Why did you make the Lady of Shalott, inthe illustration, with her hair wildly tossed about as if by tornado? ... I didn’t say that her hair was blown about like that ... Why did you make the web wind round and round her like the threads of a cocoon? ... I did not say it floated round and round her.
Beatrix Potter portrayed the world from a mouse’s- or rabbit’s- or small child’s-eye view. The vantage point in her exquisite watercolors varies from a few inches to a few feet from the ground, like that of a toddler.
Alison Lurie,Don’t Tell the Grown-Ups (1990)
Can you imagine illustration in modern novels? ... For instance, inNorman Mailer? They would have to be abstracts. Don’t you think? Sort of barbed wire and blotches?
I cannot imagine how it must feel for an author to see someone else’s interpretation of their own inner vision. I am constantly amazed at how appreciative most of them manage to be.