Amanger ortrough is a rack for fodder, or a structure orfeeder used to hold food for animals. The word comes from the Old Frenchmangier (meaning "to eat"), from Latinmandere (meaning "to chew").[1]
Mangers are mostly used inlivestock raising[2] and generally found atstables andfarmhouses. They are also used to feedwild animals, e.g., innature reserves.
A similar trough providing drinking water for domestic or non-domestic animals is awatering trough and may be part of a larger watering structure calledabreuvoir.
The manger is associated withnativity scenes whereMary andJoseph, forced by necessity to stay in a room for animals instead of a guest room, used a manger as a makeshift crib for theBaby Jesus.[3] (Greek:φάτνηphatnē;Luke 2:7).[4]