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Website and app for sharing biodiversity observations
Type of site
Citizen science
Available in56[1] languages
Area servedWorldwide
  • Ken-ichi Ueda
  • Nate Agrin
  • Jessica Kline
UsersIncrease 7.6 million registered users (May 2024)[update][2]
Launched2008; 17 years ago (2008)
Current statusActive

iNaturalist is an American501(c)(3) nonprofitsocial network ofnaturalists,citizen scientists, andbiologists built on the concept of mapping and sharing observations ofbiodiversity across the globe.[3][4] iNaturalist may be accessed via its website or from itsmobile applications.[5][6] iNaturalist includes an automated species identification tool, and users further assist each other in identifying organisms fromphotographs and evensound recordings. As of 17 March 2025[update], iNaturalist users had contributed approximately 230,396,279 observations ofplants,animals,fungi, and otherorganisms worldwide, and 290,007 users were active in the previous 30 days.

iNaturalist describes itself as "an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature," with its primary goal being to connect people to nature.[7] Although it is not a science project itself, iNaturalist is a platform for science and conservation efforts, providing valuableopen data to research projects, land managers, other organizations, and the public.[7][8] It is the primary application for crowd-sourced biodiversity data in places such asMexico, southernAfrica, andAustralia,[9][10][11] and the project has been called "a standard-bearer fornatural history mobile applications."[12] Most of iNaturalist's software isopen source.[13] Scientists have published more than 4,000 papers drawn from iNaturalist data sets and observations,[14] includingdescriptions of species new to science and rediscoveries of species so rarely seen they were fearedextinct.



iNaturalist began in 2008 as aUC BerkeleySchool of Information Master's final project of Nate Agrin, Jessica Kline, and Ken-ichi Ueda.[3] Agrin and Ueda continued work on the site with Sean McGregor, a web developer. In 2011, Ueda began collaboration with Scott Loarie, a research fellow atStanford University and lecturer at UC Berkeley. Ueda and Loarie are the current co-directors of[3] The organization merged with theCalifornia Academy of Sciences on April 24, 2014.[15] In 2017, iNaturalist became a joint initiative between the California Academy of Sciences and theNational Geographic Society.[3]

Since 2012, the number of participants and observations has roughly doubled each year.[16] In 2014, iNaturalist reached 1 million observations[17] and as of October 2023[update] there were 181 million observations (163 million verifiable).[note 1][18]

On 11 July 2023, iNaturalist became registered as an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.[19]


Man in baseball cap in a prairie taking a photo of a pink wildflower with his smartphone
Taking a photo ofAsclepias amplexicaulis (clasping milkweed) for iNaturalist
iNaturalist website screenshot with photo of a pink flower on left and details with a map on the right
Screenshot of an observation at withCC-BY photo license type indicated

Users can interact with iNaturalist in several ways:

Seek's home page, showing local species and the Challenge for November 2021.

On the website, visitors can search the public dataset and interact with other people adding observations and identifications. The website provides tools for registered users to add, identify, and discuss observations, write journal posts, explore information about species, and create project pages to recruit participation in and coordinate work on their topics of interest.[22][23][24]

On the iNaturalist mobile app, registered users can create and share nature observations to the online dataset, explore observations both nearby and around the world, and learn about different species.[22][25]

Seek by iNaturalist, a separate app marketed to families, requires no online account registration and all observations may remain private.[26] Seek incorporates features ofgamification, such as providing a list of nearby organisms to find and encouraging the collection of badges and participation in challenges.[27] Seek was initially released in the spring of 2018.[26]



The iNaturalist platform is based oncrowdsourcing of observations and identifications. An iNaturalist observation records a person's encounter with an individual organism at a particular time and place.[22] An iNaturalist observation may also record evidence of an organism, such asanimal tracks,nests, orscat. The scope of iNaturalist excludes natural but inert subjects such asgeologic orhydrologic features. Users typically upload photos as evidence of their findings, though audio recordings are also accepted, and such evidence is not a strict requirement. Users may share observation locations publicly, "obscure" them to display a less precise location or make the locations completely private.

