Atype Iax supernova is a rare subtype oftype Ia supernova, which leaves behind a remnant star, known as zombie star, rather than completely dispersing the white dwarf.[1][2][3][4][5] Type Iax supernovae are similar to type Ia, but have a lower ejection velocity and lower luminosity.[6] Type Iax supernovae may occur at a rate between 5 and 30 percent of the Ia supernova rate. As of October 2014, thirty supernovae had been identified in this category.[7]
In abinary system consisting of awhite dwarf and a companion star, the white dwarf strips away material from its companion. Normally the white dwarf would eventually reach a critical mass, and fusion reactions would make it explode and completely dissipate it, but in a Type Iax supernova, only a part of the dwarf's mass is lost.[8]
The two inset images show before-and-after images captured by NASA'sHubble Space Telescope of Supernova 2012Z in the spiral galaxy NGC 1309. The white X at the top of the main image marks the location of the supernova in the galaxy.
The proposed formation scenario for SN 2012Z is that the original system at the heart of the supernova was a binary pair of large, but otherwise ordinarymain sequence stars. The more massive of the binary stars lost substantial amounts of its hydrogen and helium to its smaller companion, and became a white dwarf. The newly engorged companion star then evolved into an enlarged stage, whose outer layers engulfed the white dwarf. The outer hydrogen layers of the overlapping stars were then ejected, leaving behind a still-active helium core and the white dwarf. In turn, the white dwarf drained back some matter from the remaining companion star, until the white dwarf became so unstable that it exploded as a supernova, with the former helium core left behind as a remnant zombie star.[3]
There were images of the area from before the supernova, allowing before and after images, and the process of the supernova to be studied. To test the zombie star hypothesis, the area was observed again a few years after the event. The authors found that the decline of the light curve was consistent with the existence of a radioactively-heated bound remnant, but that it was difficult to come up with a model that could explain the whole light curve.[9]
This discovery is a milestone in a decades long search by astronomers for such an occurrence; the observation of SN 2012Z was the first time astrophysicists were able to identify a star system that later went to a supernova of this type.[8]
SN 2008ha may be a type Iax supernova, but significantly weaker than SN 2012Z.[3]
On 13 September 2024,BlackGEM discovered anastronomical transient, designated SN 2024vjm, inNGC 6744.[10] After initialspectral analysis the star was classified as apeculiarnova, but further observations showed the object to be a faint typeIax supernova, likely the closest known of this type.[11][12][13]
SN 1181 was observed by Chinese and Japanese astronomers in 1181 AD. Theamateur astronomerDana Patchick first discovered the nebula Pa 30 withWISE. The nebula Pa 30 was connected to SN 1181 byastronomers and has the central star IRAS 00500+6713. The central star is an oxygen-richWolf–Rayet star and is the result of a merger of a CO (carbon-oxygen)white dwarf and an ONe (oxygen–neon–magnesium) white dwarf in a type Iax supernova. This makes IRAS 00500+6713 a confirmed zombie star. Pa 30 and IRAS 00500+6713 is the only known remnant of a type Iax in theMilky Way.[14][15][16]
^Ritter, Andreas; Parker, Quentin A.; Lykou, Foteini; Zijlstra, Albert A.; Guerrero, Martin A.; Le Du, Pascal (7 Nov 2023). "From an amateur PN candidate to the Rosetta Stone of SN Iax research".IAU 384 Conference Proceedings: 6.arXiv:2311.03700.Bibcode:2023arXiv231103700R.