This museum workshop containing tools and supplies has been in use for decades.Metal workers at workshop inTampere,Finland in 1955A railway workshop
Beginning with theIndustrial Revolution era, aworkshop may be aroom, rooms orbuilding which provides both the area andtools (ormachinery) that may be required for the manufacture or repair ofmanufacturedgoods. Workshops were the only places ofproduction until the advent ofindustrialization and the development of largerfactories. In the 20th and 21st century, many Western homes contained a workshop in either the garage, basement, or an externalshed. Home workshops typically contain a workbench, hand tools, power tools, and other hardware. Along with the practical application of repairing goods, workshops are often used to tinker and makeprototypes.[1][2][3]
Some workshops focus exclusively on automotive repair or restoration although there are a variety of workshops in existence today. Woodworking, metalworking, electronics, and other types of electronic prototyping workshops are among the most common.
In some repair industries, such aslocomotives andaircraft, the repair operations have specialized workshops called back shops orrailway workshops. Mostrepairs are carried out in small workshops, except where an industrial service is needed.