Surat (Gujarati:[suɾət]) is acity in the westernIndianstate ofGujarat. The word Surat directly translates toface inUrdu,Gujarati andHindi. Located on the banks of the river Tapti near its confluence with the Arabian Sea, it used to be a largeseaport. It is now the commercial and economic centre ofSouth Gujarat, and one of the largesturban areas of western India. It has well-established diamond and textile industry, and is a major supply centre for apparels and accessories. About 90% of the world's diamonds are cut and polished in Surat.[13][14][15] It is the second largest city in Gujarat after Ahmedabad and theeighth largest city by population andninth largest urban agglomeration in India.[16] It is the administrative capital of theSurat district.
Surat will be the world's fastest-growing city from 2019 to 2035, according to a study conducted byEconomic Times.[18] The city registered an annualised GDP growth rate of 11.5% over the seven fiscal years between 2001 and 2008.[19] Surat was awarded "best city" by the Annual Survey of India's City-Systems (ASICS) in 2013.[20] Surat has been selected as the first smart IT city in India which is being constituted by theMicrosoft CityNext Initiative tied up with IT services majorsTata Consultancy Services andWipro.[21] The city has 2.97 million internet users, about 65% of total population.[22] Surat was selected in 2015 for anIBM Smarter Cities Challenge grant.[23][24] Surat has been selected as one of twenty Indian cities to be developed as asmart city underPM Narendra Modi's flagshipSmart Cities Mission.[25] Surat is also home to theworld's largest office building by floor area, theSurat Diamond Bourse.
Surat is listed as the secondcleanest city of India as of 21 August 2020 according to theSwachh Survekshan 2020 on 20 August.[26][27] It suffered a major pipeline fire which caused some damage.[28] In the 2021 edition of the same survey, it slipped to 12th place and further dropped to 25th in 2023. Despite these recent fluctuations, Surat continues to implement various cleanliness initiatives and shared the title of the cleanest city in India with Indore in the2023 Swachh Survekshan Awards, highlighting its ongoing efforts towards maintaining high cleanliness standards.
The traditional account is that Surat was built up by a wealthy Hindu merchant named Gopi around the year 1500.[29] At first, the town had no name and was simply called "the new place". Gopi consulted with astrologers, who suggested the name "Suraj", or "Suryapur", or "city of the sun". Gopi sent a request to the unnamed king of Gujarat for this to be the new town's name. The Muslim king altered it toSurat after the wordsurah, which is the name of the chapters of theQur'an. However, the names Suryapur and Surat are both mentioned in sources before 1500, so both the name and the town predate Gopi's time.[30]: 82–4
Duarte Barbosa described Surat as Suratt. Jacob Peeters referred to Surat as Sourratte which is a Dutch name.[31] There are many other names of Surat in history. Surat is referred to as Surrat, Surate or Soorat in some literature.[32]
Surat in 1690Surat in 1877Dutch-Armenian Cemetery of Surat
Surat before the Mughal Empire
Before the rise of Surat in the 1500s, the nearby town ofRander was the main commercial centre in the area. Rander had a prominent Arab merchant community involved in overseas trade with regions such as Burma, China, Malaya, and Sumatra. In the 1500s, Rander declined due to Portuguese raids. Surat became an important port city around the same time, and some of Rander's merchant population likely moved to Surat for economic opportunity.[30]: 82–3
Early references to Surat appear by the 10th century, but they shed little light on what type of settlement it was. As Suryapur, it is mentioned along with Bharuch as a place where an army fromAnhilwara passed through in 990 en route to attack the ruler ofLata. Suryapur may also be the port called "Surabaya" mentioned by the 10th-century Arabic geographerIstakhri as being four days south ofKhambhat and five days north ofSanjan. Other Arabic authors spelled the name as "Subara" or "Sufara". The identification of this place with Surat, though, is uncertain, and in any case these early mentions of Suryapur or Surabaya do not indicate whether it was a sizeable town or just a small hamlet.[30]: 82–3
Another early mention of Surat is in the 1190s, afterQutb ud-Din Aibak, then a general ofMuhammad Ghuri, defeated theChaulukya kingBhima II in battle. According to the local histories of Bakshi Mian Walad Shah Ahmad and Munshi GhulamMohi ud-Din, Aibak went as far south as Rander and Surat. Surat was then ruled by a Hindu chief based at nearbyKamrej. This ruler initially tried to take refuge in a garden at Surat, but then decided that he had no chance of resisting Aibak's forces and offered his submission. Aibak, in turn, confirmed him as ruler of Kamrej.[30]: 82–3
