John Ashcroft:Since lives and liberties depend upon clarity, notobfuscation, andreason, nothyperbole, let me take this opportunity today to be clear: The Justice Department is working to protectAmerican lives while preserving American liberties.
It was Sophie who, by the example of her work and her life, both of them bathed in clarity, showed me the right way. In herworld, the high and the low, the light and the dark, theeternal and theephemeral, are balanced in perfectequilibrium.
Since lives and liberties depend upon clarity, notobfuscation, andreason, nothyperbole, let me take this opportunity today to be clear: TheJustice Department is working to protectAmerican lives while preserving American liberties.
The sense ofperspective that interaction with multiplecultures gives you, I find to be extremely valuable, because it allows you to see the structure of a country with greater clarity, and gives you a sense of mentalindependence.
Gary Ryan Blair:Yourmind, while blessed with permanentmemory, is cursed with lousy recall. Written goals provide clarity. By documenting yourdreams, you must think about the process of achieving them.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness oflife. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into afriend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, bringspeace for today, and creates avision for tomorrow.”
Yourmind, while blessed with permanentmemory, is cursed with lousy recall. Written goals provide clarity. By documenting yourdreams, you must think about the process of achieving them.
When at some point in our lives, we meet a realtragedy – which could happen to any one of us – we can react in two ways. Obviously we can losehope, let ourselves slip into discouragement, into alcohol, drugs, and unending sadness. Or else, we can wake ourselves up, discover in ourselves anenergy that has hidden there, and act with more clarity, moreforce.
It is still not enough forlanguage to have clarity and content... it must also have a goal and an imperative. Otherwise from language we descend to chatter, from chatter tobabble and from babble toconfusion.
Ferdinand Eisenstein:This way of deducing anddiscovering newtruths from old ones, and the extraordinary clarity and self-evidence of the theories and the ingenuousness of the ideas had an irresistible fascination for me.
Clarity about the aims and problems ofsocialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition. Since, under present circumstances, free and unhindered discussion of these problems has come under a powerfultaboo.
This way of deducing anddiscovering newtruths from old ones, and the extraordinary clarity and self-evidence of the theories and the ingenuousness of the ideas had an irresistible fascination for me.
I have assimilated Western thought and its clarity, but, in fact, I am solidly rooted in the passive Eastern nature and remain rebellious to any action.
Vincent van Gogh:I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is sobeautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and thepaintings appear as in adream.
I experience a period of frightening clarity in those moments when nature is sobeautiful. I am no longer sure of myself, and thepaintings appear as in adream.
Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are theattributes that give our lives power andvividness andjoy as they are also the marks of greatart. They seem to be the purpose ofGod for his wholecreation.
Natural,reckless, correct skill; Yesterday's clarity is today'sstupidity. Theuniverse has dark and light, entrust oneself to change. One time, shade the eyes and gaze afar at the road of heaven.
I think there is a profound and enduringbeauty in simplicity. In clarity. Inefficiency. True simplicity is derived from so much more than just the absence of clutter.
There is a particular kind ofpain,elation,loneliness, andterror involved in this kind ofmadness. When you're high it's tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars...But, somewhere, this changes. The fast ideas are far too faast, and there are far too many; overwhelmingconfusion replaces clarity. Everything previously moving with the grain is now against-you are irritable,angry, frightened, uncontrollable...It will never end, for madness carves its ownreality.
Thus, if the clarity of our thoughts comes through better in a play of words, then the wordplay is good. One must know how to enter the ideas of others and how to leave them.
To follow implies not only the denying of one's own clarity, investigation,integrity andhonesty, but it also implies that yourmotive in following, your motive is areward.
Traveling through the world produces a marvelous clarity in thejudgment of men. We are all of us confined and enclosed within ourselves, and see no farther than the end of our nose. This great world is amirror where we must see ourselves in order to know ourselves. There are so many differenttempers, so many different points of view, judgments,opinions,laws andcustoms to teach us tojudgewisely on our own, and to teach our judgment to recognize its imperfection and naturalweakness.
