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R-coloring in Mandarin Chinese syllables

Traditional Chinese兒化
Simplified Chinese儿化
Standard Mandarin
Hanyu Pinyinérhuà
Bopomofoㄦˊ ㄏㄨㄚˋ
Yue: Cantonese
Yale Romanizationyìhfa
Jyutpingji4 faa3

Erhua (simplified Chinese:儿化;traditional Chinese:兒化;pinyin:érhuà), also called "erization" or "rhotacization of syllable finals",[1] is a phonological process that addsr-coloring or theer (;[ɚ]) sound to syllables in spokenMandarin Chinese.Erhuayin (儿化音;兒化音) is the pronunciation of "er" after rhotacization of syllable finals.

It is common in most varieties of Mandarin as adiminutive suffix for nouns, though some dialects also use it for other grammatical purposes. TheStandard Chinese spoken in government-produced educational and examination recordings featureserhua to some extent, as in哪儿nǎr 'where',一点儿yìdiǎnr 'a little', and好玩儿hǎowánr 'fun'. Colloquial speech in many northern dialects has more extensiveerhua than the standardized language. Southwestern Mandarin dialects such as those ofChongqing andChengdu also haveerhua. By contrast, many Southern Chinese who speak their own languages may have difficulty pronouncing the sound or may simply prefer not to pronounce it, and usually avoid words witherhua when speaking Standard Chinese; for example, the three examples listed above may be replaced with the synonyms哪里nǎlǐ,一点yìdiǎn,好玩hǎowán. Furthermore,erhua is extremely rare or absent inTaiwanese Mandarin speakers.[2][3]

Only a small number of words in standardized Mandarin, such asèr 'two' anděr 'ear' have r-colored vowels that do not result from theerhua process. All of the non-erhua r-colored syllables have no initial consonant, and are traditionally pronounced[ɚ] in Beijing dialect and in conservative varieties. In the recent decades, the vowel in the toned syllableer, especiallyèr, has been lowered in many accents, making the syllable come to approach or acquire a quality likear—i.e.[äʵ]~[ɐʵ] with the appropriatetone.

In some publications, particularly those on Chinese linguistics, the; in terms witherhua is written with a smaller size to distinguish its non-syllabic nature. This also distinguishes it from the same character being used as a noun meaning 'son'. This practice may have been introduced byYuen Ren Chao. The small-sized characters have been proposed toUnicode[4] and provisionally assigned by Unicode in 2024.[5]

Standard rules


The basic rules controlling the surface pronunciation oferhua are as follows:

  • Coda
    • /i/ and/n/ are deleted.
    • /ŋ/ is deleted and the syllable becomesnasalized.
    • /u/ becomes rhotacized.
  • Nucleus
    • [ɛ] becomes[ɐ] if it is an underlying/a/.[citation needed]
    • /ə/ and/u/ become rhotacized.
    • /i/ and/y/ become glides ([j] and[ɥ]).
    • [ɹ̩~ɻ̩] is deleted.[citation needed]

Following the rules that coda[i] and[n] are deleted, noted above, the finals in the syllables伴儿 (bànr)盖儿 (gàir) are both[ɐʵ]; similarly, the finals in the syllables妹儿 (mèir) and份儿 (fènr) are both also[ɚ]. The final in趟儿 (tàngr) is similar but nasalized, because of the rule that the[ŋ] is deleted and the syllable is nasalized.

The realization ofar, i.e. theerhua of coda-lessa, varies. It may be realized as[äʵ],[6] distinct fromanr andair, or it may be merged with the latter two. That is, a word like把儿bàr may be realized with either[äʵ] or[ɐʵ] depending on the speaker.

Because of the rule that[i] and[y] become glides, the finals of气儿 (qìr) and劲儿 (jìnr) are both[jɚ], and裙儿qúnr and驴儿lǘr are both[ɥɚ].

The following chart shows how the finals are affected by the addition of this suffix:[7][8][9][10]