From 1297, Gujarat was gradually conquered byAllauddin Khilji, the ruler of the principal state in north India at the time, theDelhi Sultanate. The Delhi Sultanate appointed Governors to control Gujarat, but this had to be forcefully imposed, notably in 1347, whenMuhammad bin Tughluq sacked Surat, among other cities.[33]Firoz Shah Tughlaq later built a fort at Surat in 1373. According to Bakshi Mian's account, whenZafar Khan was appointed governor of Gujarat in 1391, he appointed his son Masti Khan to govern Rander and Surat, but Bakshi Mian adds that Surat was not very populous at this point.[30]: 82–3
As control from the Delhi Sultanate waned at the end of the 14th century, pressure grew for an independent Gujarat, culminating in Zafar Khan declaring independence in 1407. Surat was controlled directly by the nobles of the Rajput kingdom ofBaglana who fell either under the Gujarat Sultans or theDeccan sultanates. However, following the fall of the Gujarat Sultanate in 1538 it was controlled by more local nobles starting with Chengiz Khan who enjoyed absolute authority over Surat,Broach,Baroda andChampaner.[34] However, in 1637,Aurangzeb fully annexed Baglana into the Mughal Empire.[35]
In 1514, the Portuguese travelerDuarte Barbosa described Surat as an important seaport, frequented by manyships fromMalabar and various parts of the world. By 1520, the name of the city had become Surat. It was burned by the Portuguese (1512 and 1530), conquered by the Mughals (1573) and was twice raided by the Maratha kingShivaji (17th century).[36] Mughal EmperorAkbar placed major importance on Gujarat and successfully obtained numerous towns in Gujarat. The Mughals were able to conquer Surat due to his campaigns against Gujarat during his rule. In the 1570s, he launched two majorcampaigns against Gujarat—one of a much longer duration and one much shorter. The fall of Surat occurred during the former campaign and lasted one month and seventeen days.[37] Akbar implemented large military power during these conquests, fighting many battles. Notably, the conquest of Surat was an important catalyst for overseas trade during the rule of the Mughal Empire as it became the most important port city of that reign and evolved into a bustling trading hub.
During the Mughal Empire
It was the most prosperous port in the Mughal empire.[38] Despite being a rich city, Surat looked like a typical "grubby" trader's town with mud-and-bamboo tenements and crooked streets, although along the riverfront there were a few mansions and warehouses belonging to local merchant princes and the establishments ofTurkish,Armenian, English, French and Dutch traders. There were also hospitals for cows, horses, flies and insects run by religiousJains, which puzzled travelers.[38] Some streets were narrow while others were of sufficient width. In the evening, especially near the Bazaar (marketplace), the streets became crowded with people and merchants (includingBanyan merchants) selling their goods. Surat was a populous city during the Mughal era but also had a large transient population: during themonsoon season, when ships could come and go from the ports without danger, the city's population would swell.[38] In 1612,England established its first Indiantrading factory in Surat.[36] The city was looted twice by the Maratha kingShivaji, with the first sacking occurring in 1664.[17][36] Shivaji's raids scared trade away and caused ruin to the city.[38]
Later, Surat became the emporium of India, exporting gold and cloth. Its major industries were shipbuilding and textile manufacture.[36] The coast of theTapti River, from Athwalines to Dumas, was specially meant for shipbuilders, who were usually Rassis.[17] The city continued to be prosperous until the rise of Bombay (present-dayMumbai). Afterward, Surat's shipbuilding industry declined and Surat itself gradually declined throughout the 18th century.[17][36] During 1790–1791, an epidemic killed 100,000Gujaratis in Surat.[39] The British and Dutch both claimed control of the city, but in 1800, the British took control of Surat.[17][36] Afire in 1837 resulted in more than 500 deaths and the destruction of much of the city.[40]
By the middle of the 19th century, Surat had become a stagnant city with about 80,000 inhabitants. When India's railways opened, the city started becoming prosperous again.Silks, cotton, brocades, and objects of gold and silver from Surat became famous and the ancient art of manufacturing finemuslin was revived.[36]
