These are uncertain times and to see so many people across the nation putting their faith in Democrats and our plan to bring down costs, protect rights and freedoms, and invest in the future of our kids and families, is incredibly hopeful for the future of our nation
[1] Mikie during her victory speech at an election night party in Montclair
It's an honor to fight for our communities and I'll keep working for flood mitigation efforts
I believe it is my responsibility as a member of Congress to ensure that I protect our country from any and all threats. And that is what I intend to do.
I think it would be a tough decision if this was in some way a political decision.
[4]on tough decision, in the sense that it may not represent the will of the majority of her constituents
We have a better vision for the future than the president does. And yet it’s a risk that I think we all felt we had to take to defend our national security.
I don’t think any cases I worked on were particularly high profile. They were generally different violent crimes, drug offenses, racketeering, Ponzi schemes and tax schemes.
[6] on if she worked on any cases that were high profile in New Jersey
My opponent continues to say whatever he thinks will get him elected, even lying about things that are easily verifiable, and really has a deep cynicism about this country and the people in it.
There's just this sense from members of Congress that they had an inside understanding of the Capitol complex, which was chilling, that they had done some sort of reconnaissance, or had inside information about the layout.
But the only way to move forward is to have the assurance that every single member of our body takes their oath seriously and can be trusted to ensure they are doing everything in their power to protect the Constitution and serve in our government.
I believe the decision to have an abortion should be between a woman and her doctor — not the government. States across the country are installing total bans, denying women healthcare and putting their lives at risk.