Bubbles! Oh come on Sharon! I'm fucking Ozzy Osbourne, the Prince of fucking Darkness. Evil! Evil! What's fucking evil about a buttload of fucking bubbles!?[3]
I can honestly say, all the bad things that ever happened to me were directly, directly attributed to drugs and alcohol. I mean, I would never piss on a piece of stone at the fucking Alamo at nine o'clock in the morning dressed in a woman's evening dress sober. I mean I know I'm a fucking crazy-ass but still.
All that stuff about heavy metal and hard rock, I don't subscribe to any of that. It's all just music. I mean, the heavy metal from the Seventies sounds nothing like the stuff from the Eighties, and that sounds nothing like the stuff from the Nineties. Who's to say what is and isn't a certain type of music?
Guitar World Issue 37, 2000
Ozzy Osbourne at the Fargodome on October 29, 2007
I push this one button and the shower goes on and I think, where the fuck am I?
[after one of his dogs urinated in the bedroom] Who pissed!!? Who pissed on my fucking carpet!?! That bastard fucking dog man. I'm going to throw you in the pool! Get the fuck out of my house! Why do they do it Sharon? Whats the deal man? It's a fucking terrorist man! It's fucking part of Bin Laden's gang! Fucking Ali Baba used to go work on this rug.
I've had this TV for 7 years, this is how it works. Power on - it comes on. Simple clicker, volume control - piece of piss. Works every time.... what the fuck's this? What am I doing? JACK!!
Ozzy Osbourne's star on the Birmingham Walk of Stars on Broad Street, Birmingham, England
The downside of being outrageous is that you have to go around explaining your fucking self to people. If you're too cocky, somebody might just pull out a fucking gun and cock it and blow your fucking face off. You gotta be really careful what you bite off. Don't bite off more than you can chew. It's a dangerous world.
Rolling Stone Online, May 1997.
...the other day, I went to a chiropractor. He's just a regular chiropractor. Whenever I meet someone who doesn't know me, they say, 'Oh you're the guy who bites the heads off everything.' I get kind of cheesed off with it, but at least they remember. The thing that pisses me off is that that's not what I'm about. If that's what you think Ozzy Osbourne's about, then you're way off.
I have no regrets except that I wasn't up to keep Randy (Rhoads) from getting on that plane.
Guitar World Issue 37, 2000.
I've had every known chemical--cocaine, booze--and tobacco is the hardest one in the world for me to quit. You watch old flicks? It's suggestion by looking at something: You see a cigarette, and it makes you want to smoke!
I miss the lack of melody [in current music] as well. I mean, a lot of people think I'm crazy for liking Creed and I like them purely because they sing! I mean, the singer of Creed sings like the guy from Pearl Jam, very close kind of voice. But I like the fact that Creed sing. I don't care if they're a Bible band, Satan band...
Here's the thing. I always hear that whole 'metal is dead' crap. The truth of the matter is that when we started the Ozzfest, media-wise, yes, metal was dead. But as far as the kids went, it was still huge. It was just that radio and MTV decided it wasn't in vogue with what they wanted to do at the time, so the average person didn't hear too much about it. That's why when it comes to picking the new acts each summer, we have people out there on the internet and in the clubs looking for good music and finding bands that people are excited about. I want to know what the kids are into, because I don't trust the industry.
Guitar World Issue 37, 2000.
I'm about caring, I'm about people, and I'm about entertaining people. I'm a family man. A husband. A father. I've been a lot of other things over the years, which we don't really want to talk about. I'm always working on trying to better myself, you know? I think that that is an ongoing thing with me. I think I'll do that for the rest of my life. I'm always thinking of what I can do today to better my life.
I kept hearing that metal is dead and Ozzy's dead and people that like Ozzy are dead. I have never had an empty seat. I've always sold out, so who's saying it's all over?
I don't consider myself a great singer--but I have a connection with the audience. There's the artist, and then a void and the audience; but I like to be part of the audience. I'd like to be them, and I'd like them to be me for an hour and a half. I get criticized for being the antichrist, causing kids to commit suicide, but that's total bullsh-t. My intentions are not that. Every year they have Halloween, and all I do is take Halloween night out on the road every night. It's like a Halloween party every night. If that was the case on Halloween night, the police cells would be full--everyone would have turned Satanic for the night!
It took a lot of water to down just that fucking bat's head, let me tell you. It's still stuck in my fucking throat, after all these years. People all over the world say, 'You're the guy who kills creatures? You still do it? You do it every night?' It happened fucking once, for Christ's sake.
Rolling Stone Online, May 1997.
When we did that album (Vol. 4) it was like one big Roman orgy-we'd be in the Jacuzzi all day doing coke, and every now and then we'd get up to do a song.
