking or consuming any form of tobacco is a much stronger taboo. Sikhs found to be smoking are often shunned by the community.
When visiting agurudwara (a Sikh place of worship), you will be required to take off your shoes before entry. If you are not wearing a turban orchunni, you will also need to wear arumaal, a piece of clothing similar to a bandana or handkerchief. Free temporaryrumaals are provided outside most gurudwaras. Gurudwaras welcome visitors of all faiths.
The Khalistan movement is a separatist movement calling for the carving out of an independent Sikh state from India. Although it does not have widespread support among Sikhs in India, it enjoys strong support among British and Canadian Sikhs. Just like other political disputes, it is best for a visitor to stay neutral and refrain from commenting.
Thistravel topic aboutSikhismis ausable article. It touches on all the major areas of the topic. An adventurous person could use this article, but pleasefeel free to improve itby editing the page. |