The Adventures of Bob & Doug McKenzie : Strange Brew is a1983 comedy film about Canada's most famous hosers, Bob and Doug McKenzie, who get jobs at the Elsinore Brewery, only to learn that something is rotten with the state of it.
Directed by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas. Written by Rick Moranis, Dave Thomas, andSteve De Jarnatt.
Something funny is brewing at Elsinore Castle...taglines
[to Pam in a beer tank that's being flooded with beer] My brother and I used to say that drownin' in beer was like heaven, eh? Now he's not here, and I've got two soakers... this isn't heaven. This sucks!
This movie was shot in 3B - three beers - and it looks good, eh?
[to their dog] Eh... Hosehead, once you get there you can have all the free beer and sausages you want.
Hey, we found a dead mouse in our beer, eh? That means you owe us a free case.
Yeah. OK, well, uh, we found, uh, this mouse in a bottle of YOUR BEER, eh. Like, we was at a party and, uh, a friend of ours - a COP - had some, and HE PUKED. And he said, uh, come here and get free beer or, uh, he'll press charges.
I gotta take a leak so bad, I can taste it.
[to Pam] If I didn't have puke breath, I'd kiss you.
Fire Chief:[after Bob has put out the fire at the brewery by urinating on it] It took you two minutes what would have taken us two hours. If you ever want a job, you come see me.
Doug McKenzie: I am your father, Luke. Give in to the dark side of the force, you knob.
Bob McKenzie: He saw Jedi 17 times, eh.
Doug McKenzie:[directing Bob] Psst, act! Act!
Bob McKenzie:[voice-over] Lucky for me, I'd been off planet - on vacation at the time of the war, eh. There wasn't much to do. All the bowling alleys had been wrecked. So's I spent most of my time looking for beer.
Doug McKenzie:[to the rough-looking convicts in their jail cell] Chimp here does the killin'. I don't like to kill. I'm the brains, eh? Like, we got over five billion dollars in our hideout, only some of the money's marked, eh, so we're not spendin' it. We's just waitin'.
Bald con: Youse guys like a smoke?
Doug McKenzie: No, eh? We want our lungs to be pink when they fry us. Hey, we told 'em we didn't want a lawyer. Chimp here probably just kill him anyway.[scoffs] Lawyers are for sucks.
Bailiff: Hey, McKenzie brothers. Your lawyer is here.
[They run out]
Bob McKenzie:[in court, after being sworn in] I do.
Doug McKenzie: I do.
Bob McKenzie: I guess we're married, clerk.
Doug McKenzie: Oh.
Bob McKenzie: Where's the honeymoon?
The Judge: Order, Order!
Bob McKenzie: Gimmie a toasted back bacon, hold the toast.
Doug McKenzie: Don't make me laugh, eh.
The Judge: I remind you not to speak, until you are spoken to!
Bob McKenzie: He's startin' to sound like the old man. Soon he'll be sending me out for beers.
Claude Elsinore: And I'd like to point out that these tapes have not been faked, or altered in any way. In fact they have time coding, which is very hard to fake.
The Judge: For the benefit of the court would you please explain "time coding."
Claude Elsinore: Well, uh... just because I don't know what it is, it doesn't mean I'm lying.