On iNaturalist, other users add identifications to each other's observations in order to confirm or improve the identification of the observation.[22] Observations are classified as "Casual", "Needs ID" (needs identification), or "Research Grade" based on the quality of the data provided and the community identification process.[22] Any quality of data can be downloaded from iNaturalist and "Research Grade" observations are often incorporated into other online databases such as the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and theAtlas of Living Australia.[8][28]

Automated species identification


In addition to observations being identified by others in the community, iNaturalist includes anautomated species identification tool, first released in 2017.[29] Images can be identified via acomputer vision model which has been trained on the large database of the observations on iNaturalist.[22] Multiple species suggestions are typically provided with the suggestion that the software guesses to be most likely is at the top of the list. A broadertaxon such as agenus orfamily is commonly provided if the model is unsure of the species. It is trained once or twice a year, and the threshold for species included in the training set has changed over time.[30] It can be difficult for the model to guess correctly if the species in question is infrequently observed or hard to identify from images alone; or if the image submitted has poor lighting, is blurry, or contains multiple subjects.

In February 2023, iNaturalist released v2.1 of its computer vision model, which was trained on a new source model which performed significantly better than the previous models trained using a different source model.[31]


Using the iNaturalistapp

Users have created and contributed to tens of thousands of different projects on iNaturalist.[18][32] The platform is commonly used to record observations duringbioblitzes, which are biological surveying events that attempt to record all the species that occur within a designated area, and a specific project type on iNaturalist.[33][34][35] Other project types include collections of observations by location or taxon or documenting specific types of observations such as animal tracks and signs,[36] the spread ofinvasive species,roadkill,[37]fishing catches, or discovering new species.[23] In 2011, iNaturalist was used as a platform to power the Global Amphibian and Global Reptile BioBlitzes, in which observations were used to help monitor the occurrence and distribution of the world's reptiles and amphibian species.[38] The USNational Park Service partnered with iNaturalist to record observations from the 2016 National Parks BioBlitz. That project exceeded 100,000 observations in August 2016.[33] In 2017, theUnited Nations Environment Programme teamed up with iNaturalist to celebrateWorld Environment Day.[39]. In 2022,Reef Ecologic teamed up with iNaturalist to celebrateWorld Oceans Day.

City Nature Challenge

Main article:City Nature Challenge

In 2016, Lila Higgins from theNatural History Museum of Los Angeles County and Alison Young from theCalifornia Academy of Sciences co-founded the City Nature Challenge (CNC). In the first City Nature Challenge, naturalists inLos Angeles and theSan Francisco Bay Area documented over 20,000 observations with the iNaturalist platform.[40] In 2017, the CNC expanded to 16 cities across the United States and collected over 125,000 observations of wildlife in 5 days.[41] The CNC expanded to a global audience in 2018, with 68 cities participating from 19 countries, with some cities usingcommunity science platforms other than iNaturalist to participate.[34] In 4 days, over 17,000 people cataloged over 440,000 nature observations in urban regions around the world.[42] In 2019, the CNC once again expanded, with 35,000 participants in 159 cities collecting 964,000 observations of over 31,000 species.[34] Although fewer observations were documented during the 2020 City Nature Challenge during theCOVID-19 pandemic (when the CNC became collaborative as opposed to competitive), more cities and people participated, and more species were found than in previous years.[43]



Users have the option to license their observations, photos, and audio recordings in several ways, including for thepublic domain,Creative Commons, or withall rights reserved. To encourage the sharing of information and to reduce costs, iNaturalist encourages users to license media withCreative Commons licenses.[44] The default license isCC BY-NC,[44] meaning others are free to copy, redistribute, remix, transform, and build upon the media as long as appropriate credit is given, changes are indicated, a link to the license is provided, and it is not used for commercial purposes.[45]

Observations and media licensed with Creative Commons licenses are often shared elsewhere, including the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (excludingshare-alike andno derivatives licenses),[46]Atlas of Living Australia,[47] andWikipedia (excluding noncommercial and no derivatives licenses)[48] through regular imports[22][47] or user scripts such as iNaturalist2Commons[49] and Wiki Loves iNaturalist.[50]

The iNaturalist website and mobile apps areopen-source software released under theMIT License.[13][51]

