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InHeaven, everything is fine.
You've got yourgood things, and you've got mine.
A dream of dark and troubling things
They’re still not sure itis a baby!
Just cut them up like regular chickens.

Eraserhead is a1977 film about a man who tries to survive his industrial environment, his angry girlfriend, and the unbearable screams of his newly bornmutant child.

Written and directed byDavid Lynch.
Be warned. The nightmare has not gone away... (taglines)

Henry Spencer

  • [the Baby is going into violent convulsions and has broken out in spots] Oh, youare sick!

Mr. X

  • The girls have heard this before but... 14 years ago I had an operation on my left arm here. The doctors said that I wouldn't be able to ever use it. But what the hell do they know, I said. So I rubbed it for a half hour every day. And slowly I could move it a little, and use it to turn a faucet... and pretty soon I had my arm back again. And now, I can't feel a damn thing in it. All numb! I'm afraid to cut it, you know?


  • Lady in the Radiator:[singing] In Heaven, everything is fine.
    In Heaven, everything is fine.
    In Heaven, everything is fine.
    You've got your good things, and I've got mine.
    In Heaven, everything is fine.
    In Heaven, everything is fine.
    In Heaven, everything is fine.
    You've got your good things, and you've got mine.
    In Heaven, fine.
    ~In Heaven
  • Beautiful Girl Across the Hall: I locked myself out of my apartment...[pause] and it's so late.
  • Pencil Factory Manager:[exasperated from his assistant's constant buzzing] OKAY, PAUL!


Beautiful Girl Across the Hall: Are you Henry?
Henry: Yes?
Beautiful Girl Across the Hall: A girl named "Mary" called on the payphone in the hallway about an hour ago. She said that she's at her parents' and that you're invited to dinner.
Henry: Oh, yeah?[after a long pause] Well... thank you very much.
[Henry enters his apartment, while the girl slowly closes the door to hers]

Mrs. X: It's Henry isn't it?
Henry: Yes.
[Long pause]
Mrs. X: Mary tells me you're a very nice fellow. What do you do?
Henry: Oh, I'm on vacation.
Mrs. X: Whatdid you do?

Henry: I work at LaPelle's Factory. I'm a printer.
Mary X: Hen-Henry's very clever at printing.
Mrs. X: Yes, he sounds very clever.

Mr. X: I thought I heard a stranger. We've got chicken tonight. Strangest damn things. They're man-made. Little damn things, smaller than my fist - but they're new!...... I'm Bill.
Henry: Hello. I'm Henry.
Mrs. X: Henry's at Lappell's factory.
Mr. X: So, printin's yer business, eh? Plumbin's mine. Thirty years! I've watched this neighborhood change from pastures to the hell-hole it is now! I put every damn pipe in this town!
Mary X: Dad!..
Mrs. X: Bill...
Mr. X: People think pipes grow in their homes! Well they sure as hell don't. Look at my knees! Look at my knees!
Mrs. X: Bill...
Mr. X: Are ya hungry?
Mrs. X: Bill...

Mr. X: Well Henry, what do you know?
Henry: Oh, I don't know much of anything.

Mr. X: Mary usually does the carving but tonight since you are our guest, you could do it, Henry. All right with you?
Henry: Of course. I'd be happy to.[as the chickens begin moving] So I just, uh... I just cut them up like regular chickens?
Mr. X: Sure, just cut them up like regular chickens.

Mrs. X: Henry, may I speak to you a minute? Over here. Did you and Mary have sexual intercourse?
Henry:[stammering] Why?
Mrs. X: Did you?
Henry: Why are you asking me this question?
Mrs. X: I have a very good reason, and now I want you to tell me.
Henry: I'm, I'm very... I love Mary!
Mrs. X: Henry, I asked you if you and Mary had sexual intercourse!
Henry: Well, I don't... I don't think that's any of your business!
Mrs. X: Henry!
Henry: I'm sorry.
Mrs. X: You're in very bad trouble if you won't cooperate...[nuzzling at his neck]
Henry: Well, I... Mary!
Mary X: [grabbing her away] Mother![sobs]
Mrs. X: Answer me!
Henry: I'm too nervous.
Mrs. X: There's a baby. It's at the hospital.
Mary X: Mom!
Mrs. X: And you're the father.
Henry: Well that's impossible! It's only been...
Mary X: Mother, they're still not sure itis a baby!

Mary X: You wouldn't mind marrying me, would you Henry?
Henry: Well... No.

Mary X:[to the crying baby] Shut up![Baby continues to cry] I can't take it anymore! I'm going home!
Henry: What are you talking about?
Mary X: All I need is a decent night's sleep!
Henry: Why don't you just stay home...
Mary X: I'll do what I want! And you better take good care of things while I'm gone!

Beautiful Girl Across the Hall: Where's your wife?
Henry: She must have gone back to her parents again. I'm not sure.
Beautiful Girl Across the Hall: Can I spend the night here?


  • Be warned. The nightmare has not gone away...
  • In Heaven Everything Is Fine.
  • Warning: the nightmare has not gone away
  • Where your nightmares end...
  • A dream of dark and troubling things



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