East Flanders is one of the five provinces ofFlanders (Belgium). Its capital isGhent. Four major rivers - Scheldt (Schelde), Leie, Dender and Durme - run through the province area and lend their name, fame and strength to the region.
Dutch is the language spoken in the province of East Flanders and it's the only official language in the province and the rest of Flanders. The local dialect is called "East Flemish". English is also spoken by most people.
Aalst Carnaval is a three-day carnivalesque popular festival. Traditionally, on Sunday and Monday before Ash Wednesday the original carnival procession parades through the streets ofAalst.
Ronde Van Vlaanderen is the most important cycling race in Flanders of the year. The tour has its finish inOudenaarde. In April.
Lokerse Feesten is a music festival inLokeren in late July to early August.
Thisregion travel guide toEast Flandersis anoutlineand may need more content. It has atemplate, but there is not enoughinformation present. If there areCities andOther destinations listed, they may not all be atusable status or there may not be avalid regional structure and a "Get in" section describing all of the typical ways to get here. Pleaseplunge forward andhelp it grow! |