Guitar World Issue 37, 2000.
Somebody said to me this morning, 'To what do you attribute your longevity?' I don't know. I mean, I couldn't have planned my life out better. By all accounts I should be dead! The abuse I put my body through: the drugs, the alcohol, the lifestyle I've lived the last 30 years! Now, some rare fly will fly over me, crap on my shoulder, and I'll drop dead, you know? My life story is a real-life story.
I have a message for anyone coming to the Ozzfest this summer (Summer, 2000): If you're planning to jump up onstage during my set, please do not give me any bear hugs, because they fucking hurt. Listen to me, I'm dead serious. On the first night of last year's tour, this enormous guy jumped up onstage and gave me a huge bear hug. He crushed 3 of my ribs and I had to do the whole tour in absolute agony. I couldn't believe it, the first fucking show!
Guitar World Issue 37, 2000.
I have a saying. 'Never judge a book by its cover'. I say that because I don't even know who Ozzy is. I wake up a new person every day. But if you've got a fantasy of Ozzy, who am I to say? I mean, if you think I sleep upside-down in the rafters and fly around at night and bite people's throats out, then that's your thing. But I can tell you now, all I ever wanted was for people to come to my concerts and have a good time. I don't want anyone to harm themselves in any way, shape or form-and my intentions are good whether people want to believe it or not. I'm not going to suddenly become a Jesus freak or anything. But I do have my beliefs and my beliefs are certainly not satanic.
Rolling Stone Online, May 1997.
There is something fucking unbelievable about seeing all of the fans go crazy and chanting 'Ozzy!' I would pay to see them..
When you're young, you're stupid. You do silly things. I did it (the O-Z-Z-Y tattoo across his knuckles) when I was 14. I was in jail for something. I could have had it removed, but why? It's my trademark. People stop me and say, 'Let me have a look at your hand.'
The idea of a band nowadays is 5 pretty boys, one with a tattoo, one with a shaved head, and on and on. What the fuck is that? I mean, I like Britney Spears, I think she's pretty, but I'm not from the Mickey Mouse Club-I'm from the Godzilla Club!
Guitar World Issue 37, 2000.
There's not a stupidest thing--I've dressed in women's clothes, I've dressed as a Nazi. I've gone onstage naked. I've gone on so drunk I didn't even know I did a show. I've done so many stupid things, but it's all part of Ozzy. I never pre-planned 99.9% of the things I've done. Some were drastically wrong, some were drastically right. I don't know if you saw the VH1 thing [VH1's Behind The Music Ozzy documentary] recently. In one hour, it's impossible to write my life down. I come from a rather large family, three older sisters and two younger brothers. On the documentary, they interviewed my sister and it was the first time I'd seen her in years. I've had a very, very unique life. I often sit back and remember when I had no money--when you're in the middle of it, you get depressed thinking it's going to last forever. All of a sudden, out of nowhere--a bolt of lightning--here I am! I'm very well-off; I've got property all over the place, I've had a very fruitful career. But I've never had a No.1 album in America. But I've lasted several generations and somebody says to me, "Do you notice any difference in the audience?" I've been doing it now for 30 years. Some of the fans are older, but I've picked up new fans along the way.
...as you'll know, the word 'fuck' sort of is used quite a lot in my house. Now, that's not to say, I think to say 'fuck this' or 'fuck you' a lot more, so it should be entered into the English language, because it has a lot more impact when you say, 'I fucking hate this thing.'
The biggest thing has been realizing how much people really do love the early Sabbath music. People have said it in the past but I've never really believed them before. I remember years ago when Metallica opened up for me, I went backstage and they were playing old Black Sabbath albums and I thought they were taking the piss! They said, 'No, we really love Sabbath.' I couldn't see that at the time--because towards the end of my time with Sabbath 20 years ago I thought what we were doing was boring and stupid, because we were boring and stupid, totally sick of what we were doing and totally out of our brains with drink or drugs when we were playing it.
I've been dictating to my son, who's helping me on his computer. I'm spending a lot of time doing research--I've just got up to 1971, when I went crazy and dived through the window. My life is so full of interesting stories...
When I was a practicing alcoholic, I was unbelievable. One side effect was immense suspicion: I'd come off tour like Inspector Clouseau on acid. 'Where's this cornflake come from? It wasn't here before.'
Ozzy Osbourne performing live at Monster of Rock 2007 (Spain)
Dimebag was a dear friend of mine, I'm absolutely beside myself with grief. I can't for the life of me understand why someone would do this. Pantera toured with me many, many times. I'll always remember the signed guitar that he gave me at my 50th birthday party. My heart goes out to Dime's family, his fans and the other innocent victims who were killed in this senseless tragedy. It's just terribly, terribly sad.
