In thePuranas it was predicted that toward the end of Kali Yuga humanity would be driven to acts of madness... But how do you explain to people that their leaders and their teachers are insane? ...such mental confusion fully corresponds with the end of Kali Yuga... The Thinker warned, “Do not fall into madness.” ~Agni Yoga
Aprophecy is a message that is claimed by a person (typically aprophet) to have been communicated to them by adeity. Such messages usually involveinspiration, interpretation ofdreams, orrevelation of divine will (divine knowledge) concerning the prophet's contemporary world and/ or a preternatural knowledge of events to come in the future.
Can prophecies remain unfulfilled? Indeed they can... A true prophecy foresees the best combination of possibilities, but it is possible to allow them to escape. The subject of fulfillment of prophecies is very profound; in it are combined cooperation and higher knowledge of the spirit.... Since time immemorial prophecies have been issued... as benevolent signs for humanity. Prophecies best of all inform mankind.
The manifestation of unfit elements is great at the end ofKali Yuga. The fiercerArmageddon is, the better it serves as purifier of the dross. (66) ...The end of Kali Yuga is significant, for many cosmic events are connected with this period... Armageddon was predicted ages ago, and the abnormalities at the end of Kali Yuga were described in thePuranas, but even keen thinkers underestimated those clear indications... (106) ...It is true that Armageddon is raging and incredible crimes have been committed, but it is also true that against the background of these terrors a speedy evolution rushes onward. Is it possible that people do not see how much of the new is entering life? We should not permit the doubting worldlings to proclaim that the dark forces are victorious. That which belongs to Infinity cannot be conquered. (259)
In thePuranas it was predicted that toward the end of Kali Yuga humanity would be driven to acts of madness. It is very dangerous that people do not recognize this state, for while it is possible to cure a patient who does not resist treatment, if he struggles against it the beneficial effects of the medicine will be diminished. But how do you explain to people that their leaders and their teachers are insane? ...such mental confusion fully corresponds with the end of Kali Yuga... Most people hate the messenger who brings knowledge... let them at least remember the warning that humanity is acting insanely. The Thinker warned, “Do not fall into madness.” (285)
The ancient writings all claim that a Golden Age is indeed due to follow the death of the present Dark Age. How long it will take to develop depends upon the people and the interest and initiative which they show in regard to the whole matter. It is therefore considered that a great deal may now be written or taught to people at this time on this vital subject, because for them it is still an unaccustomed topic, and it will take some time for them thoroughly to grasp the importance of it and the magnitude of the opportunity... (Ch. 1) Nations will for a long time insist upon a large measure of self-government, but when they begin to see the benefits which accrue from each successive international co-operative development, they will finally grasp the new principle of synthesis, and the age of separation will be over for ever...
The ancient writings all claim that a Golden Age is indeed due to follow the death of the present Dark Age. How long it will take to develop depends upon the people and the interest and initiative which they show in regard to the whole matter. It is therefore considered that a great deal may now be written or taught to people at this time on this vital subject, because for them it is still an unaccustomed topic, and it will take some time for them thoroughly to grasp the importance of it and the magnitude of the opportunity... (Ch. 1)
Nations will for a long time insist upon a large measure of self-government, but when they begin to see the benefits which accrue from each successive internationalco-operative development, they will finally grasp the new principle of synthesis, and the age of separation will be over for ever... There will be tremendous difficulties to surmount whilst trying to arrive at the coming stages... All this will happen more easily and quickly than seems possible today, firstly because it is an inescapable step in the natural process of human evolution; secondly because humanity itself by its earnest aspiration and patient blind endeavour and endurance, has struggled out of the ancient egotistic separatist attitude, and cast aside the fetters of conventional thought, and is beginning to offer an open mind and heart for the impress of new values and inspirations; thirdly, because the initial steps in world organization which arc about to be achieved by such bodies as the World Health Organization, the U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization, the Economic and Social Council etc., will soon show up the stupendous possibilities lying ahead. (Ch. 2)
It may be said that the actual birth of World Government coincided with the formation of theUnited Nations Organization, and with the desperate wish to invest it with real authority. So the embryonic World Government is potentially already there... What shape it eventually takes, whether it becomes an enlargement of former tyrannies, or whether in fact it will prove to be the instrument by means of which we shall produce our promised Golden Age, depends upon ourselves, the people. (Ch. 2)
We are living in a time of transition, when everything is going to be so different that the experts are possibly more handicapped by their traditional time-worn knowledge than are we, untrained and with minds empty of red tape and orthodoxy. (Ch. 2)
Can we grasp, for instance, that in spite of weather vagaries, even in spite of present soil erosion, there is and could be more than enough produced to-day to allow everyone everywhere a fair standard of living, without entailing drudgery for anybody? Can we grasp that there is more than enough land surface, capable of restoration, to support and feed in comfort a larger population than now exists on this globe? Can we grasp that the only requirement in order that this may be so is organization, a combined world organization founded upon the spiritual principle ofsharing andcooperation; and that this would change the world from the state it is now in to a comparative Heaven?
Can we grasp also that not only have inventions up to date, which would have contrived this, been neglected or misused, but that just around the corner new inventions, such as the application of atomic energy, will, if they arc allowed, change and improve our lives out of all recognition? (Ch. 2)
Eventually this will come about. But the amount of delay, the number of false starts and mistakes which will have to be lived through first will depend upon how much clear and active thinking we will do.(Ch. 2)
When the times are ripe, the invocation of the masses is strident enough and the faith of those who know is keen enough, then always He has come and today will be no exception to this ancient rule...It is curious to see how prophetic in almost all things was the writer ofVishnu Purâna when foretelling to Maitreya some of the dark influences and sins of thisKali Yug. For after saying that the “barbarians” will be masters of the banks… There will be contemporary monarchs, reigning over the earth— kings of churlish spirit, violent temper, and ever addicted to falsehood and wickedness... Property alone will confer rank; wealth will be the only source of devotion; passion will be the sole bond of union between the sexes... women will be objects merely of sensual gratification. ~H.P. BlavatskyThe fulfillment of... [some prophecies] is inevitable... the time factor may not work out as indicated... because the distressed human mechanisms of those to whom the work is given, will fail to react either correctly, or at the right time. ~Alice BaileyProfoundly interesting is this world-tragedy of conflict to those who see in it a necessary preparation, a clearing of the ground, for the coming of the World-Teacher and for the new civilisation... through thisArmageddon the world will pass into a realm of peace, of brotherhood, of co-operation, and will forget the darkness and the terrors of the night in the joy that cometh in the morning... ~Annie Besant You don't need no crystal ball, Don't fall for amagic wand. ~Kate Bush
Those... who foresee that which may or ought to be, are nevertheless well aware that though the fulfillment of... [some prophecies] is inevitable... the time factor may not work out as indicated...because the distressed human mechanisms of those to whom the work is given, will fail to react either correctly, or at the right time.
Alice Bailey inEsoteric Psychology I: A Treatise on the Seven Rays Lucis Trust publishing, (1936).