IPA and pinyin counterparts of bopomofo finals
  • a
  • o
  • e
  • ê
  • ai
  • ei
  • ao
  • ou
  • an
  • en
  • ang
  • eng
  • [ɚ]
  • (ㄭ)ㄦ1
  • -ir
  • [äʵ]~[ɐʵ]
  • ㄚㄦ
  • ar
  • -ar
  • [ɔʵ]
  • ㄛㄦ
  • or
  • -or
  • [ɤʵ]
  • ㄜㄦ
  • e'r
  • -er
  • [ɐʵ]
  • ㄞㄦ
  • air
  • -air
  • [ɚ]
  • ㄟㄦ
  • eir
  • -eir
  • [ɑu̯˞]
  • ㄠㄦ
  • aor
  • -aor
  • [ou̯˞]
  • ㄡㄦ
  • our
  • -our
  • [ɐʵ]
  • ㄢㄦ
  • anr
  • -anr
  • [ɚ]
  • ㄣㄦ
  • enr
  • -enr
  • [ɑ̃ʵ]
  • ㄤㄦ
  • angr
  • -angr
  • [ɤ̃ʵ]
  • ㄥㄦ
  • engr
  • -engr
  • i
  • [jɚ]
  • ㄧㄦ
  • yir
  • -ir
  • [jäʵ]~[jɐʵ]
  • ㄧㄚㄦ
  • yar
  • -iar
  • [jɛʵ]
  • ㄧㄝㄦ
  • yer
  • -ier
  • [jɑu̯ʵ]
  • ㄧㄠㄦ
  • yaor
  • -iaor
  • [jou̯ʵ]
  • ㄧㄡㄦ
  • your
  • -iur
  • [jɐʵ]
  • ㄧㄢㄦ
  • yanr
  • -ianr
  • [jɚ]
  • ㄧㄣㄦ
  • yinr
  • -inr
  • [jɑ̃ʵ]
  • ㄧㄤㄦ
  • yangr
  • -iangr
  • [jɤ̃ʵ]
  • ㄧㄥㄦ
  • yingr
  • -ingr
  • u
  • [u˞]
  • ㄨㄦ
  • wur
  • -ur
  • [wäʵ]~[wɐʵ]
  • ㄨㄚㄦ
  • war
  • -uar
  • [wɔʵ]
  • ㄨㄛㄦ
  • wor
  • -uor
  • [wɐʵ]
  • ㄨㄞㄦ
  • wair
  • -uair
  • [wɚ]
  • ㄨㄟㄦ
  • weir
  • -uir
  • [wɐʵ]
  • ㄨㄢㄦ
  • wanr
  • -uanr
  • [wɚ]
  • ㄨㄣㄦ
  • wenr
  • -unr
  • [wɑ̃ʵ]
  • ㄨㄤㄦ
  • wangr
  • -uangr
  • [wɤ̃ʵ],[ʊ̃˞]
  • ㄨㄥㄦ
  • wengr
  • -ongr
  • ü
  • [ɥɚ]
  • ㄩㄦ
  • yur
  • -ür
  • [ɥœʵ]
  • ㄩㄝㄦ
  • yuer
  • -üer
  • [ɥɐʵ]
  • ㄩㄢㄦ
  • yuanr
  • -üanr
  • [ɥɚ]
  • ㄩㄣㄦ
  • yunr
  • -ünr
  • [jʊ̃ʵ]
  • ㄩㄥㄦ
  • yongr
  • -iongr


Further information:Standard Chinese phonology
  • 一瓶 (yìpíng, one bottle) →一瓶儿 (yìpíngr), pronounced[i˥˩pʰjɤ̃ʵ˧˥]
  • 公园 (gōngyuán, public garden) →公园儿 (gōngyuánr), pronounced[kʊŋ˥ɥɐʵ˧˥]
  • 小孩 (xiǎohái, small child) →小孩儿 (xiǎoháir), pronounced[ɕjau̯˨˩xɐʵ˧˥]
  • (shì) (thing) →事儿 (shìr), pronounced[ʂɚ˥˩]

Beijing dialect


Aside from its use as a diminutive,erhua in the Beijing dialect also serves to differentiate words; for example,白面báimiàn 'flour' and白面儿báimiànr 'heroin'.[11] Additionally, some words may sound unnatural without rhotacization, as is the case with or花儿 (huā orhuār 'flower').[11] In these cases, theerhua serves to label the word as a noun (and sometimes a specific noun among a group of homophones). Since in modern Mandarin many single-syllable words (in which there are both nouns and adjectives) share the same pronunciation, adding such a label on nouns can reduce the complication.

As an example, the syllablewǎn may mean one of 'bowl', 'gentleness','to take with hand', (a short form ofAnhui), (a place name and surname), and.'late', 'night' However, of these words, only碗儿wǎnr 'bowl', 'the little bowl' can generally haveerhua. Further, many peopleerhua, but only when it means 'night' and not 'late'. The rest never haserhua anderhua attempts will cause incomprehension.

Erhua does not always occur at the end of a word in Beijing dialect. Although it must occur at the end of the syllable, it can be added to the middle of many words, and there is not a rule to explain when it should be added to the middle. For example,板儿砖bǎnrzhuān 'brick', especially the brick used as a weapon) should not be板砖儿bǎnzhuānr.

