Can any one feel any respect for a government that accords rights only to the privileged classes, and none to the workers?
Statement to the Court (1886)
Anarchism does not mean bloodshed; it does not mean robbery, arson, etc. These monstrosities are, on the contrary, the characteristic features of capitalism. Anarchism, or Socialism, means the re-organization of society upon scientific principles and the abolition of causes which produce vice and crime.
Spies (1887 cited in: Lucy Eldine Parsons, August Vincent Theodore Spies (1969)Famous Speeches of the Eight Chicago Anarchists. p. 20
We did not want bloodshed, for we are not bandits. We would not be socialists, if we were bandits. /.../ When the preacher of the truth meets the death penalty, well - proud and defiant, I will pay the price.
I say, ifdeath is thepenalty for proclaimingtruth, then I willproudly and defiantly pay the costlyprice! Truth crucified inSocrates, inChrist, inGiordano Bruno, inHuss,Galileo still lives -- they and others whose number is legion have preceded us on this path. We are ready to follow!