The world has been changed beyond belief during the past five hundred years, and during the next two hundred years the changes will be still more rapid and deep-seated, for the growth of the intellectual powers of man is gathering momentum, and Man, the Creator, is coming into possession of His powers.
Alice Bailey inEsoteric Psychology I Lucis Trust publishing, (1936).
The future will shine with an added glory and, though difficulties and problems incident to world adjustment and the new relationships between the spiritual man and his material environment will be found, the future will prove itself as the best yet unrolled. Difficulties will be found on all planes up until the last initiation, but the destructiveness of the life process will never again be so potent. The reason for this is that humanity is most definitely emerging from the thralldom of matter, and in such cases destruction parallels the impact of the descending spirit upon opposing matter. Ponder on this statement.
Alice Bailey inEsoteric Psychology I: A Treatise on the Seven Rays Lucis Trust publishing, (1936).
Profoundly interesting is this world-tragedy of conflict to those who see in it a necessary preparation, a clearing of the ground, for the coming of the World-Teacher and for the new civilisation... The terrible lesson now being taught, the widespread suffering, the devastation by sword and fire, the poverty caused by the dislocation of trade, the tension, the bankruptcies...But through this Armageddon the world will pass into a realm of peace, of brotherhood, of co-operation, and will forget the darkness and the terrors of the night in the joy that cometh in the morning...
We are in theKali Yuga [a Sanskrit term meaning Dark Age] and its fatal influence is a thousand-fold more powerful in the West than it is in the East; hence the easy preys made by the Powers of the Age of Darkness [evil] in this cyclic struggle, and the manydelusions under which the world is now laboring. One of these is the relative facility with which men fancy they can get at the "Gate" and cross the threshold ofOccultism without any greatsacrifice. It is the dream of mostTheosophists, one inspired by desire for Power and personalselfishness, and it is not such feelings that can ever lead them to the coveted goal. For, as well said by one believed to have sacrificed himself forHumanity--"Strait is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life" eternal, and therefore "few there be that find it." (Matthew 7:14) So strait indeed, that at the bare mention of some of the preliminary difficulties the affrighted Western candidates turn back and retreat with a shudder... Let them stop here and attempt no more in their great weakness. For if, while turning their backs on the narrow gate, they are dragged by their desire for the Occult one step in the direction of the broad and more inviting gates of that golden mystery which glitters in the light of illusion,woe to them!
As the “Satya-yuga” is always the first in the series of the four ages or Yugas, so the Kali ever comes the last... Anyhow, it is curious to see how prophetic in almost all things was the writer ofVishnu Purâna when foretelling to Maitreya some of the dark influences and sins of thisKali Yug. For after saying that the “barbarians” will be masters of the banks… he adds: “ There will be contemporary monarchs, reigning over the earth— kings of churlish spirit, violent temper, and ever addicted to falsehood and wickedness. They will inflict death on women, children, and cows; they will seize upon the property of their subjects, and be intent upon the wives of others; they will be of unlimited power, their lives will be short, their desires insatiable... People of various countries intermingling with them, will follow their example; and the barbarians being powerful... in the patronage of the princes, while purer tribes are neglected... Wealth and piety will decrease until the world will be wholly depraved. Property alone will confer rank; wealth will be the only source of devotion; passion will be the sole bond of union between the sexes; falsehood will be the only means of success in litigation; and women will be objects merely of sensual gratification.
Right down the ages, in many world cycles and in many countries (and today in all) great points of tension have occurred which have been characterised by a hopeful sense of expectancy. Some one is expected and His coming is anticipated. Always in the past, it has been the religious teachers of the period who have fostered and proclaimed this expectancy and the time has always been one of chaos and difficulty, of a climaxing point at the close of a civilisation or culture and when the resources of the old religions have seemed inadequate to meet men's difficulties or to solve their problems...When the times are ripe, the invocation of the masses is strident enough and the faith of those who know is keen enough, then always He has come and today will be no exception to this ancient rule...
When men feel that they have exhausted all their own resources and have come to an end of all their own innate possibilities and that the problems and conditions confronting them are beyond their solving or handling, they are apt to look for a divine Intermediary and for the Mediator Who will plead their cause with God and bring about a rescue. They look for a Saviour.
This doctrine of Mediators, of Messiahs, of Christs and of Avatars can be found running like a golden thread through all the world faiths and Scriptures and, relating these world Scriptures to some central source of emanation, they are found in rich abundance everywhere. Even the human soul is regarded as an intermediary between man and God; Christ is believed by countless millions to act as the divine mediator between humanity and divinity.
Ever down the ages, and at every great human crisis, always in the hours of necessity, at the founding of a new race, or in the awakening of a prepared humanity to a new and wider vision, the Heart of God—impelled by the Law of Compassion—sends forth a Teacher, a world Saviour, an Illuminator, an Avatar, a transmitting Intermediary, a Christ. He gives the message which will heal, which will indicate the next step to be taken by the race of men, which will illumine a dark world problem and give to man an expression of some hitherto unrealised aspect of divinity. Upon this fact of the continuity of revelation and upon the sequence of this progressive manifestation of the divine Nature, is based the doctrine of Avatars, divine Messengers, divine Appearances and Saviours. To Them all, history unmistakenly testifies.
The reason He has not come again is that the needed work has not been done by His followers in all countries. His coming is largely dependent, as we shall later see, upon the establishing of right human relations. This the church has hindered down the centuries, and has not helped because of its fanatical zeal to make "Christians" of all peoples and not followers of the Christ. It has emphasised theological doctrine, and not love and loving understanding as Christ exemplified it.
It is not for us yet to know the date or the hour of the reappearance of the Christ. His coming is dependent upon the appeal (the often voiceless appeal) of all who stand with massed intent; it is dependent also upon the better establishment of right human relations and upon certain work being done at this time by senior Members of the Kingdom of God, the Church Invisible, the spiritual Hierarchy of our planet; it is dependent also upon the steadfastness of the Christ's disciples in the world at this time and His initiate-workers—all working in the many groups, religious, political and economic.
When the Christ, the Avatar of Love, makes His reappearance then will the Sons of men who are now the Sons of God withdraw Their faces from the shining light and radiate that light upon the sons of men who know not yet they are the Sons of God. Then shall the Coming One appear, His footsteps hastened through the valley of the shadow by the One of awful power Who stands upon the mountain top, breathing out love eternal, light supernal and peaceful, silent Will. Then will the sons of men respond. Then will a newer light shine forth into the dismal, weary vale of earth. Then will new life course through the veins of men, and then will their vision compass all the ways of what may be. So peace will come again on earth, but a peace unlike aught known before. Then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding, and understanding blossom as goodwill in men.
Thus, those who sought to penetrate the future cannot even see in front of themselves; they attempted to move themselves forward in time, so must they go backwards through all eternity; and as the arts of sorcery are a distortion of God's law, so are their bodies distorted in Hell. ~John Ciardi
Prophecy, however honest, is generally a poor substitute for experience.
