"Mathematics is the queen of the sciences and number theory is the queen of mathematics." —Gauss
This topic is aboutNumber Theory, or in simple languagestudy of properties of integers. Number theory is the branch of pure mathematics concerned with the properties of numbers in general, and integers in particular, as well as the wider classes of problems that arise from their study.Number theory may be subdivided into several fields, according to the methods used and the type of questions investigated.
The term "arithmetic" is also used to refer to number theory. This is a somewhat older term, which is no longer as popular as it once was. Number theory used to be called the higher arithmetic, but this too is dropping out of use. Nevertheless, it still shows up in the names of mathematical fields (arithmetic functions, arithmetic of elliptic curves).
Thefirst chapterFactorisation of Numbers in this Topic basically deals with extensions of Elementary Number Theory or the study on factorizations, and covers topics like Multiplicative Combinatorial Number Theory, Prime Numbers, Perfect Numbers and other Special Numbers, Modular Arithmetic, Arithmetic Functions, Algebraic Integers, and Theory of Reciprocities. Actually for most Number-Theorists, this topic covers most of the subject.
Thesecond chapterDiophantine Analysis is devoted to the study of Diophantine Equations, which are indeterminate equations for which integer solution or class of solutions is asked. Many equations such as Numeral Systems, Pell's Equation, Pythagorean Theorem, Integer Functions and Fixed Points, and Exponential Equations are discussed along with techniques such as Modular Residues, Factoring Expressions, Infinite Descent, Viete Root Flipping and Chakravala are discussed.
Thethird chapterPlaying with Numbers discusses systems that change their state at discrete intervals in strict accordance to predefined rules like Nim Games, Erase & Replace Systems, Solitaires, etc. This topic basically aims to study Arithmetic Mathematical Games through techniques such as Invariants and Infinite Descent. This topic lacks a formal extent in terms of Theorems and is generally considered as part of Recreational Mathematics, although it does carry many good problems.
Some high-level problems: from respective chapters: