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K-PAX (film)

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Why is a soap bubble round? Because it is the mostenergy efficient configuration. Similarly, on your planet I look like you; on K-PAX I look like a K-Paxian.
I have arrived. My travels are over for the time being.

K-PAX is a2001science-fictioncomedy-drama film about a mental patient who claims he is an alien.

Directed byIain Softley. Written byGene Brewer andCharles Leavitt.
Change the way you look at the world. (taglines)


You'd be surprised how muchenergy is in a beam oflight.
Iam from K-PAX. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a beam of light to catch.
  • I have arrived. Mytravels are over for thetime being.
  • I didn't arrive bytrain.
  • I'm analien. Don't worry, I'm not going to leap out of your chest.
    • A reference to the creatures in the film series which began withAlien.
  • WhatEinstein actually said was that nothing can accelerate to the speed oflight because its mass would becomeinfinite. Einstein said nothing about entities already traveling at the speed of light or faster.
  • You know, for aneducated person Mark, you repeat things quite a bit. Are you aware of that?
  • Why is a soap bubble round? Because it is the mostenergy efficient configuration. Similarly, on your planet I look like you; on K-PAX I look like a K-Paxian.
  • Your produce alone has been worth the trip.
  • Every being in theuniverse knowsright fromwrong, Mark.
  • Let me tell you something, Mark. You humans, most of you, subscribe to this policy of aneye for an eye, alife for a life, which is known throughout the universe for itsstupidity. Even yourBuddha and yourChrist had quite a different vision; but nobody's paid much attention to them, not even the Buddhists or the Christians.
  • Doctor. Patient. Interesting human distinction.
  • For yourinformation: All beings have the capacity to cure themselves, Mark. This is something we've known on K-PAX for millions of years.
  • Doctor — Doctor — Doctor — Doctor. Tell me how many doctors are there on this planet?
  • You'd be surprised how muchenergy is in a beam oflight.
  • I take it my calculations help explain the perturbations you've been seeing in the rotation pattern of your binary star, but have been unable to explain until…this moment.
  • She says she doesn't like it when you hide her favorite tennis shoe, and she doesn't hear too well on her left side, so don't sneak up on her anymore.
    • On what "Shasta" thedog told him
  • I would say you're in need of a Thorazine drip, Doctor.
  • Something happened. That's why he called me. He calls me when somethingbad happens.
  • Time is running out for everyone.
  • I travellight. That's ajoke, Mark. Youhumans — there's just nosense ofhumor.
  • There's enough life onearth to fill fifty planets… plants, animals, people, fungi, viruses… all jostling to find their place. Bouncing off each other, feeding off each other…connected.
  • Nobody wants. Nobody needs. On K-PAX when I'm gone, nobody misses me. There would be noreason to. And yet I sense that when I leave here… I will be missed.
  • I will admit the possibility that I am Robert Porter, if you will admit the possibility that Iam from K-PAX.Now if you'll excuse me, I have a beam of light to catch.
  • Now that you've found Robert. Please take good care of him.
  • Reality is what you make of it.
  • I want to tell you something Mark, something you do not yet know, but we K-Paxians have been around long enough to have discovered. Theuniverse will expand, and it will collapse back on itself, then will expand again. It will repeat this processforever. What you don't know is that when the universe expands again, everything will be as it is now.Whatevermistakes you make this time around, you will live through on your next pass.Every mistake you make, you will live through again, and again,forever.So my advice to you is to get it right this time around. Becausethistime isall you have.
  • You humans. Sometimes it's hard to imagine how you've made it this far.

Mark Powell

Tell me… uh, do you know of any missing astro-physicists?
  • Who is it thistime?JesusChrist orJoan of Arc?
  • Let'shope extra-terrestrials qualify for Medicaid.
  • He's the most convincing delusional I've ever come across.
  • Tell me… uh, do you know of any missing astro-physicists?
  • There it is. Robert Porter. Drowned. His name is Robert Porter.
  • Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting.


prot told me to find theBluebird of Happiness… It's a task. The first of three.
I know...You're thebluebird.
  • After one month, his amnesia and his delusion has persisted. He claims to be nothuman. A visitor from another planet.
    • Dr. Chakraborty
  • Wow. He looks likeData.
    • Josh
  • I put up with the stink in this place for ten years. I want to get out, if you know what I mean.I used to be the doorman at The Plaza — fif-fifteen years — that's when I started to notice it… Thesmell. Theyall stank. I, I tried to tell them, but, uh… they put me here. And um, this, this place smells worse than all — except for you.You, you don't smell. So I figured you could help me.
    • Sal
  • prot told me to find theBluebird of Happiness… Its a task. The first of three.
    • Howie
  • Patients do not escape from this institution. Theydon't escape. I'm going to have a great time explaining this to the state board. I've got psychotics on the fourth floor packing up their sneakers because they all think they're going off to K-PAX. Find him.
    • Dr. Claudia Villars
  • Iknow...You're thebluebird.
    • Bess
  • Is the spaceman here yet?
    • Gabby Powell
  • You know what a family is? You worry. They don't tell you that you know.
    • Rachel Powell
  • Quiet type. As I recall he was a real smart fellow… abrain.Strong as ahorse though — and worked as a knocker.
    • The sheriff of Robert Porter's town, referring to his occupation as a killer ofcattle in a beef processing plant; the authors of this work are perhaps also making some allusions toknockers, mythical creatures in Welsh folklore.


Stay here — and be prepared — foranything.
Mark Powell: If it's such a terribleexperience, how do you reproduce?
Prot: As carefully as possible.

Mark Powell: What happened in there? I mean...he could be asavant. There are savants who've painted flawless copies ofRembrandts who couldn't remember their ownnames! You don'tbelieve him, Steve?
Steve: I don't know what I believe, Mark...but I know what I saw.

Mark Powell: Where thehell have you been?
Prot: Newfoundland, Greenland, Iceland… Labrador…

Howie: You never gave me my last task. What's my last task?
Prot: To stay here — and be prepared — foranything.

Mark Powell: You have no laws?
Prot: No laws. No lawyers.
Mark Powell: How do you know right from wrong?
Prot: Every being in the universe knows right from wrong, Mark.


  • Change the way you look at the world.



External links

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