Benjamin N. Cardozo,West Ohio Gas Co. v. Public Utilities Commission (No.2), 294 U.S. 79, 82, (1935).
Thus, those who sought to penetrate the future cannot even see in front of themselves; they attempted to move themselves forward in time, so must they go backwards through all eternity; and as the arts of sorcery are a distortion of God's law, so are their bodies distorted in Hell.
...there shall arise in the world an Exalted One by name Maitreya (the Kindly One) anArhat, a Fully Enlightened One, endowed with wisdom and righteousness, a Happy One, a World-knower, the Peerless Charioteer of men to be tamed, a teacher of the devas (angels) and mankind... He shall proclaim the norm, lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof. ~Gautama Buddha
Now in those days, brethren, there shall arise in the world an Exalted One by nameMaitreya (the Kindly One) an Arhat, a Fully Enlightened One, endowed with wisdom and righteousness, a Happy One, a World-knower, the Peerless Charioteer of men to be tamed, a teacher of the devas (angels) and mankind, an Exalted One, a Buddha like myself. He of His own abnormal powers shall realize and make known the world, and the worlds of the devas, with their Maras, their Brahmas, the host of recluses and brahmins, of devas and mankind alike, even as I do now. He shall proclaim the norm, lovely in its beginning, lovely in its middle, and lovely in the end thereof. He shall make known the wholly perfect life of righteousness in all its purity, both in the spirit and in the letter of it, even as I do now. He shall lead an Order of Brethren numbering many thousands, even as I do now lead an order of Brethren numbering many hundreds.
At the beginning and end of the discourse, the Buddha exhorts his monks to 'keep to their own preserves' by the practice of mindfulness. Then he tells of a 'wheel-turning monarch' (a righteous ruler) who had the sacred Wheel Treasure, which had to be carefully guarded. He was followed by a line of righteous kings, but eventually they degenerated, and society went from bad to worse, while the human life-span sank to ten years and all sense of morality was lost. After a brief but dreadful 'sword-interval' things improved, and finally another Buddha, Metteyya (Sanskrit: Maitreya) will appear. (26)
Muad'Dib could indeed see theFuture, but you must understand the limits of thispower. Think ofsight. You haveeyes, yet cannot see withoutlight. If you are on the floor of a valley, you cannot see beyond your valley. Just so, Muad'Dib could not alwayschoose to look across the mysterious terrain. He tells us that a single obscuredecision ofprophecy, perhaps the choice of oneword over another, couldchange the entire aspect of the future.He tells us "Thevision oftime is broad, but when you pass through it, time becomes a narrowdoor." And always, hefought thetemptation to choose a clear, safe course, warning "That path leads ever down into stagnation."
Frank Herbert,Dune (1965), Book 2: Muad'Dib,Arrakis Awakening by the Princess Irulan.
Prophecy and prescience — How can they be put to thetest in the face of the unanswered questions? Consider: How much is actual prediction of the "wave form" (as Muad'Dib referred to hisvision-image) and how much is the prophet shaping thefuture to fit the prophecy? What of theharmonics inherent in the act of prophecy?Does the prophetsee the future or does he see a line ofweakness, a fault or cleavage that he may shatter withwords ordecisions as adiamond-cutter shatters his gem with a blow of a knife?
Frank Herbert,Dune (1965), Book 2: Muad'Dib,Private Reflections on Muad'Dib by the Princess Irulan.
The trance-state ofprophecy is like no othervisionaryexperience. It is not a retreat from the raw exposure of thesenses (as many trance states) but an immersion in a multitude of new movements. Things move. It is an ultimatepragmatism in the midst ofInfinity, a demandingconsciousness where you come at last into the unbrokenawareness that theuniverse moves of itself, that it changes, that its rules change, that nothing remains permanent or absolute throughout all such movement, thatmechanicalexplanations for anything can work only within precise confinements and, once the walls are broken down, the old explanations shatter and dissolve, blown away by new movements.The things you see in this trance are sobering, often shattering. They demand your utmost effort to remainwhole, and even so, you emerge from that state profoundly changed.
The prophet is not diverted by illusions of past, present and future. The fixity oflanguage determines such linear distinctions.Prophets hold akey to the lock in a language. Themechanical image remains only an image to them.This is not a mechanicaluniverse. The linear progression of events is imposed by the observer. Cause and effect? That's not it at all.The prophet uttersfatefulwords. You glimpse a thing "destined to occur." But the prophetic instant releases something ofinfinite portent andpower. The universe undergoes a ghostly shift. Thus, thewise prophet conceals actuality behind shimmering labels. The uninitiated then believe the prophetic language isambiguous. The listener distrusts the propheticmessenger.Instinct tells you how the utterance blunts the power of such words.The best prophets lead you up to the curtain and let you peer through foryourself.
To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish theprinciples of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium. ~Krishna,
Whenever...there is a decline in religious practice... I descend Myself. To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants, as well as to reestablish the principles of religion, I Myself appear, millennium after millennium.
Everybody makes the same mistake. Fortune-telling doesn't reveal thefuture; it mirrors thepresent. It resonates against what your subconscious alreadyknows and hauls it up out of thedarkness so you can get a good look at it. ~Charles de Lint
Everybody makes the same mistake. Fortune-telling doesn't reveal the future; it mirrors the present. It resonates against what your subconscious already knows and hauls it up out of the darkness so you can get a good look at it.
Charles de Lint, in "Paperjack" inDreams Underfoot : The Newford Collection (2003), p. 396.
The Kshatriyas [military caste] also towards the end of such a period will become the thorns of the earth... filled with avarice and swelling with pride and vanity... attacking and repeating their attacks upon the good and the honest, and feeling no pity for the latter... ~MahabharataCovetousness and avarice will overwhelm them all. And wedded to avarice and wrath and ignorance and lust men will entertain animosities towards one another... ~MahabharataAnd cowards will have the reputation of bravery and the brave will be cheerless like cowards... ~Mahabharata, Book 3, Vana ParvaWhen the end of the Yuga comes, men abandoning the countries and directions and towns and cities of their occupation, will seek for new ones, one after another. And people will wander over the earth, uttering, 'O father, O son', and such other frightful and rending cries. ~Mahabharata, Book 3, Vana Parva
Therefore, stayawake, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. 22:42 Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. 22:44
Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. 22:42 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.22:44
The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, afalse definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour which makes the original false conception come "true". This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign oferror. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events asproof that he was right from the very beginning.
Robert K. Merton,Social Theory and Social Structure (1968), p. 477.
Armageddon has already begun—the end of 1931 saw the start of the Great Battle, and I did not conceal it from you. So the Battle cannot end now, but must reach a victorious conclusion. Of course, when the flaming pentagram must be uplifted as a shield, all the sensations of the Battle affect the heart. You should not be surprised that events are piling up, for the earthly battle is following the heavenly. A great deal has been said about the Heavenly Host, aboutMichael the Archistrategus, the Supreme General, about the manifestation of the affirmed Leader, and about all the perturbations. That is why I say, “Caution!”
Those who understand Armageddon to be a field in which signs of the highest energy manifest are correct. This battlefield cannot be something that arises accidentally; rather, it is like a magnet that attracts opposing energies. The field of the future City of Light is destined to act as a counterbalance to this battlefield. Just as the existence of the field of Armageddon is proclaimed by the clash and clatter of arms, the existence of the field of the City of Light is proclaimed by the peal of bells. According to the contrast, one can judge the dimensions of the destined. So you might turn your ears to the din of the battle in order to hear the ringing of the bells.
Pure thinking is the best disinfectant. It is high time that thinking was accepted as a chemical process. Likewise, the manifestation of Armageddon should not only be understood as a war in the conventional sense but should also be viewed in terms of all the events in life. The epidemic ofpossession is a phenomenon that characterizes the time of the Great Battle. Certainly, our convulsed planet is overrun withsuicides as well as physical and spiritual calamities. Amidst humanity can be found unusual diseases of the brain and nerves, as well as every sort of perversion. The vacillations of the spirit may be truly astonishing. One may feel indignant about the way in which the finest people are greeted with threats and hatred. It is as if the soil itself were speeding to destruction! Of course, the mad ones do not see all the luminous warriors, and they allow the dark forces to drag them into the abyss. So every seeker must summon up all his strength in fortifying himself on the foundation of the Hierarchy. Even on an ordinary battlefield a warrior must not let his communications get cut off.
O thou foremost of all speakers, O Muni of Bhrigu's race, that which we have heard from thee about the destruction and re-birth of all things at the end of the Yuga, is, indeed, full of wonder! I am filled with curiosity, however, in respect of what may happen in the Kali age. When morality and virtue will be at an end, what will remain... tell me all in detail, O Muni, for all that thou narratest is varied and delightful...(Section CLXXXIX, p. 387)
Thus addressed, that foremost of Munis began his discourse... listen to me as I narrate the future history of the world during the sinful age. O bull of the Bharata race, in the Krita age, everything was free from deceit and guile and avarice and covetousness; and morality like a bull was among men, with all the four legs complete... In the dark age (of Kali)... morality mixed with three parts of sin liveth by the side of men... men in general will deceive their fellows...
And men with false reputation of learning will... cause truth to be contracted and concealed. And in consequence of the shortness of their lives they will not be able to acquire much knowledge. And in consequence of the littleness of their knowledge, they will have no wisdom. And for this, covetousness and avarice will overwhelm them all. And wedded to avarice and wrath and ignorance and lust men will entertain animosities towards one another, desiring to take one another's lives. (Section CLXXXIX, p. 387)
And the lowest orders of men will rise to the position of the intermediate ones, and those in intermediate stations will, without doubt, descend to the level of the lowest ones... And towards that period, even they that are always observant of vows, will become covetous...People will become atheists and thieves... the kings of the earth, with hearts wedded to sin without knowledge and always boastful of their wisdom, will challenge one another... (Section CLXXXIX, p. 388)
And the Kshatriyas [military caste] also towards the end of such a period will become the thorns of the earth. And filled with avarice and swelling with pride and vanity... And attacking and repeating their attacks upon the good and the honest, and feeling no pity for the latter.. the Kshatriyas will, O Bharata, rob these of their wives and wealth...
And no one will ask for a girl (for purposes of marriage) and no one will give away a girl (for such purposes), but the girls will themselves choose their lords, when the end of the Yuga comes...
And the kings of the earth with souls steeped in ignorance, and discontented with what they have, will at such a time, rob their subjects by every means in their power..., the right hand will deceive the left; and the left, the right....
And men with false reputation of learning will contract Truth and the old will betray the senselessness of the young, and the young will betray the dotage of the old. (Section CLXXXIX, p. 388)
And cowards will have the reputation of bravery and the brave will be cheerless like cowards... men will cease to trust one another... full of avarice... sin will increase and prosper, while virtue will fade and cease to flourish.
And Brahmanas and Kshatriyas and Vaisyas will disappear, leaving, O king, no remnants of their orders... jealousy and malice will fill the world. And no one will, at that time, be a giver (of wealth or anything else) in respect to any one else... men will... becomeomnivorous without distinction, and cruel in all their acts... urged by avarice, men will, at that time, deceive one another when they sell and purchase. And when the end of the Yuga comes, urged by their very dispositions, men will act cruelly, and speak ill of one another.. people will, without compunction, destroy trees and gardens. (Section CLXL, p. 392)
And men will be filled with anxiety as regards the means of living... overwhelmed with covetousness, men will kill... and enjoy the possessions of their victims...And when men become fierce and destitute of virtue and carnivorous and addicted to intoxicating drinks, then doth the Yuga come to an end... friends and relatives and kinsmen will perform friendly offices for the sake of the wealth only that is possessed by a person...When the end of the Yuga comes, men abandoning the countries and directions and towns and cities of their occupation, will seek for new ones, one after another. And people will wander over the earth, uttering, 'O father, O son', and such other frightful and rending cries. (Section CLXL, p. 392)
TheKalki Avatar... the final incarnation of Vishnu in the current Maha Yuga, foretold to appear at the end of Kali Yuga, the current epoch.
After Kali Yuga
And when those terrible times will be over, the creation will begin anew. And men will again be created and distributed.. and about that time, in order that men may increase, Providence, according to its pleasure, will once more become propitious... And the clouds will commence to shower seasonably, and the stars and stellar conjunctions will become auspicious. And the planets, duly revolving in their orbits, will become exceedingly propitious. And all around, there will be prosperity and abundance and health and peace....(Section CLXL, p. 392)
And commissioned by Time, a Brahmana of the name of Kalki will take his birth. And he will glorify Vishnu and possess great energy, great intelligence, and great prowess.... vehicles and weapons, and warriors and arms, and coats of mail will be at his disposal as soon as he will think of them. And he will be the king of kings, and ever victorious with the strength of virtue. And he will restore order and peace in this world crowded with creatures and contradictory in its course. And that blazing Brahmana of mighty intellect... will be the Destroyer of all, and will inaugurate a new Yuga. And surrounded by the Brahmanas, that Brahmana will exterminate all the mlecchas wherever those low and despicable persons may take refuge."(Section CLXL, p. 392)
Markandeya continued, Having exterminated the thieves and robbers... and having established anew the blessed rectitude ordained by the Self-create, Kalki, of sacred deeds and illustrious reputation... the people of this earth will imitate his conduct... there will be prosperity everywhere (on earth). And as the countries of the earth will one after another be subjugated... (Section CLXL, p. 392)
Vaisampayana continued, "Hearing these words of Markandeya, the royal head of the Kurus... spoke... 'O muni, if I am to protect my subjects, to what course of conduct should I adhere? And how should I behave so that I may not fall away from the duties of my order?' Markandeya, hearing this, answered, 'Be merciful to all creatures, and devoted to their good. Love all creatures, scorning none. Be truthful in speech, humble, with passions under complete control, and always devoted to the protection of thy people. Practise virtue and renounce sin, and worship thou the manes and the god and whatever thou mayst have done from ignorance or carelessness, wash them off and expiate them by charity. (Section CLXL, p. 393)
Renouncing pride and vanity, be thou possessed to humility and good behaviour. And subjugating the whole earth, rejoice thou and let happiness be thine. This is the course of conduct that accords with virtue. I have recited to thee all that was and all that will be regarded as virtuous. There is nothing appertaining to the past or the future that is unknown to thee. Therefore, O son, take not to heart this present calamity of thine. They that are wise are never overwhelmed when they are persecuted by Time. O thou of mighty arms, the very dwellers of heaven cannot rise superior to Time. Time afflicts all creatures. (Section CLXL, p. 393)
The Manuscript dates back to about 600 B.C... predicts a massivetransformation in human society... It's notreligious in nature, but it isspiritual.