Christian action in the world will not be sustained or carried on in an intelligent and effective manner unless it is supported by doctrinalconvictions that have achieved some degree of clarity.
Friedrich Nietzsche: Whoever knows he is deep, strives for clarity; whoever would like to appear deep to the crowd, strives forobscurity. For thecrowd considers anything deep if only it cannot see to the bottom: the crowd is sotimid and afraid of going into thewater.
Whoever knows he is deep, strives for clarity; whoever would like to appear deep to the crowd, strives forobscurity. For thecrowd considers anything deep if only it cannot see to the bottom: the crowd is sotimid and afraid of going into thewater.
Clarity, clarity, surely clarity is the Most beautiful thing in the world, A limited, limiting clarity I have not and never did have anyMotive ofpoetry But to achieve clarity.
The only chance forvictory over thebrainwash is the right of every man to have his ideas judged one at a time. You never get clarity as long as you have these packaged words, as long as a word is used by twenty-five people in twenty-five different ways. That seems to me to be the first fight, if there is going to be anyintellect left.
Jalal ad-Din Rumi:Everyone sees the unseen inproportion to the clarity of hisheart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms becomemanifest to him.
Everyone sees the unseen inproportion to the clarity of hisheart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms becomemanifest to him.
By sheer force of moral purpose, by clarity ofperception, by mastery of detail andbenignmanipulation of men, he had become, asHenry Adams (the famed historian who deplored Roosevelt) admiringly wrote him, “the best herder ofEmperors sinceNapoleon”.
Leó Szilárd: A man's clarity ofjudgment is never verygood when you're involved, and as you grow older, and as you grow more involved, your clarity of judgment suffers.
A man's clarity of judgment is never very good when you're involved, and as you grow older, and as you grow more involved, your clarity ofjudgementsuffers.
In contrast to theflux andmuddle oflife, art is clarity and enduring presence. In the stream of life, few things are perceived clearly because few things stay put. Everymood oremotion is mixed or diluted by contrary and extraneouselements.
The strength of thepoetry as we enter into whatever it is we are entering into, [says Trudell, with a slight grin], will be determined by the clarity of the thinking we put into it.
His means that he possesses clarity andprecision as to theobjectives,purposes oraims that he desires for himself and his group, and that he holds these deeply enough and ...
Alfred North Whitehead:... Insistence on clarity at all costs is based on sheer superstition as to the mode in which human intelligence functions....Robert Charles Wilson: For such people the consummate act of moral clarity was a lynching or a suicide bombing, a fatwa or a pogrom. And they were ascendant now, rising like dark stars over a terminal landscape.
The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure purereasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a littlepractice,writing can be an intimidating and impenetrablefog!
In the study ofideas, it is necessary to remember, that insistence on hard-headed clarity issues from sentimentalfeeling, as it were amist, cloaking the perplexities offact. Insistence on clarity at all costs is based on sheersuperstition as to the mode in which humanintelligence functions. Our reasonings grasp at straws for premises and float on gossamers for deductions.
Aframework as it applies toenterprises is simply a logical structure for classifying and organizing the descriptive representations of an enterprise that are significant to themanagement of the enterprise as well as to the “enterprise's systems” with the aim of “rationalising the various architectural concepts and specifications in order to provide for clarity of professional communication, to allow for improving and integrating development methodologies and tools , and to establish credibility and confidence in the investment of systems resources.
...according to theBuddhisttradition, we have little idea at the outset just how deep and vast those qualities can be. They are none less than expressions of ourBuddha Nature, our Awakened Heart.
We may recognise in our immediate experience that deep down we have the qualities of clarity,awareness,sensitivity,warmth andlove, but according to theBuddhisttradition, we have little idea at the outset just how deep and vast those qualities can be. They are none less than expressions of ourBuddha Nature, our Awakened Heart.
The diamond-like clarity of the materials can only have come from being written by someone deeply inspired at the time and being later polished with care.
Quoted in "Discovering the Heart of Buddhism What are the teachings?"
Profundity of thought belongs to youth, clarity of thought to old age.