Zakros (Greek:Ζάκρος alsoZakro orKato Zakro) is aMinoanarchaeological site on the eastern coast ofCrete inLasithi,Greece. It is regarded as one of the sixMinoan palaces, and its protected harbor and strategic location made it an important commercial hub for trade to the east.
The town was dominated by the Palace of Zakro, originally built around 1900 BC, rebuilt around 1600 BC, and destroyed around 1450 BC along with the other major centers ofMinoan civilization. Extensive ruins of the palace remain, and are a popular tourist destination.
Zakros is sometimes divided intoEpano Zakros (Upper Zakros), the portion higher up on the hillside, andKato Zakros (Lower Zakros), the part near the sea. A Minoan villa was discovered on the road from Epano Zakos near the gorge. It is dated to the Minoan LM IA period (c. 1700–1625 BC), before the construction of the palace.[1] Apithos found there had aLinear A inscription around its rim recording a large quantity (32 units) of wine.[2] A ravine (usually referred to as a gorge in archaeological publications) known as the "Ravine of the Dead" runs through both the upper and lower parts of the ancient site, named after the numerous burials that have been found in the caves along its walls.
The site was first occupied in the Early Minoan III to Middle Minoan IA period (c. 2000 BC). The monumental construction at the site proceeded in two phases. The Old Palace was built late in the Middle Minoan period and then destroyed by a large seismic event c. 1700 BC. At that point the New Palace was constructed. It was destroyed in another seismic event c. 1450 BC (between the Late Minoan IA and Late Minoan IB periods). There was a limited degree of occupation which then ceased entirely c. 1200 BC (Late Minoan III period). A 3 meter wide slab paved guttered road, built during the ProtoPalatial period, connected Kato Zakros and its harbor. It led to the northeast gate of the palace. During the Minoan era the sea level dropped 4 times (−4.00 ± 0.30 m, −2.85 ± 0.30 m, −1.25 ± 0.05 m, and −0.50 ± 0.05 m), or the land rose, of major significance to a harbor city.[3] To the north a large Protopalatial and Neopalatial town occupied the hills around the palace. The town, like the palace, was laid out with a rectilinear paved road system. Based on the road width and lack of wheel wear it is assumed that transport was by pack animals.[4][2]
It has been proposed that the ancient name of the site was Ditka.[5]
The site was visited byArthur Evans, excavator ofKnossos, in 1894 and 1896. Zakro was excavated byD. G. Hogarth of theBritish School of Archaeology at Athens under the auspices of the Cretan Exploration Fund in 1901 working primarily in the central area, Ayios Antonios. Finds included bronze tools, pottery, loom weights, furniture, and awinepress (7 have now been found in total, all in the town area). In a stone cellar in one of the 12 homes excavated on the hill to the northeast a small horde of bronze implements was found including two axe heads and three lances. Some of the pottery from later contexts was ofMycenaean Greek type. Some small sites (Xerokambolina, Ambelis, Anthropolites, Tou Koukou to Kephali, and S' tas Tavernas) in the upper Zakros Valley near Espano Zakros were also examined.[7][8][9][10] Two pits were excavated by Hogarth, the primary one being 16 feet in diameter and 18 feet deep with a deposit of 8 feet in depth at the bottom (with the top 3 feet disturbed by looting villagers). Artifacts, primarily pottery, found in the pit date to the LM IA period.[11] A singleLinear A inscribed roundel (3.00 by 2.80 by 1.20 centimeters) was found, in the same deposit with a Linear A tablet and a number of clay sealings. Three of the sealings were inscribed withCretan hieroglyphs. The deposit was in a destruction layer dated between layers LM IA and LM IB.[12][13] Human remains were found in caves at the gorge.[14]
The Palace of Zakros ruins