Changing the iNaturalist default licence (CC BY-NC)


The default licence on iNaturalist is Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial license (CC BY-NC 4.0). This means that most iNaturalist photographs can be copied for almost any purpose provided the photos are not used for commercial purposes.  However, if images are to be used in Wikipedia, licensing must be changed to either CC-BY 4.0 or CC-BY-SA 4.0. To change the licensing using a computer, the iNaturalist account holder must

  1. Log into his/her iNaturalist account.
  2. Find the rightmost symbol in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  3. Click the down arrow and select “Account settings”.
  4. Choose “Content & Display”.
  5. Scroll down to “Licensing”.
  6. There are three sections to be changed:

Default observation license, Default photo license andDefault sound license, each with 8 alternatives.

  1. The recommended choice is Attribution (CC-BY).AND tick the check box!
  2. OnceDefault observation license, Default photo license andDefault sound license have all been changed, click on the“SAVE SETTINGS” button on the lower right-hand side.

Images which may be shared acrossGBIF need to be licensed using one of the following licences:CC0, CC-BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC, that is, the CC-BY-SA default licence will not permit images to be accessible via GBIF.  Therefore, for images to be shared to GBIF and to be able to be used in Wikipedia, a CC-BY 4.0 licence is necessary.



As of January 2024, more than 4,000[14] research papers have been published that cite the iNaturalist research-grade observations hosted on theGlobal Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), often in the fields of ecology, conservation, andclimate change.[52] Many articles focus on climate-driven range shifts and expansions. For example:

  • In 2015, data from iNaturalist was used to show that theHopkin's rose nudibranch (Ceratodoris rosacea) is moving northward.[53]
  • Photos uploaded to iNaturalist in 2022 were used to confirm that theNew Zealand hermit crab (Pagurus traversi) had been sighted in Tasmania and Victoria, Australia.[54]
  • In February 2024, photos posted on iNaturalist were used to report on the use of artificial shells (primarily plastic caps) byhermit crabs[55]
  • In April 2024, iNaturalist data was used to show that the range ofHimalayan giant honey bees (Apis laboriosa) had expanded southward toThailand for the first time.[56][57][58]

iNaturalist data has also been used to investigatephenology, the study of how life changes with the seasons.[59]

Discovery and rediscovery


Other published research focuses on the description of new species or rediscovery of species previously considered extinct. For example:

  • A species of snail,Myxostoma petiverianum, first described in the 1700s, was also rediscovered inVietnam.[60]
  • In 2013, a citizen scientist in Colombia uploaded a photo of apoison dart frog, which researchers determined was a previously unrecognized species now known asAndinobates cassidyhornae.[61][62]
  • In 2023, a species ofmantis first discovered with the aid of iNaturalist was namedInimia nat so that its abbreviated form,I. nat, would be aword play that pays homage to iNaturalist.[63]
  • The first-ever wild-specimen photograph of theNew Britain goshawk was posted to iNaturalist in March 2024.[64] TheColumbian weasel, the rarestneotropical carnivore, was seen for the first time in the 21st century when an iNaturalist user uploaded snapshots of the weasel exploring a privy.[65]
  • Two teenagers in California used iNaturalist observations of unfamiliar scorpions as the first step in their eventual description of two new species.[66]
  • Thefrosted phoenix moth of New Zealand, feared extinct, was "rediscovered" when a Swedish birder who was in town to seekiwis put up a light to attract moths and snapped a casual photo of an insect that had parked itself under a lawn chair on his hotel balcony; his upload to iNaturalist was the first time the moth had been seen alive in 65 years.[67]
  • A commuter in London uploaded an observation of an insect on her bag to iNaturalist, which allowed it to be identified as a plane lace bug,Corythucha ciliata. This was the first recorded observation of the invasive species in the United Kingdom in about 18 years, and the observation sparked a national monitoring campaign to determine the spread of the insect in the country.[68]
  • In December 2024, a new population of critically endangeredCanterbury knobbled weevils (Hadramphus tuberculatus) was discovered after a farmer inAshurton Lakes, New Zealand posted a picture of weevils he had discovered on a speargrass plant. The weevils were previously known only to live in one other location about 80km away, and the population in that location was considered to be critically low.[69][70]