Surat under British Raj
UnderBritish Raj, Surat saw a period of decline from its success under the Mughal Empire. Though it remained a pivotal city for textile-based products, it was less important to the British as a port city than it was for the Mughals. Nevertheless, Surat was very interconnected with Asia and Europe, involving trade with both Europeans and Armenian merchants.[41]
Tactically, Surat involved itself in trade in fields that did not compete with existing European products, such as pearls and silver.[42] The textile industry was also a large portion of Surat's shipping success. But despite being a primary port for textiles, Surat rarely manufactured these textiles locally.[41] Bullion was also quite important to Surat's economy during this time. During his first-hand experience on a trip to Surat, BritisherJohn Ovington recalls the great ores Surat possessed, such as gold and silver.[43] He recollects the notable "abundance of Pearls" and other precious stones like diamonds that could "be purchas'd here [Surat] at very reasonable rates."[43] As Ovington observed, this industry was imperative to Surat's prosperity under the British Raj and allowed it to maintain its relevance as a port city.
During theQuit India Movement ofMahatma Gandhi in 1942, A large number of 3,000Kolicultivators from Matwad, Karadi, Machhad and Kothmadi inSuratDistrict fought against British soldiers at Matwad with lathis and dharias on 21 August 1942. In this fight, four persons including one policeman died. The kolis also snatched away four police muskets and two bayonets. Kolis smashed up theJalalporeRailway Station, removed the Rails and burnt down the post office. After this, situation in the neighbouring villages ofBorsad,Anand andThasrataluqas became so aggravated that British troops was marched through the villages between 22 and 24 August 1942.[44][45]
Armenians in Surat
The Armenian community in Surat,India, flourished from the16th to the17th centuries, leaving a lasting impact on the city's history. The Armenian gravestones in Surat, dating back to this period, are intricate and well-preserved, showcasing the community's presence and customs.
Armenians in Surat were renowned traders, dealing in jewelry, precious stones, cotton, and silk. They established trade routes to destinations such asEgypt, theLevant,Turkey,Venice, andLeghorn, often traveling with their families.
The British recognised the Armenians' business prowess, seeking their cooperation for trading privileges in theMughal court. Today, these gravestones serve as a poignant reminder of the Armenian community's significant contributions to Surat's history and culture.[46]
Modern period
Post Independence
After India gained independence on 15 August 1947, Surat became part of India. At that time it was a part of Bombay State. Later it became the part of Gujarat state. Along with Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Nagpur and Vadodara, Surat became one of the fast growing cities and major commercial and industrial centers of Western India. During the post-independence period, Surat has experienced considerable growth in industrial activities especially textiles and chemical along with trading activities.[47]
1994 Plague
Surat faced a major health crisis in 1994. News of a plague outbreak in Surat occurred in September 1994, and when the possibility of quarantine for the city was mentioned, many residents of Surat fled the city.[48]
About a quarter of Surat's population fled the city, including people who were in the incubation phase of the disease. This, in turn, partly contributed to the spread of the plague throughout India.
In the media, the cause of the plague was attributed to poor garbage disposal. However, the spread was instead brought about by rodents and fleas which were inadvertently caused by garbage in Surat. The disease ran more rampant through the slum population of Surat. In order to combat the spread of this disease, Surat closed its schools, universities, and public places for an indefinite period. They also ordered the shutdown of important industrial businesses, including diamond-cutting units.[48] Eventually, antibiotics were given out and the plague was controlled.Prior to the major plague outbreak,Surat Municipal Corporation was suspended in 1993, leaving no major elected body in charge. During the plague,Suryadevara Ramachandra Rao was elected as the new administrator and launched extensive cleaning campaigns to combat the outbreak.