I had determined to go as far as declaring in abstruse and puzzling utterances the future causes of the "common advent", even those truly cogent ones that I have foreseen. Yet lest whatever human changes may be to come should scandalise delicate ears,the whole thing is written in nebulous form, rather than as a clear prophecy of any kind.
If I have eschewed the word prophet, I do not wish to attribute to myself such lofty title at the present time, for whoever is called a prophet now was once called a seer; since a prophet, my son, is properly speaking one who sees distant things through a naturalknowledge of all creatures. And it can happen that the prophet bringing about the perfect light of prophecy may make manifest things both human and divine, because this cannot be done otherwise, given that the effects of predicting the future extend far off into time.
Perfect knowledge of such things cannot be acquired without divine inspiration, given that all prophetic inspiration derives its initial origin fromGod Almighty, then from chance and nature. Since all these portents are produced impartially, prophecy comes to pass partly as predicted. For understanding created by the intellect cannot be acquired by means of the occult, only by the aid of the zodiac, bringing forth that small flame by whose light part of the future may be discerned.
When twenty years of the Moon's reign have passed another will take up his reign for seven thousand years. When the exhaustedSun takes up his cycle then my prophecy and threats will be accomplished.
For you know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation. For prophecy was at no time brought by man’s will, but men spoke from God as they were moved by holy spirit.
SirIsaac Newton, having perhaps thegreatestscientificmind ofalltime, accepted the books ofBook of Daniel andRevelation asrevelations fromGod, being very detailed and accurate representations of thehistory of the world's dominating kingdoms, andprophesying both the first and second coming ofChrist. Heunderstood that the scriptures taught that the true Church ofJesusChrist had been lost, and he awaited three separate future events: 1) the restoration of the gospel by anangel, 2) the re-establishment of the true church, and 3) the rise of a new world kingdom led by the Savior himself, which will crush the kingdoms of theworld as thestone pulverized the statue to powder. He saw the wholepurpose of these revelations is not to satisfy man'scuriosity about thefuture, but to be a testimony of the foreknowledge ofGod after they are all fulfilled in the last days.He proposed that the revelations can be understood by discoveringrules governing their consistent imagery, but only after they have been fulfilled, unless an interpretation is given with the revelation. Truly Newton'sgenius was remarkable, and we could learn much from his insights and systematic methods.
Maitreya corresponds to the Kalki Avatar in Hinduism (the "White Horse Avatar"—see the Revelation of St. John), and to the Messiahs of all nations... ~Helena Roerich
Every prophecy, afterwards uttered by various prophets, was handed over on Sinai at the time of the giving of the Decalogue, but was to be kept unproclaimed until each prophet had received the charge of proclaiming his respective prophecy
The whole world is passing through thrice difficult days, and it was indicated to read in the Apocalypse the first verse, chapter 21—"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth" so it is, and with the old consciousness one cannot enter the New World. ~Helena Roerich
We are now in the midst of the Great Battle predicted in all the most ancient prophecies and in the writings of all peoples. We are approaching the great decisive battle between the Armies of Light...and the hordes of the Prince of this World....the whole army of Gog must be exterminated. But immutable is the Law of Light, and darkness shall be defeated.
Dreadful is Armageddon — the dark forces are struggling for their very existence. Despair unites them and makes them so persistent in trying to achieve their aim. The Prince of the World has very many talented collaborators—some conscious, some unconscious—and it is foolish to think that they do not know the ways of the most cunning subtlety. There are very shrewd and inventive, and they act according to the level of their victims. Butall of them lack tolerance and warmth of heart. (23 August 1934)
Armageddon is the great decisive Battle between the Forces of Light and darkness. It was predicted in all the ancient scriptures, and the name "Armageddon, as well as the description of it, can be found in theApocalypse... It is interesting to note that these calculations are also found in the pyramid of Cheops. Thus, today, we find ourselves in the midst of this Battle, which will increase... (10 September 1934).
The predicted great Armageddon of our race is in full swing... victory is always with the forces of Light, but dreadful cataclysms are unavoidable... the destiny of the world is in the hands of humanity. The planet can be saved only if there is a resurrection of the spirit, only if the consciousness is liberated from the phantoms of the past and directed toward the construction of the New World on the basis of a new understanding of cooperation and knowledge. (16 July 1935) ...At present the whole world is passing through thrice difficult days, and it was indicated to read in the Apocalypse the first verse, chapter 21—"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth" so it is, and with the old consciousness one cannot enter the New World. (11 February 1938).
Helena Roerich,Letters of Helena Roerich, Volume II: 1935-1939.
I shall quote an interesting passage fromThe Secret Doctrine taken from the Puranas. "...Anyhow, it is curious to see how prophetic in almost all things was the writer ofVishnu-Purana when foretelling... a man if rich will be reputed pure; dishonesty... will be the universal means of subsistence, weakness the cause of dependence, menace and presumption will be substituted for learning; liberality will be devotion; mutual assent, [will replace] marriage; fine clothes [will be regarded as] dignity. . . . He who is the strongest will reign.. the people, unable to bear the heavy burden, Kara-bhara (the load of taxes) will take refuge among the valleys. . .
Thus, in the Kali age will decay constantly proceed, until the human race approaches its annihilation (pralaya). . . . When the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being which exists, if its own spiritual nature . . . shall descend on Earth . . . as Kalki (Avatar) endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. . . . He will re-establish righteousness on Earth, and the minds of those who live at the end of Kali-Yuga shall be awakened and become as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed. . . shall be the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, (the age of purity). As it is said, 'When the sun and moon and the lunar asterism Tishya and the planet Jupiter are in one mansion the Krita (or Satya) age shall return.'
Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich II, 19 March 1936.
I myself once heard intelligent people trying to prove that the Bolsheviks were predicted in theApocalypse, and that even the number of the days of their power was mentioned, and that the Michael mentioned there was none other than the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich! I certainly do not mention this to discredit Bajenov's book, but simply to warn those who are greatly attracted by research into Biblical prophecies. (22 June 1936)
Helena Roerich,Letters of Helena Roerich, Volume II: 1935-1939.