I tried out thatBuckethead guy. I met with him and asked him to work with me but only if he got rid of the fucking bucket. So I came back a bit later and he's wearing this green fucking Martian's-hat thing. I said, 'Look, just be yourself!' He told me his name was Brian, so I said that's what I'd call him. He says, 'No one calls me Brian except my mother.' So I said, 'Pretend I'm your mum then!' I haven't even got out of the room and I'm already playing fucking mind games with the guy. What happens if one day he's gone and there's a note saying, 'I've been beamed up?' [Laughs] Don't get me wrong, he's a great player. He plays like a motherfucker!
I wonder where that bat is now? Maybe he's sitting in Bat Heaven somewhere, with his own bat roadies...
Jason Arnopp,Slipknot: Inside the Sickness, Behind the Masks (2001),ISBN 0091879337
My assistant showed me a video calledForks and Knives (sic) or something, about (cutting out)meat and dairy products, so I thought, 'I'll give this a shot!' ... I feel OK actually, I feel better about myself, you know? I go on binges... That's the reason why I decided to cut out meat out and dairy because I've limited what I can have because when you're on the road and you're travelling, you grab buns and... burgers are everywhere... so now I've just narrowed the margin. ... I'm not saying I'm gonna do it forever; I might go back - when my wife learns to cook, so that'll be never!
I'm not going to get up there and do a half-hearted Ozzy looking for sympathy. What's the fucking point in that? I'm not going up there in a fucking wheelchair.
Referring to touring again in the 2020s after health issues, as quoted inRolling Stone
“Ozzy Osbourne: The Rolling Stone Interview”, (July 25, 2002)
We rehearsed at acommunity center nearTony Iommi’shouse, across theroad from amovie theater. One morning, Tony says to us, “It’s interesting. I was looking over at thetheater.” It was showing something likeThe Vampire Returns. “Don’t you think it’sweird that people paymoney to bescared? Maybe we should writescarymusic.” That's when we came up with “Black Sabbath” [hums the guitar riff]. That was the fuckingchange of mylife.
I never did thisblack-magic stuff. The reason I did “Mr.Crowley” on my first solo albumBlizzard of Ozz, 1980 was that everybody was talking aboutAleister Crowley.Jimmy Page bought his house, and one of my roadies worked with one of his roadies. I thought, “Mr. Crowley, who are you? Where are you from?” But people would hear the song and go, “He’s definitely intowitchcraft.”
Ozzy Osbourne: Myson,Jack Osbourne, gets pissed off sometimes. He said to me one day, “Dad, the difference is whether people arelaughing with you or at you.” I said, “As long as they’re laughing, it doesn’t matter.”
Ozzy Osbourne: Myhome was verypoor. Myfather worked nights as a toolmaker. He was theEnglishArchie Bunker; he wouldn'tchange with thetimes. He would never buy mymom awashing machine. We had a boiler house in the garden — you'd put a fire under this copper boiler, where you would boil the clothes to death. I used to sleep in a bed with one of mybrothers. We had no sheets. We had to use old coats. When I was ayoungkid, my father would take me on Sunday mornings with myUncle Jim to thepub, the Golden Cross. Since I wasn't allowed in, I'd sit on the step, and they'd bring me ashandy, which is halflemonade, halfbeer. I remember thinking, “Beer must be the best lemonade in the world. I can’t wait until theage when I can drink it.” When I had my first beer, I spat it out: “That can’t be the fucking stuff. It’s like dishwater.” But then I got the glow. I didn't drink for the taste — I did it for the feeling.
David Fricke: Given your own history ofsubstance abuse, what have you said to your children aboutdrugs andalcohol?
Ozzy Osbourne: I don’t have to have discussions. They’ve seen me come home inpolice vans, and not come home at all. Which I’m notproud of. I’m the most dysfunctionalkid in thefamily.
David Fricke: You've been married toSharon for 20 years. What was it that first attracted you to her?
Ozzy Osbourne: Her laugh. She has the best laugh. She was so infectious, the way she laughed and cursed. I fancied her from a distance for quite a while. We’d pass in hotels, airports. Her father,Don Arden,managedBlack Sabbath, and she worked in the office. Then I got fired fromBlack Sabbath. I went to a hotel inL.A., locked myself in this room, ordered cases of beer and had a dealer bring mecoke every day. I thought, “I’m on my last fling. I’m going to get well fucked up for a few months, then go home and call it a day.” My idea was to open abar — which is a brilliant idea for analcoholic. One day, there is a knock at the door. Someone in the band’s organization had given me an envelope of cash I was supposed to give to Sharon. I blew it on coke. So she came ’round to tear me off a stripe. She comes in — I think she feltsorry for me. She goes, “If you straighten your act up, I want to manage you.” Everybody up to that point was going, “You dummy, you idiot, you can’t do fuck-all.” All my life, I used to be called a dummy. She was the one who didn’t. She encouraged me. She got my ass in gear. We’re the greatest team on earth.