This was a major step towards sanitation and cleanliness in Surat. Rao's campaigns included launching hotel and shop inspections (to address their irresponsible garbage practices) for several months and calling for the broadening of roads.[49] He enforced designated sweeping of the city as well as the regular collection of garbage. Rao also demolished many illegal constructions. However, slums would often fall subject to removal when streets were widened, but Rao ensured that the residents were given alternative residential sites with adequate facilities to accommodate them. Rao's urban and sanitary-related actions fostered the revival of Surat in its post-plague state.
Nevertheless, the plague had long-lasting implications for Surat. It brought attention to the lack of information and the spread of misinformation that occurred in India. Incorrect death tolls and false facts about the cause of the disease were spread, leaving lots of room for post-plague city revival both in terms of information control and cleanliness. Surat's actions pertaining to the latter eventually resulted in theIndian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage deeming Surat as the second cleanest city in India.[49]
Present Day Surat
On 2 October 2007, Surat district was split into two by the creation of a new Tapi district, under the Surat District Re-organisation Act 2007.
Tapi river
Surat is a port city situated on the banks of theTapi river. After dams were built, water flow in Tapi deceased causing the original port facilities to close. The nearest port is now in theMagadalla andHazira area ofSurat Metropolitan Region. It has a famous beach called 'Dumas Beach' located in Dumas.The city is located at21°12′18″N72°50′24″E / 21.205°N 72.840°E /21.205; 72.840.[50] It has an average elevation of 13 metres (43 ft). The Surat district is surrounded by theBharuch,Narmada,Navsari and Tapi districts, andGulf of Cambay to the west. The climate is tropical and monsoon rainfall is abundant. According to theBureau of Indian Standards, the town falls underseismic zone-III, in a scale of I to V (in order of increasing vulnerability to earthquakes).[51]
Surat has atropical savanna climate (Köppen: Aw), moderated strongly by the Sea to the Gulf of Camboy. The summer begins in early March and lasts until June. April and May are the hottest months, the average maximum temperature being 37 °C (99 °F).Monsoon begins in late June and the city receives about 1,200 mm (47 in) of rain by the end of September, with the average maximum being 32 °C (90 °F) during those months. October and November see the retreat of the monsoon and a return of high temperatures until late November. Winter starts in December and ends in late February, with average mean temperatures of around 23 °C (73 °F), and negligible rain.
Since the 20th century, Surat has experienced some 20 floods.[52] In 1968, most parts of the city were flooded and in 1994 a flood caused a country-wide plague outbreak, Surat being the epicenter. In 1998, 30 per cent of Surat had gone under water due to flooding inTapti river following release of water fromUkai dam located 90 km from Surat and in Aug2006 flood more than 95 per cent of the city was under Tapti river waters, killing more than 120 people, stranding tens of thousands in their homes without food or electricity and closing businesses and schools for weeks.[52][53] The city is expected to experience more flooding andextreme weather asclimate change becomes worse, so has invested in flood protection andclimate resilience infrastructure.[54]
Climate data for Surat (1991–2020, extremes 1877–2012)
A resident of Surat is calledSurati. According to the 2011 India census, the population of Surat is 4,467,797. Surat has an average literacy rate of 89%, higher than the national average of 79.5%, male literacy is 93%, and female literacy is 84%.[61] Males constitute 53% of the population and females 47%. In Surat, 13% of the population is under 6 years of age.
Surat is a stronghold of the BJP, which has ruled Gujarat continuously for 30 years.Mukesh Dalal, of BJP is the MP from theSurat Lok Sabha constituency. He was elected unopposed to the Lok Sabha in 2024.
