Ritwik Kumar Ghatak (1925–1976) was an Indian Bengali filmmaker and script writer. Along with prominent contemporary Bengali filmmakers Satyajit Ray and Mrinal Sen, his cinema is primarily remembered for its meticulous depiction of social reality.
Film-making is not an esoteric thing to me. I consider film-making – to start with – a personal thing. If a person does not have a vision of his own, he cannot create.
Ghatak, Ritwik (1987). Cinema and I. Ritwik Memorial Trust. pp. 65.
Tagore once said–art has to be beautiful, but, before that, it has to be truthful. Now, what is truth? There is no eternal truth. Every artist has to learn private truth though a painful private process. And that is what he has to convey.
Ghatak, Ritwik (1987). Cinema and I. Ritwik Memorial Trust. pp. 75.
In relation to man and his society, experiment can not dangle on void. It must belong. Belong to man.
Ghatak, Ritwik (1987). Cinema and I. Ritwik Memorial Trust. pp. 45.
I believe in committed cinema. I mean, commitment in the broadest sense of the term.
Ghatak, Ritwik (1987). Cinema and I. Ritwik Memorial Trust. pp. 15.