Other research has focused on themorphology or coloration of species observations. For example, a study in 2019 assessed the relationship between wing coloration and temperature in thedragonfly speciesPachydiplax longipennis.[71]


  • Semi-log plot of annual changes in number of species observed (in thousands; green) and number of verifiable[note 1] observations (in millions; black).
    Semi-log plot of annual changes in number of species observed (in thousands; green) and number of verifiable[note 1] observations (in millions; black).
  • Relative proportions of verifiable[note 1] observations according to taxonomic group as of January 2022
    Relative proportions of verifiable[note 1] observations according to taxonomic group as of January 2022


  1. ^abcOn iNaturalist, an observation is "verifiable" if it has no penalties in its Data Quality Assessment. Observations lacking a date, location, or media are automatically penalised, and users may grant penalties if they deem that the date or location is inaccurate, that there is no evidence or no recent evidence of an organism, or that the organism is not wild. Non-verifiable observations are hidden from view by default, unless expressly enabled.


  1. ^"INaturalistWeb — Translation Project on Crowdin".
  2. ^"Year On iNaturalist 2022".iNaturalist. Retrieved13 January 2023.
  3. ^abcd"About". 5 August 2013. Retrieved13 September 2020.
  4. ^"San Francisco's Parks Scoured in Wildlife Inventory". 7 May 2014. Archived fromthe original on December 8, 2014. Retrieved31 January 2015.
  5. ^ab"iNaturalist application (Google Play)". 4 June 2013. Retrieved7 August 2013.
  6. ^ab"iNaturalist application (iTunes Store)".iTunes. 25 June 2013. Retrieved7 August 2013.
  7. ^ab"What is it".iNaturalist. Retrieved21 February 2021.
  8. ^abcBowser, A.; Wiggins, A.; Shanley, L.; Preece, J.; Henderson, S. (2014)."Sharing data while protecting privacy in citizen science"(PDF).Interactions.21 (1):70–73.doi:10.1145/2540032.S2CID 36834141. Archived fromthe original(PDF) on 2014-12-28. Retrieved2014-12-28.
  9. ^Pimm, S. L.; Jenkins, C. N.; Abell, R.; Brooks, T. M.; Gittleman, J. L.; Joppa, L. N.; Raven, P. H.; Roberts, C. M.; Sexton, J. O. (2014)."The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection"(PDF).Science.344 (6187): 1246752.doi:10.1126/science.1246752.PMID 24876501.S2CID 206552746.
  10. ^"Citizen science" Archived fromthe original on 2015-06-20. Retrieved2018-10-05.
  11. ^"ALA—iNaturalist collaboration".Atlas of Living Australia. 8 May 2019. Retrieved21 February 2021.
  12. ^Goldsmith, G. R. (6 August 2015). "The field guide, rebooted".Science.349 (6248): 594.Bibcode:2015Sci...349..594G.doi:10.1126/science.aac7810.S2CID 51606762.
  13. ^ab"Developers".iNaturalist. Retrieved21 February 2021.
  14. ^abLohan, Tara (2024-01-08)."From Observation to Action: How iNaturalist Spurs Conservation • The Revelator".The Revelator. Retrieved2024-04-09.
  15. ^"California Academy of Sciences Acquires iNaturalist". 14 May 2014. Archived fromthe original on 17 May 2014. Retrieved14 May 2014.
  16. ^"50 million observations on iNaturalist!". 20 September 2020. Retrieved21 February 2021.
  17. ^Hance, Jeremy (November 10, 2014)."Citizen scientist site hits one million observations of life on Earth".Mongabay.
  18. ^ab" Stats" 3 June 2022. Retrieved30 December 2021.
  19. ^Loarie, Scott (2023-07-11)."Spreading our Wings: iNaturalist is Now an Independent Nonprofit".iNaturalist. Retrieved2023-07-11.