Osama Bin Laden andGeorge Bush were bothterrorists. They were both building international networks that perpetrate terror and devastate people’s lives. Bush with thePentagon, theWTO, theIMF and theWorld Bank. Bin Laden withAl-Qaeda. The difference is that nobody elected Bin Laden... The United States supportedSaddam Hussein and made sure that he ruled with an iron fist for all those years. Then they used the sanctions to break the back of civil society. Then they made Iraq disarm. Then theyattacked Iraq. And now they’ve taken over all its assets. p. 91
Arundhati Roy inThe Shape of the Beast: Conversations with Arundhati Roy (2008)
The Manuscript dates back to about 600 B.C... predicts a massivetransformation in human society... It's notreligious in nature, but it isspiritual.
We're discovering something new about human life on this planet, about what ourexistence means, and according to the priest, thisknowledge will alter human culture dramatically. p. 6
The Manuscript predicts that... human beings will begin to grasp theseinsights sequentially, one insight then another, as we move from where we are now to a completelyspiritual culture on Earth.
The transformation is beginning with the First Insight... this insight always surfaces unconsciously at first, as a profound sense of restlessness... We're beginning to glimpse an alternative kind ofexperience... moments in our lives that feel different somehow, more intense and inspiring. But we don't know what this experience is or how to make it last, and when it ends we're left feeling dissatisfied and restless with a life that seems ordinary again... Most of society's recent ills, can be traced to this restlessness and searching, this problem is temporary, and will come to an end.
The First Insight occurs when we become conscious of the coincidences in our lives....Coincidences are happening more and more frequently and that, when they do, they strike us as beyond what would be expected by pure chance.
The Manuscript says the number of people who are conscious of such coincidences would begin to grow dramatically... He said that this growth would continue... we would reach a specific level of such individuals a level I think of as a critical mass... once we reach this critical mass, the entire culture will begin to take these coincidental experiences seriously.
We will wonder, in mass, what mysterious process underlies human life on this planet. And it will be this question, asked at the same time by enough people... we will begin to find out.
Mostchurch officials were fighting against it... because it challenges the completeness of their religion. Apparently the... insights extend some of the church's traditional ideas in a way that alarms the church elders, who think things are fine the way they are.
Staying connected, Father Carl said, will be easier once you get clear on who you are... The process of finding your true spiritual identity involves looking at your whole life as one long story, trying to find a higher meaning. Begin by asking yourself this question: why was I born to this particular family? What might have been the purpose for that?
You can go to sleep and never think again of what we have discussed. You can go right back into your old drama, or you can wake up tomorrow and hold on to this new idea of who you are.
The worst thing that can be done to children is to drain their energy while correcting them. This is what creates control dramas in them...
You should never take responsibility for more children than you can give attention to.
The Ninth Insight explains how human culture will change in the next millennium as a result of conscious evolution. It describes a significantly different way of life.
The Manuscript predicts that we humans will voluntarily decrease our population so that we all may live in the most powerful and beautiful places on the Earth. But remarkably, many more of these areas will exist in the future, because we will intentionally let the forests go uncut so that they can mature and build energy.
By the middle of the next millennium... humans will typically live among five hundred year old trees and carefully tended gardens, yet within easy travel distance of an urban area of incredible technological wizardry.
The means of survival food stuffs and clothing and transportation-will all be totally automated and at everyone's disposal. Our needs will be completely met without the exchange of any currency, yet also without any overindulgence or laziness.
Guided by their intuitions, everyone will know precisely what to do and when to do it, and this will fit harmoniously with the actions of others. No one will consume excessively because we will have let go of the need to possess and to control for security.
The Ninth depicts a human world where everyone has slowed down and become more alert, ever vigilant for the next meaningful encounter that comes along. We will know that it could occur anywhere: on a path that winds through a forest, for instance, or on a bridge that traverses some canyon.
Can you visualize human encounters that have this much meaning and significance? Think how it would be for two people meeting for the first time. Each will first observe the other's energy field, exposing any manipulations. Once clear, they will consciously share life stories until, elatedly, messages are discovered. Afterward, each will go forward again on their individual journey, but they will be significantly altered. They will vibrate at a new level and will thereafter touch others in a way not possible before their meeting...
Our natural pursuit of the truth will lead us there.
The real reason we spent five centuries creating material supports for human life was to set the stage for something else, a way of life that returns the mystery to existence.
That is what the information now returning from the scientific method indicates: mankind is on this planet to consciously evolve. And as we learn to evolve and pursue our particular path, truth by truth, the Ninth Insight says the overall culture will transform in a very predictable way. p.143
The Manuscript describes the progress of succeeding generations as an evolution of understanding, an evolution toward a higher spirituality and vibration. Each generation incorporates more energy and accumulates more truth and then passes that status on to the people of the next generation, who extend it further.
Isn't the story of the scriptures a story of people learning to receive God's energy and will within? Isn't that what the early prophets led the people to do in the Old Testament? And isn't that receptivity to God's energy within what culminated in the life of a carpenter's son, to the extent that we say God, himself, descended to Earth? Isn't the story of the New Testament... the story of a group of people being filled with some kind of energy that transformed them? Didn't Jesus, himself, say that what he did, we could do also, and more? We've never really taken that idea seriously, not until now. We're only now grasping what Jesus was talking about, where he was leading us. The Manuscript clarifies what he meant! How to do it! p. 151
The Ninth Insight says that while some individuals may cross over sporadically, a general rapture will not occur until we have abolished fear, until we can maintain a sufficient vibration in all situations.
We can't do it yet but the role of the Ninth Insight is to help create that confidence. The Ninth Insight is the insight of knowing where we are headed. All the other insights create a picture of the world as one of incredible beauty and energy, and of ourselves as increasing our connection with and thus seeing this beauty... The more beauty we can see, the more we evolve. The more we evolve, the higher we vibrate.
The Ninth Insight shows us that ultimately, our increased perception and vibration will open us up to a Heaven that is already before us. We just can't see it yet.
Whenever we doubt our own path, or lose sight of the process, we must remember what we are evolving toward, what the process of living is all about. Reaching heaven on Earth is why we are here. And now we know how it can be done... how it will be done.
Connecting with energy is something humans have to be open to and talking about and expecting, otherwise the whole human race can go back to pretending that life is about having power over others and exploiting the planet. If we go back to doing this, then we won't survive. Each of us must do what we can to get this message out.
A Page from the Sacred History of the Lord Buddha. The Predestined Maitreya
On Eastern Crossroads: Legends and Prophecies of Asia, Helena Roerich (1930)
A Page from the Sacred History of the Lord Buddha The Predestined Maitreya
The eyes of the child Prince opened early to the miracles of the world. Naught escaped his penetrative attention. The King said, “Perception is the crown of the Lord, but the strength of His arm is His shield. Let Him strengthen His arm with the bow. Let the children of the noble Kshatriyas compete with the Prince.” The Queen Mother added, “If penetration is the crown of the Lord, and the strength of His arm is His shield, then the glory of the Lord is His mercy and His wisdom. I would that my near one should be surrounded by the Devas of Wisdom who created the Vedas.”
