After thesiege of Jerusalem in 597 BC, Nebuchadnezzar II deposed kingJeconiah and installed his uncle Mattanyahu instead, changing his name to Zedekiah (2 Kings 24:17). The prophetJeremiah was his counselor, yet he did not heed the prophet and his epitaph is "he did evil in the sight of the Lord" (2 Kings 24:19–20;Jeremiah 52:2–3).
William F. Albright dates the start of Zedekiah's reign to 598 BC, whileEdwin R. Thiele gives the start in 597 BC.[1] On that reckoning, Zedekiah was born in c. 617 BC or 618 BC, being twenty-one on becoming king. Zedekiah's reign ended with thesiege and fall of Jerusalem to Nebuchadnezzar II, which has been dated to 587 or 586 BC.[2]
The defeat of theNeo-Assyrian Empire in 612 BC at theBattle of Nineveh by theNeo-Babylonian Empire caused upheavals that led to the destruction of theKingdom of Judah. Egypt, concerned about the new threat posed by the Babylonians, moved northward to support Assyria. It set on the march in 608 BC, moving through Judah. KingJosiah attempted to block the Egyptian forces and fell mortally wounded in battle atMegiddo. Josiah's younger sonJehoahaz was chosen to succeed his father on the throne. Three months later the Egyptian pharaohNecho II, returning from the north, deposed Jehoahaz in favor of his older brother,Jehoiakim. Jehoahaz was taken back to Egypt as a captive.[3]
After the Babylonians defeated the Egyptians at theBattle of Carchemish in 605 BC, Nebuchadnezzar II besieged Jerusalem. Jehoiakim changed allegiances to avoid the destruction of Jerusalem. He paid tribute from the treasury, some artifacts fromthe temple, and some of the royal family and nobility were taken as hostages.[4] The subsequent failure of the Babylonian invasion into Egypt undermined Babylonian control of the area, and after three years, Jehoiakim switched allegiance back to the Egyptians and ceased paying the tribute to Babylon.[5] Because of this, Nebuchadnezzar IIinvaded Judah again in 599 BC, and again laid siege to Jerusalem. In 598 BC, Jehoiakim died during the siege and was succeeded by his sonJeconiah (also known as Jehoiachin). Jerusalem fell within three months. Jeconiah was deposed by Nebuchadnezzar, who installed Zedekiah, Jeconiah's uncle, in his place.[6][7]
According to theHebrew Bible, Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he was made king of Judah by Nebuchadnezzar II in 597 BC. This is in agreement with aBabylonian chronicle, which states,
The seventh year: In the month Kislev the king of Akkad mustered his army and marched to Hattu. He encamped against the city of Judah and on the second day of the month Adar he captured the city [and] seized [its] king. A king of his own choice he appointed in the city [and] taking the vast tribute he brought it into Babylon.[8]
The kingdom was at that time a tributary to Nebuchadnezzar II. Despite the strong remonstrances ofJeremiah,Baruch ben Neriah and other family and advisors—and ignoring the example of his older brotherJehoiakim—Zedekiah entered into an alliance with PharaohHophra of Egypt andrevolted against Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar responded by invading Judah (2 Kings 25:1). Nebuchadnezzar began asiege of Jerusalem in December 589 BC. During this siege "every worst woe befell the city, which drank the cup of God's fury to the dregs" (2 Kings 25:3;Lamentations 4:4,5).
After laying siege to the city for about thirty months, Nebuchadnezzar finally succeeded in capturing Jerusalem in 586 BC.[9] Zedekiah and his followers attempted to escape, making their way out of the city, but were captured on theplains of Jericho and taken toRiblah. There, Zedekiah saw his sons put to death. Then hiseyes were put out and he was loaded with chains and carried captive to Babylon (2 Kings 25:1–7;Jeremiah 32:4–5;34:2–3;39:1–7;52:4–11;Ezekiel 12:13), where he remained a prisoner until he died.