  20. ^"Seek by iNaturalist on the App Store".App Store. Retrieved2018-12-03.
  21. ^"App: Seek".Google Play. Retrieved2019-05-26.
  22. ^abcdefg"Help" Retrieved21 June 2019.
  23. ^ab"Managing Projects" 2018-10-05. Retrieved2018-10-05.
  24. ^Drury, Jonathan P.; Barnes, Morgan; Finneran, Ann E.; Harris, Maddie; Grether, Gregory F. E. (2019)."Continent-scale phenotype mapping using citizen scientists' photographs".Ecography.42 (8):1436–1445.Bibcode:2019Ecogr..42.1436D.doi:10.1111/ecog.04469.S2CID 198236550.
  25. ^Jabr, Ferris (2017-12-06)."Letter of Recommendation: iNaturalist".The New York Times Magazine. Retrieved2018-12-03.
  26. ^ab"Seek App -" Retrieved2018-12-03.
  27. ^Elbein, Asher (2018-03-21)."This New App Is Like Shazam for Your Nature Photos".Earther. Archived fromthe original on 2018-12-04. Retrieved2018-12-03.
  28. ^"Welcome, iNaturalist Australia!". 30 September 2019. Retrieved21 February 2021.
  29. ^"iNaturalist Computer Vision Explorations" 2017-07-27. Retrieved2017-08-12.
  30. ^"A New Vision Model!". 18 March 2020. Retrieved21 February 2021.
  31. ^Loarie, Scott (2023-02-23)."A new Computer Vision Model (v2.1) including 1,770 new taxa".iNaturalist. Retrieved2025-01-20.
  32. ^"Projects" 28 January 2017. Retrieved28 January 2017.
  33. ^abSeltzer, Carrie (2016-08-25)."Citizen scientists give NPS 100,000+ biodiversity records for 100th birthday".National Geographic Society (blogs). Archived fromthe original on August 25, 2016. Retrieved2016-09-17.
  34. ^abc"". 2019. Retrieved21 June 2019.
  35. ^Catling, Paul M.; Kostiuk, Brenda; Heron, Jennifer; Jimenez, Runel; Chapman, Monique; Gamiet, Sharmin; Sterenberg, Velma (5 June 2018)."Highlights from the Northwest Territories BioBlitzes".The Canadian Field-Naturalist.131 (4): 386.doi:10.22621/cfn.v131i4.2099.
  36. ^"North American Animal Tracking Database" 2018-10-05. Retrieved2018-10-05.
  37. ^"Adventure Scientists Wildlife Connectivity Study" 2018-10-05. Retrieved2018-10-05.
  38. ^Holtz, Debra Levi (October 10, 2011)."Reptile, amphibian BioBlitzes tap social media".San Francisco Chronicle.
  39. ^"App brings marvels of tech and nature together to keep the world connected" Archived fromthe original on 2017-10-19. Retrieved2017-05-16.
  40. ^"City Nature Challenge 2016 iNaturalist Project". 2018. Retrieved8 May 2018.
  41. ^"City Nature Challenge 2017 iNaturalist Project". 2018. Retrieved8 May 2018.
  42. ^Higgins, Lila (4 May 2018)."City Nature Challenge 2018: A Win For Urban Nature Around the World".Natural History Museum, Los Angeles County.
  43. ^Young, Alison; Higgins, Lila; Jaecker-Jones, Amy (4 May 2020)."City Nature Challenge RESULTS". Retrieved13 September 2020.
  44. ^ab"We want you to license your iNaturalist photos before April 15th!".iNaturalist. 24 March 2021. Retrieved17 April 2021.
  45. ^"Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International — CC BY-NC 4.0" Retrieved17 April 2021.
  46. ^"Terms of use" Retrieved17 April 2021.
  47. ^ab"How is data harvested from iNaturalist and fed into the ALA?".ARDC Support. Retrieved17 April 2021.
  48. ^"Wikipedia:FAQ/Copyright".Wikipedia. 15 November 2020. Retrieved17 April 2021.
  49. ^"User:Kaldari/iNaturalist2Commons" Retrieved17 April 2021.
  50. ^"Wiki loves iNaturalist" Retrieved17 April 2021.
  51. ^iNaturalistAndroid onGitHub
  52. ^"Resources search -- iNaturalist Research-Grade Observations"