Ozzy Osbourne: It has not always beenbliss. But when I was doing theQueen’s Jubilee, there wasn’t one rock star there, not one, with awife who was the sameage. They were all 12 or 32 or whatever. I know to get ayoung piece of skirt is one thing. But what the fuck do youtalk about? “Oh, that was badnews aboutIndia andPakistan.” And it’s so common. I wouldn’t trade my Sharon for anything.
I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools I've watched all the dropouts Who make their own rules One person conditioned to rule and control The media sells it and you live the role
People look to me and say Is the end near, when is the final day? What's the future of mankind? How do I know, I got left behind
I Don't Know, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads and Bob Daisley
Nobody ever told me, I found out for myself, You gotta believe in foolish miracles, it's not how you play the game, it's if you win or lose, you can choose, don't confuse Win or lose, it's up to you.
I Don't Know.
I've listened to preachers, I've listened to fools I've watched all the dropouts Who make their own rules We're pushed and conditioned to rule and control The media sells it and you live the role
Crazy Train, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads and Bob Daisley.
Everybody's having fun, except me I'm the lonely one I live in shame.
Goodbye to Romance, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads and Bob Daisley.
I had a vision, l saw the world burn And the seas had turned red The sun had fallen, the final curtain In the land of the dead Mother, please show the children Before it's too late To fight each other, there's no one winning We must fight all the hate
Revelation (Mother Earth), written by Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads and Bob Daisley
And they don't really know even what they're talkin' about And I can't image what empty heads can achieve Leave me alone, don't want your promises no more 'Cos rock & roll is my religion and my law Won't ever change, may think it's strange You can't kill rock & roll, it's here to stay
You Can't Kill Rock and Roll, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads and Bob Daisley.
You've got to believe in yourself Or no one will believe in you Imagination like a bird on the wing Flying free for you to use
Believer, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Randy Rhoads and Bob Daisley
I'm just a Rock and Roll Rebel, I tell you no lies, they say I worship the devil, they must be stupid or blind
I'm just a Rock and Roll Rebel, I tell you no lies, they say I worship the devil, they must be stupid or blind
Rock and Roll Rebel, written by Ozzy Osbourne.
They live a life of fear and insecurity And all you do is pay for their prosperity The ministry of fear that won't let you live The ministry of grace that doesn't forgive Do what you will to try and make me conform I'll make you wish that you had never been born
I warned you then and I'm warning you now If you mess with me you're playing with fire Winds of change that are fanning the flames Will carry you to your funeral pyre
The Ultimate Sin, written by Robert John Daisley, Ozzy Osbourne, John Osbourne, Jake Williams, Robert Daisley
If we're offensive and pose a threat You fear what we represent is a mess You've missed the message that says it all And you'll never know why Oh no, you'll never know why We rock
Never Know Why, written by Jake E. Lee, Bob Daisley and Ozzy Osbourne.
War is just another game Tailor made for the insane But make a threat of their annihilation And nobody wants to play If that's the only thing that keeps the peace Then thank God for the bomb
Thank God for the Bomb written by Robert John Daisley, Ozzy Osbourne, John Osbourne, Jake Williams, Robert Daisley
If none of us believe in war Then can you tell me what the weapon's for? Listen to me everyone If the button is pushed there'll be nowhere to run
Killer of Giants, written by Robert John Daisley, Ozzy Osbourne, John Osbourne, Jake Williams, Robert Daisley
Taught by the powers that preach over me I can hear their empty reasons I wouldn't listen, I learned how to fight I opened up my mind to treason But just like the wounded, and when it's too late They'll remember, they'll surrender Never a care for the people who hate Underestimate me now
Shot in the Dark, written by Phil Soussan, Jake E. Lee and Ozzy Osbourne.
A Devil with a crucifix Brimstone and fire He needs another carnal fix To take him higher and higher Now Jimmy, he got busted With his pants down Repent ye wretched sinner Self righteous clown
Miracle Man, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde and Bob Daisley
Tell me I'm a sinner I got news for you I spoke to God this morning and He don't like you You telling all the people the original sin He says He knows you better that you'll ever know Him
I Don't Want to Change the World, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde, Randy Castillo and Lemmy Kilmister
I Don't Wanna Stop, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde and Kevin Churko.
Too many religions for only one god I don't need another saviour Don't try to change my mind You know I'm one of a kind Ain't gonna change my bad behaviour
I Don't Wanna Stop.
I can't believe I'm still here, I know I should be dead.
11 Silver, written by Ozzy Osbourne, Zakk Wylde and Kevin Churko.