Adwa is a city in the Tigray region ofnorthernEthiopia, not far south of the border withEritrea. The small village ofYeha is in the same area and its ancient temple is a bigger drawcard than anything in Adwa.
The invading Italian Army was defeated by Ethiopian defenders at the Battle of Adwa in 1896. The Italians returned under Mussolini in 1936 and managed to defeat the Ethiopian Army, in the process killing numerous civilians while sustaining heavy losses. Five years later, the Italians were kicked out of the country for good.
Adwa is 22 km east ofAxum, the nearest city, by sealed road. It is west, and much further, fromAdigrat.
Axum Airport is between Adwa and Axum. There are daily flights fromAddis Ababa,Gondar andLalibela.
Minibuses run to Yeha, taking 50 minutes and costing 13 birr. Be prepared for a bumpy ride. The last one back to Adwa leaves at about 4pm.
There are several hotels in Adwa.
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