  53. ^Landhuis, Esther (2015-02-06)."Bright Pink Sea Slugs Invading New Habitats Due to Global Warming?".National Geographic. Archived fromthe original on September 17, 2021. Retrieved2022-01-11.
  54. ^Eichler, John; Hall, Barbara; Farrelly, Caroline; Falconer, Audrey; Poore, Gary C. B. (2024)."The New Zealand Pagurus traversi (Filhol, 1885) (Crustacea: Decapoda: Anomura: Paguridae) in Australia, first record of a translocated hermit crab".Memoirs of Museum Victoria.83:317–323.doi:10.24199/j.mmv.2024.83.04.
  55. ^Jagiello, Zuzanna; Dylewski, Łukasz; Szulkin, Marta (25 February 2024)."The plastic homes of hermit crabs in the Anthropocene".Science of the Total Environment.913.
  56. ^Wipatayotin, Apinya (2024-04-20)."Rare bee is spotted for the first time in this country".Bangkok Post. Retrieved2025-01-20.
  57. ^Voraphab, Itsarapong (1 May 2024)."Discovery of the Himalayan giant honey bee, Apis laboriosa, in Thailand: a major range extension".Apidologie.55.
  58. ^Otis, Gard (7 April 2024). "The distribution of Apis laboriosa revisited: range extensions and biogeographic affinities".bioRxiv 10.1101/2024.04.04.588077.
  59. ^"Take a Phenological Walk with Me".Science Museum of Virginia. 2020-04-20. Retrieved2025-01-15.
  60. ^"Citizen science leads to snail rediscovery in Vietnam".Mongabay Environmental News. 2016-07-08. Retrieved2022-01-11.
  61. ^"Five Surprising Discoveries Made With iNaturalist".Natural History Museum of Utah. 2 May 2020.
  62. ^Amézquita, Adolfo; Márquez, Roberto; Medina, Ricardo; Mejía-Vargas, Daniel; Kahn, Ted R.; Suárez, Gustavo; Mazariegos, Luis (5 March 2013). "A new species of Andean poison frog, Andinobates (Anura: Dendrobatidae), from the northwestern Andes of Colombia".Zootaxa.3620 (1):163–178.doi:10.11646/zootaxa.3620.1.8.PMID 26120702.
  63. ^Connors, Matthew G.; Yeeles, Peter; Lach, Lori; Rentz, David C. F. (2023-11-30)."A revision of the genus Ima Tindale (Mantodea: Nanomantidae: Fulciniinae) with the description of a new genus".Zootaxa.5380 (3):201–226.doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5380.3.1.ISSN 1175-5334.PMID 38221315.S2CID 265626958.
  64. ^"Rare bird photographed for first time in history".World Wildlife Fund. Retrieved2024-12-25.
  65. ^de Roux, Juan M.; Noguera-Urbano, Elkin A.; Ramírez-Chaves, Héctor E. (2019-03-30)."The vulnerable colombian weasel Mustela felipei (Carnivora): new record from Colombia and a review of its distribution in protected areas".Therya.10 (2):207–210.doi:10.12933/therya-19-776.
  66. ^Cantor, Matthew (2022-09-19)."'These kids can find anything': California teens identify two new scorpion species".The Guardian. Retrieved2024-04-09.
  67. ^Mitchell, Charlie (2024-03-29)."The Press" Retrieved2024-04-09.
  68. ^"London commuter rediscovers tiny, invasive bug not seen for 18 years" Retrieved2024-11-17.
  69. ^Rascius, Brendan (27 December 2024)."Farmer 'stunned' to discover new population of 'critically endangered' species in NZ".Miami Herald. Retrieved20 January 2025.
  70. ^"New population of critically endangered beetle found".Department of Conservation. Retrieved2025-01-20.
  71. ^Moore, Michael P.; Lis, Cassandra; Gherghel, Iulian; Martin, Ryan A. (March 2019). "Temperature shapes the costs, benefits and geographic diversification of sexual coloration in a dragonfly".Ecology Letters.22 (3):437–446.Bibcode:2019EcolL..22..437M.doi:10.1111/ele.13200.PMID 30616297.S2CID 58632317.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related toINaturalist.
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