TheSurat Municipal Corporation is responsible for maintaining the city's civic infrastructure as well as carrying out associated administrative duties. At present,BJP is the ruling party with a majority. Under the Provisions of Bombay Provincial Municipal Corporations Act, 1949, Section – 4, the powers have been vested in three Distinct Statutory Authorities: the General Board, the Standing Committee, and the Municipal Commissioner. It ranked 7 out of 21 cities for best administrative practices in India in 2014. It scored 3.5 on 10 compared to the national average of 3.3. It is the only city in India to disclose municipal budgets on a weekly basis.[64]
Public Safety
Surat began the 'Safe City Project' in 2011 aimed at keeping the city safe using surveillance cameras. The project was headed by Sanjay Srivastava (IPS) who was then the Joint-Commissioner of Surat Police. The 280-square-foot video wall claimed to be the largest surveillance screen in the country, is being installed in the control room of Police Commissioner Mr. Rakesh Asthana (IPS). This will help the police view the entire city live through 10,000 CCTV cameras across the city. Surat police have decided to install 5,000 CCTV cameras at sensitive points across the city. While 1,000 cameras will be night vision cameras, 4,000 others will be simple CCTV cameras. This has been installed on PPP base with the help of the city's businessmen, the city's social persons,Surat Municipal Corporation, and the Surat City Police.[65]
ONGC plant inHaziraMetropolitan Surat economic centers and industries map
Surat ranked 9th in India with a GDP of $40 billion in the fiscal year 2016. The GDP of Surat in 2020 will be around $57 billion estimated by The City Mayors Foundation, an international think tank on urban affairs.[67][68] Surat is a major hub of diamond cutting and polishing.[69] The first diamond workshops in Gujarat appeared in Surat andNavasari in the late 1950s. The major group working in this industry is people from theSaurashtra region of Gujarat. Because of demand in the American market from the early 1970s to the mid-1980s (with only a brief recession in 1979), Surat's diamond industry grew tremendously. Currently, most of the diamond polishing workshops are running in theVarachha area of Surat, mostly by the people of thePatel community.[70] Around the world, 8 out of 10 diamonds on the market were cut and polished in Surat. This industry earns India about US$10 billion in annual exports. That declined by about 18% in 2019 due to reduced demand for diamonds. The decline continued in 2020 when the industry closed for some months because of theCOVID-19 pandemic in India.[71] A legacy of old Dutch trade links, it began after a Surti entrepreneur returned from East Africa bringing diamond cutters. The rough diamonds are mined in South Africa and other regions of the African continent, and go from here as smooth gems to Antwerp, Belgium where the international diamond trade is run mainly by Hasidic Jews and Jains from Palanpur in North Gujarat.[72] Surat's economy drives from a range of manufacturing and industry fields such as diamonds, textiles, petrochemicals, shipbuilding, automobile, port etc.
Surat's Textile District Ring Road in 2007
Since it is known for producing textiles, including silk, Surat is known as the textile hub of the nation or the Silk City of India. It is very famous for its cotton mills andSurat Zari Craft. Surat is the biggest center of MMF (man-made fiber) in India. It has a total of 381 dyeing and printing mills and 41,100 power loom units. There are over a hundred thousand units and mills in total. The overall annual turnover is around 5 billion rupees. There are over 800 cloth wholesalers in Surat.[73] It is the largest manufacturer of clothes in India, and Surti dress material can be found in any state of India. Surat produces 9 million meters of fabric annually, which accounts for 60% of the total polyester cloth production in India. Now the city is focusing on increasing the exports of its textile.[74]
Aerial view of Surat, Adajan Side. Sardar Patel bridge on Tapti river is visible in the middle.