The composition of theerhua system varies within Beijing, with the following variations reported. Apart from sub dialects, many sociological factors are involved, such as gender, age, ethnicity, inner/outer city, south–north.[12]

  • Some merge-ar (nucleus a with no coda) with-anr/-air (nucleus a with coda-i/-n), as[ɐʵ], while others distinguish them as[äʵ] vs[ɐʵ].
  • Some merge-er singlee witherhua. with-enr/-eir, as[əʵ]. This may depend on phonological environments, such as the tone and the preceding consonant.
  • Some merge-ier and-üer with-ir/-inr and-ür/-ünr, as[jəʵ][ɥəʵ].[7]
  • Some merge-uor with-uir/-unr, as[wəʵ].
  • Some lose the nasalization of-ngr, thus potentially merging pairs like-ir/-ingr,-enr/-engr and-angr/-anr.

In other Mandarin varieties


The realization and behavior oferhua are very different among Mandarin dialects. Tones are marked by the tone diacritics of the corresponding tone in Standard Chinese, and do not necessarily represent the actual realization of tones. Some rules mentioned before are still generally applied, such as the deletion of coda[i] and[n] and the nasalization with the coda[ŋ]. Certain vowels' qualities may also change. However, depending on the exact dialect, the actual behavior, rules and realization can differ greatly.

Chongqing and Chengdu


Erhua inChengdu andChongqing is collapsed to only one set:[ɚ][jɚ][wɚ][ɥɚ],[13] Many words become homophonous as a result, for example板儿bǎnr 'board' and本儿běnr 'booklet', both pronounced[pɚ] with the appropriate tone. It is technically feasible to write allerhua in Pinyin simply as-er.

Besides its diminutive and differentiating functions,erhua in these two dialects can also make the language more vivid.[13] In Chongqing,erhua can also be derogatory.[14]

Different from Beijing,erhua can be applied to people's names and kinship words, such ascáoyēr (diminutive of the name Cao Ying曹英儿) andxiǎomèr 'little sister' (小妹儿).[13]

Erhua occurs in more names of places, vegetables and little animals compared to Beijing.[13]

Erhua causes sandhi for the reduplication of monosyllabic words. In both dialects, the application oferhua to a monosyllabic noun usually results in its reduplication, e.g. 'dish' becomes盘盘儿pánpánr 'little dish'. The second syllable invariably hasyángpíng (Chinese:陽平) or the second tone.[13]

In Chongqing,erhua causes sandhi in some bisyllabic reduplicative adverbs, where second syllable acquiresyīnpíng (陰平) or the first tone.[13]

Zhongyuan dialects


Some dialects of Zhongyuan Mandarin preserve the coda/ʔ/. They are typically deleted inerhua like with the codas/i/ and/n/.

Some dialects distinguish pairs like-ir/-inr and-ür/-ünr, making words like鸡儿jīr 'little chicken' and今儿jīnr 'today' different. For example, in Huojia, the former is/tɕiʵ/ while the latter is/tɕjəʵ/.[15]

Nanjing dialect


Erhua causes the medial/i/ to be dropped and theshǎng (third) tone toassimilate to theyángpíng (second) tone, the original tone of the morpheme.

TheNanking dialect preserves thechecked syllable (pinyin:rùshēng) and thus possesses a coda/ʔ/.erhua checked syllables are realized with/-ɻʔ/.



Many Mandarin dialects have a handful of words exhibiting a fossilized lexical form of nasal-codaerhua. An example is鼻涕儿bíting/pi2.tʰiŋ/ 'nasal mucus', cf. the etymon鼻涕bíti/pi2.tʰi/.

In other Chinese languages




Wu Chinese varieties exhibit a similar phenomenon with the morpheme, generally pronounced/ŋ/. Theerhua coda is almost always a nasal coda instead of a rhotic one. Some lects'erhua also causes vowel umlaut.[16][17][18][19] The exception isHangzhounese, which adds aer²/ɦəl/ final instead, which is phonotactically a rhotic.[20][21]

For example,麻將 (Shanghainese:mo-cian, 'Mahjong') is etymologically麻雀兒 (mo-ciaq-ng 'little sparrow'), from麻雀 (mo-ciaq,/mo.t͡si̯ɐʔ/ 'sparrow'). The syllable (ciaq,/t͡si̯ɐʔ/) undergoeserhua with the morpheme (ng,/ŋ̩/), resulting in the syllablecian/t͡si̯aŋ/, which is then represented by the homophonous but etymologically unrelated wordcian/t͡si̯aŋ/.[16] Further examples include:

