AWindwatt /'vɪntvat,VINT-VAHT/ is amudflat exposed as a result of wind action on water. They occur especially in theWestern Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park on Germany'sBaltic Sea coast. The term is German.[1]
Unlike theWadden Sea along Europe'sNorth Sea coast, the shallow water zones of the Western Pomerania Lagoon Area National Park are largely unaffected byoceanic tides. When there are strong winds in a certain direction, however, water is driven out of the lagoons (the so-calledbodden) into theBaltic Sea, so that several particularly shallow areas of mud become exposed and dry out. The water flows back when the wind turns again.[1] TheseWindwatten are a major source of food formigrating birds in theautumn. For theCrane, which cross Western Pomeranian bodden country during migration, theWindwatten are one of the most important resting areas in Western Europe.