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John M. Mason

From Wikiquote
Judge thyself with the judgment of sincerity, and thou wilt judge others with the judgment of charity.

John Mitchell Mason (March 19, 1770 - December 26, 1829) was an American preacher and theologian who was Provost of Columbia College in the early 1810s, and briefly President of Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in the early 1820s.



Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers

Quotes reported in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert,Dictionary of Burning Words of Brilliant Writers (1895)
  • He who thinks he hath no need of Christ, hath too high thoughts of himself. He who thinks Christ cannot help him, hath too low thoughts of Christ.
    • P. 86.
  • When I go to the house of God I do not want amusement; I want the doctrine which is according to godliness. I want to hear the remedy against the harassing of my guilt and the disorder of my affections. I want to be led from weariness and disappointment to that goodness which filleth the hungry soul. I want to have light upon the mystery of Providence; to be taught how the judgments of the Lord are right; how I shall be prepared for duty and for trial; how I may fear God all the days of my life, and close them in peace.
    • P. 150.
  • They that deny themselves for Christ shall enjoy themselves in Christ.
    • P. 534.
  • Judge thyself with the judgment of sincerity, and thou wilt judge others with the judgment of charity.
    • P. 554.
  • A zealous soul without meekness is like a ship in a storm, in danger of wrecks. A meek soul without zeal, is like a ship in a calm, that moves not so fast as it ought.
    • P. 625.

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