Among these heretical bodies, perhaps the most prosperous and assertive is the Tenri Kyōkwai, that is say [sic], "The Church of the Heavenly Reason." Viewed from one side, it appears to represent in an intense form a reaction from the allegorizing tendency of modern Shintō scholars; but as will appear later on, it has by no means successfully resisted the influence of modern civilization. The story of the growth of this sect possesses much interest, not merely from the light it sheds upon the religious condition of the mass of the Japanese people, but also because of certain psychological phenomena which have been associated with it and which have exerted in the past and, indeed still exert, a powerful influence upon the religious life of Japan.
From Rev. Daniel Crosby Greene's 1895 article, "Tenrikyo, or the Teaching of the Heavenly Reason" (Greene was an American Christian scholar and missionary living in Japan).
Far the biggest of these modern religious movements which already boasts of a history of more than one hundred years and which covers all the Japanese isles with thousands of temples, is the Tenrikyō 天理教: the Religion of Heavenly Wisdom (or Divine Reason), founded in 1838.
From van Straelen's 1954 article, "The Religion of Divine Wisdom: Japan's Most Powerful Religious Movement."
Tenrikyo is a unique faith which is neither theistic nor pantheistic. The Kami (Deity) of Tenrikyo, “Tenri-Ō-no-Mikoto,” is, to speak exactly,umgreifend and all the universe lives in His bosom. The Kami of Tenrikyo may be perceived as a crossing of pantheism plus determination of space, and theism plus determination of time. A pantheistic god is immanent, while a theistic god transcendent. But anumgreifend god is both immanent and transcendent. A pantheistic god is rational, while a theistic god irrational. Anumgreifend god, is, however, transrational.
FromFukaya, Tadamasa (1973).The Fundamental Doctrines of Tenrikyo. Tenri, Japan: Tenrikyo Overseas Mission Department. p. 2.