After the fall of Jerusalem, Nebuchadnezzar sentNebuzaradan to destroy the city. It was plundered and razed to the ground, andSolomon's Temple was destroyed. Only a small number of vinedressers andhusbandmen were permitted to remain in the land (Jeremiah 52:16).The sages also explain proverbs 24:30 as follows: I passed by the field of a lazy man, This is Ahaz. And the vineyard of a senseless man, this is Manashe. And behold, it was all overgrown with thorns, this is Amon. And its surface was covered with Nettle, this is Jehoiakim. And its stone wall was broken down, this is a reference to Zedekiah, in whose days the temple was destroyed.
Zedekiah's first appearance in theBook of Jeremiah is inJeremiah 21, where he sends Pashhur, the son of Malchiah, and the priest Zephaniah, son of Maaseiah, to the prophetJeremiah to ask God why Nebuchadnezzar had declared war againstJudah; they suspected that God was going to make Nebuchadnezzar withdraw from besieging them. Jeremiah responds to Pashhur and Zephaniah and tells them that God declares what will happen if Zedekiah does not surrender to Nebuchadnezzar — his people will die by the sword, pestilence, and famine, but if he surrenders they will survive. InJeremiah 22, Jeremiah advises Zedekiah to act with justice and righteousness and warns him what will happen if he does not obey God's word. (Jeremiah 21:1–9,22:1–7) InJeremiah 24, God shows Jeremiah a vision of two baskets of figs placed before a temple, one filled with good, ripe figs, and the other filled with bad figs. God compares Zedekiah and his officials to the bad figs and states that they will be destroyed by sword, famine, and pestilence. Jeremiah had previously advised Zedekiah at the beginning of his reign to submit toBabylon and to not listen to false prophets like Hananiah who prophesied that he would not have to serve Babylon. (24)
The prophet Jeremiah prophesies the downfall of Jerusalem to King Zedekiah (painting byJoseph Stallaert)
In Zedekiah's tenth year, he imprisons Jeremiah in his palace because Jeremiah had prophesied thatJerusalem would be captured by Nebuchadnezzar. Subsequently, Jeremiah prophesies that Zedekiah will die in peace and have a traditional funeral like the kings before him, but he will be captured by Babylon. Later, Zedekiah made a covenant with his people to free all Hebrew slaves, but they were re-enslaved by their captors. God speaks through Jeremiah and notes that Zedekiah did what was right by freeing the Hebrew slaves, but he broke his own covenant by allowing them to be re-enslaved. (34) Zedekiah sends Jehucal, the son of Shelemiah, and Zephaniah the priest to ask Jeremiah to pray for them whenApries's army had threatened the Babylonians enough to retreat from sieging Jerusalem. Jeremiah once again responds that the Babylonians will come back and capture the city.
Previously, when Jeremiah had been imprisoned in the house of Jonathan the secretary in suspicion that he was defecting to the Babylonians, Zedekiah secretly questioned him and asked if there was any word from God, to which Jeremiah responded that there was, that Zedekiah will be captured by Nebuchadnezzar. Jeremiah pleads that he will die if he is sent back to Jonathan's house so Zedekiah transferred him to the court of the guard and ordered that a loaf of bread be given to him daily. Zedekiah refuses his officials' pleas to execute Jeremiah for his prophecies and instead lets them do what they want with Jeremiah, that is throwing him into a cistern belonging to Zedekiah's son Malchiah. Ebed-melech, a servant, heard this and went to Zedekiah (who was at the Benjamin Gate) to tell him that Jeremiah would die if he wasn't saved from the pit. Zedekiah commanded Ebed-melech to take thirty-men to lift Jeremiah from the cistern. Jeremiah then warns Zedekiah again that he shall be spared if he obeys God and surrenders to Babylon, but if he doesn't Jerusalem will be destroyed and he will not escape from Nebuchadnezzar.