Then an old sage turned to the King saying, “Reverend Mother, and thou, Lord, command me to combine your wishes. Command me to bring unto you her whom we call the daughter of the Great Nag, whom we have sheltered in our house. And for seven years have we marveled at her wisdom and the strength of her bow. Verily she is worthy of the hand which has inscribed the wisdom of the Vedas.” “Let her be brought here,” commanded the King. The wise councilor brought a young being, saying, “Maitri, send the worthiest greeting to our King.”
Unheard of was it to see a seven-year-old girl in a white garment, her bow and arrow in hand and a dagger in her girdle. The crown of heavy dark hair was not restrained by the fillet of the Nag and the eyes peered out sadly and sternly. The King said, “Maitri, if you can send the arrow, transfix yonder peacock.” Maitri bowed to the King and said, “I may not take life from an animal; but permit me, King, to pierce an apple on the top of the apple tree.” The King commanded Maitri to be companion to the Prince and greatly admired the wisdom of her who was found on the shores of the lake.
Many years did the Prince spend with Maitri, calling her at times Stern One, or Glowing One, or Warrior, or Seeress of the Wisdom of Nagi.
Maitri opened before him the door of the Path.
When the powerful Lion returned and with the roar of Truth mantled the mountains, Maitri guarded for Him his best pupil and pronounced, “She shall glorify the sight of Thy labors.”
The Lord of Truth answered, “Maitri, manifested Councilor and Keeper. Thou who hast hidden thy wisdom from the crowd. Thou shalst assume My place as the Lord of Compassion and Labor. Maitreya shall lead the nations towards Light. And the arrow of achievement shall bestow the apple of Knowledge.”
What has been said is as true as that the Temple of Knowledge shall be erected near the site of the glorification of the Teacher. What has been said is as true as that the pupil of the Blessed One shall give her name to the Temple of Knowledge. The base of the manifestation of Truth is affirmed by the labors of life. Given in Chorten-Karpo.
August Wilhelm Schlegel,Anthenaem Fragments (Poetic Fragments fragment 80) 27, inFriedrich Schlegel's "Lucinde" and the Fragments (1971) ed. & Tr.Peter Edgerly Firchow, p. 170.
There is a history in all men's lives, Figuring the nature of the times deceas'd, The which observed, a man may prophesy With a near aim, of the main chance of things As yet not come to life, which in their seeds And weak beginnings lie intreasured.
In the East, the cyclical return of an Avatar is well understood, but in the West, such knowledge has been lost.Jesus Christ predicted His own return saying, "they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and glory." (Mt. 24:30) This advent, He said, would be accompanied by various signs of strife and destruction. After His death the early Christians clung to a firm belief in an imminent return, but after generations had passed with no such sign, various interpretations of His words arose. Today there are vast misunderstandings about His work with humanity and the meaning of theSecond Coming. Many groups are predicting a catastrophic destruction of all earthly lifeforms followed by His return as a righteous and avenging judge. But other more level-headed ones say that He will come as an utterly wise and beneficent teacher. There are, in fact, a growing number of people who believe that the one we call theChrist is living in our present world; a number of religious groups have claimed their own leader to be His manifestation... His name isMaitreya and He has lived in London since 1977. His followers say that He is the Christ, and that He has been working on an energetic level, behind the scenes, influencing world events...awaiting the proper time, when humanity is better prepared, to enter into public life...
Because of the compelling nature of His ideas I believe they should be closely studied in relation to the present world situation. The answers He offers are unique. His approach is planetary, not tied to the narrowness of any single interest. His insights penetrate the heart of a situation and generate profound solutions that are often startling in their simplicity. He and His group of co-workers are extending the offer to help us set our house in order. Their intent is to lead but they say that we ourselves must do the groundwork. The message that they bring is one ofhope, notdoom, for despite our many problems as a world community, their very presence — shown in the miraculous and angelic manifestations that we now so often see — is a sign, they say, that they are convinced of our good intentions. With their help, each of us may see a time in which we become co-creators in fashioning a world which expresses the sublimity and peace of universal fellowship. our future course can correct the mistakes of the past and enter into a glowing new age.
These have seen according to theirsight. For every fiery prophet in old times, And all the sacred madness of the bard, WhenGod mademusic through them, could but speak. His music by the framework and the chord; And as ye saw it ye have spokentruth." ~Alfred, Lord Tennyson
"Deafer," said the blameless King, "Gawain, and blinder unto holy things Hope not to make thyself by idle vows, Being too blind to have desire to see. But if indeed there came a sign fromheaven, Blessed are Bors, Lancelot and Percivale, For these have seen according to their sight. For every fiery prophet in old times, And all the sacred madness of the bard, WhenGod made music through them, could but speak His music by the framework and the chord; And as ye saw it ye have spoken truth."
The inspiration for the title of this book came from a Bible prophecy that seems more applicable now than at any other time in human history. It occurs in both the Old and the New Testament and speaks of the collapse of the existing world order and the arising ofa new heaven and a new earth. We need to understand here thatheaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm of consciousness. This is the esoteric meaning of the word, and this is also its meaning in the teachings of Jesus. Collective human consciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected. “A new heaven” is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness, and “a new earth” is its reflection in the physical realm.
Nations will for a long time insist upon a large measure of self-government, but when they begin to see the benefits which accrue from each successive internationalco-operative development, they will finally grasp the new principle of synthesis, and the age of separation will be over for ever... it is an inescapable step in the natural process of human evolution.
The messengers — Buddha, Jesus, and others, not all of them known—were humanity's early flowers. They were precursors, rare and precious beings. A widespread flowering was not yet possible at that time...
The inspiration for the title of this book came from a Bibleprophecy that seems more applicable now than at any other time in human history. It occurs in both the Old and theNew Testament and speaks of the collapse of the existing world order and the arising of “a new heaven and a new earth." We need to understand here thatheaven is not a location but refers to the inner realm ofconsciousness. This is theesoteric meaning of the word, and this is also its meaning in the teachings ofJesus.
Collective humanconsciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected. “A new heaven” is the emergence of a transformed state of human consciousness, and “a new earth” is its reflection in thephysical realm. Since human life and human consciousness are intrinsically one with the life of the planet, as the old consciousness dissolves, there are bound to be synchronistic geographic and climatic natural upheavals in many parts of the planet, some of which we are already witnessing now. (1) Revelation 21:1 and Isaiah 65:17 (New Revised Standard Version)
The greatest achievement of humanity is not its works of art, science, or technology, but the recognition of its owndysfunction, its ownmadness.
In the distant past, this recognition already came to a few individuals. A man calledGautama Siddhartha, who lived 2,600 years ago in India, was perhaps the first who saw it with absolute clarity. Later the title Buddha was conferred upon him. Buddha means “the awakened one.”