In 1961,Nikolaos Platon resumed the excavation and discovered the Palace of Zakro (the New Palace). The palace (or administrative center), with an area of about 8000 square meters and with about 150 rooms, featured two large paved courtyards, one central and one to the west. His work there continued until he died in 1992 and appears to have then been continued by Lefteris Plato.[15][16][17][18][19] Much of the focus of excavation was on the slope northeast of the palace including the "Strong Building", "Little Tower Building", and the "Pottery Stores Building".[20] During excavation an irrigation project to the west of the site revealed Middle Minoan tomb enclosures at Pezoules Kephala. Two enclosures were excavated, one a single tomb and one a multi-chambered tomb. Articulated skeletons were recovered and later examined.[21] This site has yielded severalclay tablets withLinear A inscriptions.[22][23] Copper oxhide ingots dated to LM IA were found.[24] One Egyptian stonebridge‑spouted jar which had been locally modified was found.[25]
Copper oxhide ingot found at Zakros
A number of seals, mainly of steatite, and clay sealings have been found at Zakros.[26][27][28] Two EgyptianEarly Dynastic bowls were found in the cult repository of the Palace. It is thought that they stemmed from the widespread trade in robbed Egyptian tomb artifacts in that period.[29] Zakros is the second largest source of recoveredLinear A inscriptions, afterHaghia Triada. In total 591 documents were found consisting of 31 tablets and 560 sealed documents.[30]
^Mantzourani, Eleni, and Giorgos Vavouranakis, "Achladia and Epano Zakros: A Re-examination of the Architecture and Topography of Two Possible Minoan Villas in East Crete", Opuscula Atheniensia 30, pp. 99-125, 2005
^ab[1]Rehak, Paul, and John G. Younger, "Neopalatial, final palatial, and postpalatial Crete", American Journal of Archaeology 102.1, pp. 91-173, 1998
^Mourtzas, Nikos, and Eleni Kolaiti, "Shoreline reconstruction of the submerged Minoan harbour morphology in the bay of Kato Zakros (Eastern Crete, Greece)", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, pp. 684-698, 2017
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^[2]Huxley, George, "The Ancient Name of Zakro", Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 8.2, pp. 85-87, 1967
^Thomas Abel Brimage Spratt (1865).Travels and Researches in Crete. J. van Voorst.OCLC1000662504.Volume 1
^D. G. Hogarth, "Excavations at Zakro, Crete", Annual of the British School at Athens 7, pp. 121-49, 1901
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^[3]Hogarth, David George, "Bronze-age vases from Zakro", The Journal of Hellenic Studies 22, pp. 333-338, 1902
^Hogarth, D. G., "Exploration at Zakro in Eastern Crete", Man, vol. 1, pp. 186–87, 1901
^Platon, Lefteris, "On the dating and character of the'Zakros pits deposit'", British School at Athens Studies, pp. 243-257, 2010
^D. G. Hogarth, "The Zakro Sealings", JHS 22, pp. 76-93, 1902
^Perna, Massimo, "The Roundel in Linear A from Zakro Wc 2 (HM 84)", Kadmos 33.1, pp. 29-37, 1994
^W. Boyd Dawkins, "Skulls from cave burials at Zakro", Annual of the British School at Athens 7, pp. 150-55, 1901
^Platon, N, "Ανασκαφή Ζάκρου", Prakt, pp. 216-224, 1961
^Platon, N, "Ανασκαφή Ζάκρου", Prakt, pp. 142-168, 1962
^Fraser, P. M., "Archaeology in Greece, 1968-69", Archaeological Reports, no. 15, pp. 3–39, 1968
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^Catling, H. W., "Archaeology in Greece, 1971-72", Archaeological Reports, no. 18, pp. 3–26, 1971
^[4]Becker, M. J., "Human Skeletal Remains from Kato Zakro", American Journal of Archaeology, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 271–76, 1975
^Brice, William C., "The Zakro Tablets 16, 17 and 18", Kadmos 21.1, pp. 9-14, 1982
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^Gale, N. H., and Z. A. Stos-Gale., "Oxhide Copper Ingots in Crete and Cyprus and the Bronze Age Metals Trade", The Annual of the British School at Athens, vol. 81, pp. 81–100, 1986
^[5]Franković, Filip, "Something old, something new and something borrowed–appropriating foreign material culture in the Late Bronze Age Aegean", Studia Hercynia 22.1, pp. 7-30, 2018
^Hogarth, D. G., "Note on two Zakro sealings", Annual of the British School at Athens 17, pp. 264-265, 1911
^[6]Weingarten, Judith, "Aspects of tradition and innovation in the work of the Zakro Master", Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 11.1, pp. 167-180, 1985
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