Upon the fall of Jerusalem, the former Kingdom of Judah was absorbed into the Neo-Babylonian Empire and reorganized to becomeYehud province. Nebuchadnezzar transferred the administrative center from Jerusalem toMizpah and appointedGedaliah ben Aḥikam as governor of the province, under the watchful eye of a Babylonian guard (2 Kings 25:22–24,Jeremiah 40:6–8).
Zedekiah's sons are slaughtered before his eyes, byGustave Doré
TheBabylonian Chronicles give 2 Adar (16 March), 597 BC, as the date that Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem.[10] At that time, Nebuchadnezzar deposed KingJeconiah and installed Zedekiah—Jeconiah's uncle—in his place. Zedekiah's installation as king by Nebuchadnezzar can therefore be firmly dated to the early spring of 597 BC.
Historically there has been considerable controversy over the date when Jerusalem was captured the second time and Zedekiah's reign came to an end. There is no dispute about the month: it was the summer month of Tammuz (Jeremiah 52:6). The problem has been to determine the year. It was noted above that Albright preferred 587 BC and Thiele advocated 586 BC, and this division among scholars has persisted until the present time. If Zedekiah's years are by accession counting, whereby the year he came to the throne was considered his "zero" year and his first full year in office, 597/596, was counted as year one, Zedekiah's eleventh year, the year the city fell, would be 587/586. Since Judean regnal years were measured fromTishrei in the fall, this would place the end of his reign and the capture of the city in the summer of 586 BC. Accession counting was the rule for most, but not all, of the kings ofJudah, whereas "non-accession" counting was the rule for most, but not all, of the kings ofIsrael.[1][11]
The publication of theBabylonian Chronicles in 1956 yielded evidence that the years of Zedekiah were measured in a non-accession sense.[citation needed] According to this method, 598/597 BC—the year Zedekiah was installed by Nebuchadnezzar according to Judah's Tishrei-based calendar—is considered to be "year one" of Zedekiah's reign. Therefore, the fall of Jerusalem in his eleventh year would have been in year 588/587 BC, i.e. in the summer of 587 BC.
The Babylonian Chronicles allow the fairly precise dating of the capture ofJeconiah and the start of Zedekiah's reign, and they also give the accession year of Nebuchadnezzar's successorAmel-Marduk (Evil Merodach) as 562/561 BC,[citation needed] which was the 37th year of Jeconiah's captivity according to 2 Kings 25:27. These Babylonian records related to Jeconiah's reign are consistent with the fall of the city in 587 but not in 586, thus supporting Albright's date.[citation needed] Nevertheless, scholars who assume that Zedekiah's reign should be calculated by accession reckoning continue to adhere to the 586 date.[citation needed]
According to theBook of Mormon, a religious text in theLatter Day Saint movement, Zedekiah had a son namedMulek, who escaped death and traveled across the ocean to theAmericas, where he founded the Mulekite nation. The Mulekites later merged with another Israelite splinter group—theNephites—to form one nation, which retained the Nephite name.[12][13]
Zedekiah (whose name at birth was Mattanyahu) was the third ofJosiah's four sons. His three brothers wereEliakim (born c. 634 BCE),Shallum (born c. 633 BCE), and Johanan. Hamutal—the daughter of Jeremiah ofLibnah—was mother to Mattanyahu and his older brother Shallum, while Zebidah—the niece ofPedaiah—was mother to Eliakim.[14][15][16][17] Zedekiah had multiple wives, sons, and daughters, but only one son is named in the Bible, Malchiah.
Shallum succeeded Josiah as king of Judah, under the nameJehoahaz.[18] Shallum was succeeded by Eliakim, under the nameJehoiakim.[19][20] Jehoiakim was succeeded by his own sonJeconiah.[21]
Nebuchadnezzar II deposed Jeconiah and installed his uncle Mattanyahu on the throne, under the name Zedekiah.[22] Zedekiah was the last king of Judah before the kingdom was conquered byBabylon and the peopleexiled.