Line of educational toys by River Dolphin Toys
Zoomorphs is a line of educational building toys made by River Dolphin Toys, a Brooklyn-based company. Each set of Zoomorphs contains between 30 and 100 plastic animal pieces that can be snapped together to form actual creatures, such as acat ordinosaur, or rearranged to create fantasy creatures, such as a dino-cat-horse-bird. Each set's pieces are interchangeable with the pieces of all the other sets.[1] As of late 2006, Zoomorphs were available in nearly 1,100 specialtytoy stores.[2]
There are currently eleven sets of Zoomorphs. There are nine sets based on real animals and two sets of Mythmorphs, which were released in early 2008. The sets are:
- Nightmorphs, which contains afruit bat, a cat, adesert lizard, alantern fish, afirefly, and a snake.
- MountainMorphs, which contains aBluebird, aBighorn, aGrizzly, and a Mountain King Snake.
- Dinomorphs, which contains astegosaur, aT-Rex, aduckbill, and apteranodon.
- Runners, which contains agazelle, avelociraptor, abeetle, and acassowary.
- Pets, which contains apony, ahusky, agoldfish, and alovebird.
- Insects, which contains ared ant, acave bug, awasp, and amonarch.
- Rain Forest, which contains aconure, apanther, acrocodile, and atropical frog.
- Safarimorphs, which contains alizard, aparrot, aleopard, anelephant, azebra, and abutterfly.
- Mythmorphs Gold, which contains aunicorn, theLoch Ness Monster, asea dragon, and agriffon.
- Fossil Morphs, which contains amammoth, aBrontosaurus, asea scorpion, and anancient amphibian.
- Mythmorphs Silver, which contains aphoenix, apegasus, awyvern, agolden boar, acapricorn, and adragon.
- Zoomorphs receivedTDmonthly's Top Seller 2007 Award.[3]
- The discontinued Fliers set was nominated for theFamily Fun Toy of the Year Award in 2005.[4]
- Zoomorphs was named Best Toy of 2008 in the Construction/Building Category by Leapin' Lizards Toy Co.[5]