Succeeding in business is not just about making money. Money is important, but it’s not the real driver — certainly not for me. I have found that what drives me is the desire to prove, to myself and to my peers, that I can do what I set out to do and build something that matters. I’ve done that by recruiting smart people — many from traditional corporate environments –and giving them a dose of entrepreneurial spirit. You achieve long-term success step by step. Try to achieve your goals one at a time, like you do target practice. I look at each day as a chance to move one notch above yesterday — whether it’s in service quality, delivery, speed, or any other aspect of the business. I don’t measure my “success” every day. I measure how much we have left to do. In that sense, business success is just a form of persistence."
[listening and learning] first-hand about the views attitudes and experiences of the Tribes ... the more I heard, the more I’ve learned, and the more I saw, the more resolved I became about helping to address the challenges that plague the Native American community."