Another of humanity’s early awakened teachers emerged in China. His name wasLao Tzu. He left a record of his teaching in the form of one of the most profound spiritual books ever written, theTao Te Ching.
To recognize one’s own insanity, is of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence.
Is humanity ready for a transformation of consciousness, an inner flowering so radical and profound that compared to it the flowering of plants, no matter how beautiful, is only a pale reflection? Can human beings lose the density of their conditioned mind structures and become like crystals or precious stones, so to speak, transparent to the light of consciousness? Can they defy the gravitational pull of materialism and materiality and rise above identification with form that keeps the ego in place and condemns them to imprisonment within their own personality?
The possibility of such a transformation has been the central message of the great wisdom teachings of humankind. The messengers—Buddha, Jesus, and others, not all of them known—were humanity's early flowers. They were precursors, rare and precious beings. A widespread flowering was not yet possible at that time, and their message became largely misunderstood and often greatly distorted. It certainly did not transform human behavior, except in a small minority of people.
This book itself is a transformational device that has come out of the arising new consciousness. The ideas and concepts presented here may be important, but they are secondary. They are no more than signposts pointing toward awakening. As you read, a shift takes place within you.
What a liberation to realize that the "voice in my head" is not who I am. Who am I then? The one who sees that.
Only by awakening can you know the true meaning of that word.
When you don't cover up the world with words and labels, a sense of the miraculous returns to your life.
How do you let go of attachment to things? Don't even try. It's impossible. Attachment to things drops away by itself when you no longer seek to find yourself in them.
Accepting means you allow yourself to feel whatever it is you are feeling at that can't argue with what is. Well, you can, but if you do, you suffer.
The more unconscious individuals, groups, or nations are, the more likely it is that egoic pathology will assume the form of physical violence. Violence is a primitive but still very widespread way in which the ego attempts to assert itself, to prove itself right or another wrong. With very unconscious people, arguments can easily lead to physical violence.
Awareness is the greatest agent for change.
You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge.
Teachings that pointed the way beyond the dysfunction of the human mind, the way out of the collective insanity, were distorted and became themselves part of the insanity. And so religions, to a large extent, became divisive rather than unifying forces. Instead of bringing about an ending of violence and hatred through a realization of the fundamental oneness of all life, they brought more violence and hatred, more divisions between people as well as between different religions and even within the same religion.
Instead of asking "what do I want from life?", a more powerful question is, "what does life want from me?"
You cannot be both unhappy and fully present in the Now.
Nothing ever happened in the past that can prevent you from being present now; and if the past cannot prevent you from being present now, what power does it have?
All the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind.
You cannot find yourself in the past or future. The only place where you can find yourself is in the Now.
When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself.
Suffering has a noble purpose: the evolution of the consciousness and the burning up of the ego.
A new species is arising on the planet. It is arising now, and you are it!
Being must be felt. It can't be thought.
Listen to people's stories and they all could be entitled "Why I Cannot Be At Peace Now" The ego doesn't know that your only opportunity for being at peace is now.
Presence is a state of inner spaciousness.
Nonresistance is the key to the greatest power in the universe.
Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.
When you lose touch with inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world.
The human condition: lost in thought.
Life is the dancer and you are the dance.
What you react to in others, you strengthen in yourself.
We could say that the totality, life wants the sapling to become a tree, but the sapling doesn't see itself as separate from life and so wants nothing for itself. It is one with what life wants. That's why it isn't worried or stressed. And, if it has to die prematurely, it dies with ease.....
When you accept everything for what it is without labels you are outside of your ego.
Right now we are being given the experience we need to raise our consciousness.
The New Earth Is No Utopia... All utopian visions have this in common: the mental projection of a future time when all will be well, we will be saved, there will be peace and harmony and the end of our problems. There have been many such utopian visions. Some ended in disappointment, others in disaster. At the core of all utopian visions lies one of the main structural dysfunctions of the oldconsciousness: looking to thefuture for salvation. The only existence the future actually has is as a thought form in yourmind, so when you look to the future forsalvation, you are unconsciously looking to your own mind for salvation. You are trapped in form, and that isego.
“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth,”(1) writes the biblicalprophet. The foundation for a new earth is a new heaven – theawakenedconsciousness. The earth – external reality – is only its outer reflection. The arising of a new heaven and by implication a new earth are not future events that are going to make us free. Nothing is going to make us free because only the present moment can make us free. That realization is the awakening. Awakening as a future event has no meaning because awakening is the realization of Presence. So the new heaven , the awakened consciousness, is not a future state to be achieved. A new heaven and a new earth are arising within you at this moment, and if they are not arising at this moment, they are no more than a thought in your head and therefore not arising at all. What did Jesus tell his disciples? “Heaven is right here in the midst of you.” (2) (1.) Revelation 21:1 (New Revised Standard Version). (2.) Luke 17:21 (New Revised Standard Version).
The pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. ~Hermes Trismegistus
And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and ofworship. And soreligion, the greatest of allblessings, for there is nothing, nor has been, nor ever shall be, that can be deemed a greaterboon, will be threatened with destruction; men will think it a burden, and will come toscorn it.
They will no longer love this world around us, this incomparable work ofGod, this glorious structure which He has built...
Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes toheaven.
No word ofreverence orpiety, no utterance worthy of heaven and of the Gods of heaven, will be heard or believed.
But when all this has befallen,Asclepius, then the Master and Father, God, the first before all, the maker of that God who first came into being, will look on that which has come to pass, and will stay the disorder by the counterworking of His will, which is the good.
He will call back to the rightpath those who have gone astray; He will cleanse the world fromevil, now washing it away withwater-floods, now burning it out withfiercest fire, or again expelling it bywar andpestilence.
And thus He will bring back His world to its former aspect, so that theCosmos will once more be deemed worthy ofworship and wondering reverence, and God, the maker and restorer of the mighty fabric, will be adored by the men of that day with unceasinghymns ofpraise andblessing.
From hence, no question, has sprung an observation … confirmed now into a settled opinion, that some long experienced souls in the world, before their dislodging, arrive to the height of prophetic spirits.
Prophet of evil! never hadst thou yet A cheerful word for me. To mark the signs Of coming mischief is thy great delight, Good dost thou ne'er foretell nor bring to pass.
Homer,The Iliad, Book I, line 138, Bryant's translation.
A tunnel underneath the sea from Calais straight to Dover, Sir, The squeamish folks may cross by land from shore to shore, With sluices made to drown the French, if e'er they would come over, Sir, Has long been talk'd of, till at length 'tis thought a monstrous bore.
This solemn moment of triumph, one of the greatest moments in the history of the world … this great hour which rings in a new era … and which is going to lift up humanity to a higher plane of existence for all the ages of the future.
David Lloyd George, speech at Guildhall after the signing of the Armistice (11 November 1918).
My gran'ther's rule was safer 'n 't is to crow: Don't never prophesy—onless ye know.