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Inreligion,divinity orgodhead is the state of things that are believed to come from asupernatural power ordeity, such as agod,supreme being,creator deity, orspirits, and are therefore regarded assacred andholy.Such things are regarded as divine due to theirtranscendental origins or because their attributes or qualities are superior or supreme relative to things of theEarth. Divine things are regarded aseternal and based intruth, while material things are regarded asephemeral and based inillusion. Such things that may qualify as divine areapparitions,visions,prophecies,miracles, and in some views also thesoul, or more general things likeresurrection,immortality,grace, andsalvation. Otherwise what is or is not divine may be loosely defined, as it is used by differentbelief systems.

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  • With that inner conviction (of immortality), we face death, and we know that we shalllive again, that we come and we go, and that we persist because we are divine and the controllers of our own destiny....The spirit in man is undying; it forever endures, progressing from point to point, and stage to stage upon the Path of Evolution, unfolding steadily and sequentially the divine attributes and aspects.
    The immortality of the human soul, and the innate ability of the spiritual, inner man to work out his own salvation under the Law of Rebirth, in response to the Law of Cause and Effect, are the underlying factors governing all human conduct and all human aspiration. They condition him at all times, until he has achieved the desired and the designed perfection, and can manifest on earth as a rightly functioning son of God.
    • Alice Bailey,The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 146/147, (1947)
  • None [of theguardians] should have anyproperty of his own beyond what is absolutely necessary. ... They will live together like soldiers in a camp. We will tell them that they have gold and silver of a divine sort in their souls as a permanent gift from the gods, and have no need of human gold in addition. And we will add that it is impious for them to defile this divine possession by possessing an admixture of mortal gold, because many impious deeds have been done for the sake of the currency of the masses, whereas their sort is pure.
  • Anything divine must come to us in worldly clothing, and so it comes to us altered. The divine is like rain striking the earth, and all our efforts at godliness are therefore muddy—all but those few seconds of complete inundation, the moments that the mystics describe, when we are nothing but rain.
  • Consider lost all the time in which you do not think of divinity.
  • On the level of the body, humans are very close to animals. All the basic bodily functions - pleasure, pain, breathing, eating, drinking, defecating, sleeping, the drive to find a mate and procreate, and of course birth and death - we share with the animals. A long time after their fall from a state of grace and oneness into illusion, humans suddenly woke up in what seemed to be an animal body - and they found this very disturbing. "Don't fool yourself. You are no more than an animal." This seemed to be the truth that was staring them in the face. But it was too disturbing a truth to tolerate. Adam and Eve saw that they were naked, and they became afraid. Unconscious denial of their animal nature set in very quickly. The threat that they might be taken over by powerful instinctual drives and revert back to complete unconsciousness was indeed a very real one. Shame and taboos appeared around certain parts of the body and bodily functions, especially sexuality. The light of their consciousness was not yet strong enough to make friends with their animal nature, to allow it to be and even enjoy that aspect of themselves - let alone to go deeply into it to find thedivine hidden within it, thereality within theillusion.
  • As theegoic mode ofconsciousness and all the social, political, and economic structures that it created enter the final stage of collapse, the relationships between men and women reflect the deep state of crisis in which humanity now finds itself. As humans have become increasingly identified with their mind, most relationships are not rooted inBeing and so turn into a source of pain and become dominated by problems and conflict.
  • You seem, Antiphon, to imagine that happiness consists in luxury and extravagance. But my belief is that to have no wants is divine; to have as few as possible comes next to the divine; and as that which is divine is supreme, so that which approaches nearest to its nature is nearest to the supreme.

See also


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