There are many SME Domestic IT Companies present in Surat. MNC IT companies like IBM,[75] HCL have satellite or virtual branches in Surat. On 14 February 2014, Government of Gujarat DST had handover STPI Surat[76][77] at Bhestan-Jiav Road, Bhestan Near Udhana-Sachin BRTS Route. Surat city administration will demand for setting up of an information technology (IT) hub and anIndian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) on the outskirts of the city.[78]Microsoft CityNext initiative has tied up with IT services majorsTata Consultancy Services andWipro to leverage technology forsustainable growth of cities in India. The first smart IT city in India is being constituted by the Microsoft CityNext Initiative in Surat,Gujarat.[21] In 2011, Surat hosted India's first Microsoft DreamSpark Yatra (a tech event) with speakers from Microsoft Headquarters atRedmond, Washington. The event was organised by ex-Microsoft Student Partner Samarth Zankharia.[79] In May 2015, Tech giantIBM has chosen Surat among 16 global locations for its smart cities program to help them address challenges like waste management, disaster management and citizen services. Under the program, IBM will send a team of experts to each of the chosen cities where they will spend three weeks working closely with city staff analysing data about critical issues faced by its local bodies;[24][80] the co-operation continued into 2016.[23]
The government of Gujarat plans another project near Surat similar toGujarat International Finance Tec-City (GIFT). The Chief Minister has suggested that the government wishes to develop DREAM to have a five-seven star hotel, bank, IT, corporate trading house, entertainment zone and other facilities while theSurat Diamond Bourse (SDB) will be based there. Allotment of Khajod land for the project is convenient for the state government because they have 2,000 acres (810 ha) of available land. The Trade Centre, located nearSarsana village, will have a 100,160 m2 (1,078,100 sq ft) pillar-less air-conditioned hall with a 90 by 35 m (295 by 115 ft) pillar-less dome.[83][84]
Built in 1860,Surat railway station falls under the administrative control ofWestern Railway zone of theIndian Railways. In early 2016, the Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation rated the facility the best large station in India based on cleanliness.
TheSitilink or Surat BRTS is abus rapid transit system in the city. Initiated by Bharat Shah, additional city engineer of Surat Municipal Corporation. It is operated by Surat Municipal Corporation and as of August 2017, had a network of 245 buses connecting major localities.[85]
Surat International Airport located inMagdalla, 11 kilometres (7 mi) southwest of Surat. It is the 2nd busiest airport in Gujarat in terms of both aircraft movements and passenger traffic. Currently, airlines such as Air India, Alliance Air, AirAsia India, SpiceJet, IndiGo Airlines, Air Odisha, Ventura AirConnect provide flight services from the Surat to various major cities like New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Goa, Jaipur, Visakhapatnam. There are also regular international flights on the Sharjah route of Air India Express. Apart from the main city, Surat Airport also caters to various localities of south Gujarat including Navsari, Bardoli, Valsad, Bharuch, Ankleshwar.
Surat Metro is an under construction rapid transit rail system for the city.[86]
Surat is known for its food and has its own list of cherished street foods. There is a famous saying in Gujarati, "સુરતનું જમણ અને કાશીનું મરણ", meaning Eat in Surat and Die in Kashi for the ultimate experience of the soul.[87][88][89][90][91][92]
People's love for food in Surat is so great that there is a lane called "Khaudra Gali", which means "foodie's lane", which has all stalls of various types of dishes, the specialty being Mysore Dosa.
Science Centre, Surat is a multi-facility complex built by the Surat Municipal Corporation in 2009, the first of its type in western India. The complex houses a science centre, museum, an art gallery, an auditorium, anamphitheater, and a planetarium.
Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Indoor Stadium
Pandit DinDayal Upadhyay Indoor Stadium, Surat
With a seating capacity of 6800, Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Indoor Stadium is the first of its kind in the Western Region of India. The stadium frequently organises national and international indoor games such as volleyball, table tennis, gymnastics, handball, boxing, wrestling, badminton, basketball, and tennis. It has a central arena of size 63 m × 33 m, rooms for participants and team officials, and other essential facilities including snack bars. This is also a convenient venue for organising cultural programs, music concerts, drama, fashion shows, seminars, conferences, and many more. The Indoor Stadium also hosted TEDxSurat 2018 on 7 October 2018 which was the largest TEDx conference in Gujarat and one of the largest TEDx conferences in the world.[96]
Lalbhai Contractor Cricket Stadium
Lalbhai Contractor Stadium
Lalbhai contractor cricket stadium has a capacity of more than 7000 and hosted severalRanji,Irani, andDuleep Trophy matches. The stadium also serves as a primary destination for local budding cricketers and enthusiasts. The stadium has hosted several benefit matches for international cricketers as well.
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