  • Addition of rhotic coda (Examples from Hangzhounese)[20]
  • iaq⁷/iɑʔ⁵/ 'duck' →鴨兒iaq⁷-er²/iɑʔ⁵əl³³/
  • 知了tsy¹-liau³/tsz̩⁵³liɔ⁵³/ 'cicada' →知了兒tsy¹-liau³-er²/tsz̩³³liɔ⁵³əl³¹/
  • 小鬼頭shiau³-kuei³-dei²/ɕiɔ⁵³kui³¹dei/ 'brat' →小鬼頭兒shiau³-kuei³-dei²-er²/ɕiɔ⁵³kui³¹deiəl/
  • 地蟢dei⁶-sy¹/di¹¹sz̩³³/ 'crab' →地蟢兒dei⁶-sy¹-ng²/di⁵³sz̩¹¹ŋ¹²/
  • tseo³/tsə³⁵/ 'jujube' →棗兒tseo³-ng²/tsə⁴²ŋ¹¹/
  • Historical nasal coda resulting in umlaut (Examples from Shanghainese)[16]
  • 凌凙lin⁶-doq⁸/liŋ¹¹doʔ³³/ 'icicle' →凌凙兒lin⁶-daon⁶/liŋ¹¹dɑ̃³³/ (often mistakenly written as凌宕, though etymologically correct spelling supported by nearby lects.[23])
  • ho¹/ho⁵³/ 'shrimp' →蝦兒hoe¹/hø⁵³/



Yue languages such asCantonese have a small number of terms with (ji⁴,/i²¹/) that exhibits tone change, such as the term乞兒 (hat¹ ji⁴⁻¹,/hɐt⁵i²¹⁻⁵/, 'beggar'). Cantonese also exhibits a diminutive formation known aschanged tone (traditional Chinese:變音;simplified Chinese:变音;Jyutping:bin3 jam1) by altering the base tone contour to that of the dark rising tone (陰上), such as the term廣州話 (gwong² zau¹ waa⁶⁻², 'Cantonese'), which etymologically may be anerhua based construction.[24][25][26]


  1. ^Penelope Eckert. Meaning and Linguistic Variation: The Third Wave in Sociolinguistics. 2018
  2. ^"台灣國語的語音特色" (in Chinese). Archived fromthe original on 2020-07-18. Retrieved2020-01-04.
  3. ^Shin, Woosun."臺灣國語的重疊式".{{cite journal}}:Cite journal requires|journal= (help)
  4. ^West, Andrew; Chan, Eiso (12 December 2023)."Proposal to encode two small form CJK characters for Chinese"(PDF) The Unicode Consortium. Retrieved5 April 2024.
  5. ^"UTC 178 Minutes"
  6. ^Li, Simin (1994).汉语"儿"[ɚ] 音史研究 [A study of the history of ér in Chinese] (in Chinese). Beijing: Commercial Press. pp. 122–133.ISBN 9787100015219.
  7. ^abDuanmu, San (2007).The Phonology of Standard Chinese (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 218–223.
  8. ^Lin, Yen-Hwei (2007).The Sounds of Chinese. Cambridge University Press. pp. 182–188.
  9. ^Huang, Borong; Liao, Xudong (1991).现代汉语 [Modern Chinese] (in Chinese) (4th ed.). Beijing: Higher Education Press. pp. 93–94.ISBN 9787040214031.
  10. ^Ding, Chongming; Rong, Jing (2012).现代汉语语音教程 [A Course for Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation] (in Chinese). Beijing: Peking University Press. pp. 184–187.ISBN 9787301199725.
  11. ^abChen, Ping (1999).Modern Chinese: History and Sociolinguistics. Cambridge University Press. p. 39.
  12. ^林焘 沈炯 (1995): 北京话儿化韵的语音分歧
  13. ^abcdef郑有仪 : 北京话和成都话、重庆话的儿化比较
  14. ^重庆方言中的儿化现象 (unknown author)
  15. ^He, Wei (1989).获嘉方言研究 [A Study of Huojia Dialect] (in Chinese). Beijing: Commercial Press. pp. 104–107.ISBN 7100004284.
  16. ^abcQian, Nairong (2007).上海话大词典.
  17. ^Li, Rong; You, Rujie; Yang, Ganming (1998).温州方言詞典.
  18. ^Shi, Changhai (2019).余姚方言词语汇释. 宁波出版社.
  19. ^Li, Junfei. "《南通方言疏證》研究".神戸市外国語大学研究科論集 (21):45–75.
  20. ^abBao, Shijie (1998).杭州方言詞典.
  21. ^You, Rujie (2001). "杭州話語音特點及其官話成分".Bulletin of Chinese Linguistics (5.1):129–114.
  22. ^Zhengzhang, Shangfang (2008).温州方言志. 中華書局.
  23. ^Li, Rong; Zhang, Weiying (1993).崇明方言詞典. 江蘇教育出版社. p. 135.
  24. ^Yao, Bingcai; Ouyang, Jueya; Zhou, Wuji (2016).廣州話方言詞典. 商務印書館. p. 113.
  25. ^Gao, Huanian (July 1980).廣州方言研究. 商務印書館.
  26. ^Zheng, Ding'ou (1997).香港粵語詞典. 江蘇教育出版社.ISBN 7-5343-2942-6.

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